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A) You must not fly very often, because you'd really have a hissy fit about the airport

B) You keep complaining about the police report.....there wouldn't BE a police report if you didn't go into a tizzy about getting checked out at what pretty much amounts to a police checkpoint. Would you freak out if you came to an intersection in your car and 5 cop cars were there for a DWI checkpoint? Would you complain to the chief that your rights were violated because the cop shined a flashlight into your car, wanted to see ID, and asked if you had been drinking? I mean...what a stupid question.....drinking? How dare he.......he should know that I was coming home from work from my closing shift at Bed Bath and Beyond....the nerve of those pigs. Well.....if there were 5 cops on a beat, there are problems in that area and they were going to check it out.


C) Your clothes speak volumes. Preppy boy in polo shirt and leather jacket walking alone in crap neighborhood could very well ring alarm bells that you are looking to score some drugs. You see....a crack addict that lives on the streets is no good to the system to bring in. He is just going to tie up money and manpower from the city. You have to house him...feed him....get a lawyer for him....who needs that crap for a guy down on his luck having a little poke? But here we have a young 20 something all prepped up and out of place. What you are wearing says you have money, and if you have money you probably have a job and/or a reputation to protect...and you are willing to go to court with your own lawyer, get the cops some court time, and be willing to plea down a minor possesion count to a slap on the wrist and a tasty fine.


I hate an abuse of power as much as the next guy, but maybe the fact that there were 5 cops working the same area at freaking 8 oclock as you say it was....might be a sign that you should invest in a $5 cab ride when coming home. Just the fact that you started this topic with such outrage is reason enough to believe the police picked up on your vile for them in the first place and may have asked a few more questions for the heck of it.


I'm 52. It's not a crap neighborhood. What else could your imagination and speculation be wrong about. It does no good to make stuff up and then comment. To a degree, it appears that this an affluent retirement community that can afford a robust police force to handle what little crime it actually has. The five cops was the second time, about 10:20. Did I say police report? The officer on the phone said documentation. Now is that something they put together after I complained? I don't know. This has never happened to me anywhere at any time in my life. So, I'm sure it's me. Like I said before, I am done discussing this here. I am handling it. I will make it stop. My outrage is only heightened by ignorant defense of police misconduct. And if your are going to continue make stuff up for the sake of arguing some unrelated issue, you will no longer get a response from me. The question that I originally had was basically should I make an issue of the time. I've decided not to. It's curious that you know that that cab ride from my point A to point B would have cost exactly $5. Where are you located?

I'm 52. It's not a crap neighborhood. What else could your imagination and speculation be wrong about. It does no good to make stuff up and then comment. To a degree, it appears that this an affluent retirement community that can afford a robust police force to handle what little crime it actually has. The five cops was the second time, about 10:20. Did I say police report? The officer on the phone said documentation. Now is that something they put together after I complained? I don't know. This has never happened to me anywhere at any time in my life. So, I'm sure it's me. Like I said before, I am done discussing this here. I am handling it. I will make it stop. My outrage is only heightened by ignorant defense of police misconduct. And if your are going to continue make stuff up for the sake of arguing some unrelated issue, you will no longer get a response from me. The question that I originally had was basically should I make an issue of the time. I've decided not to. It's curious that you know that that cab ride from my point A to point B would have cost exactly $5. Where are you located?



I'm telling you...ski mask and machete.

I'm 52. It's not a crap neighborhood. What else could your imagination and speculation be wrong about. It does no good to make stuff up and then comment. To a degree, it appears that this an affluent retirement community that can afford a robust police force to handle what little crime it actually has. The five cops was the second time, about 10:20. Did I say police report? The officer on the phone said documentation. Now is that something they put together after I complained? I don't know. This has never happened to me anywhere at any time in my life. So, I'm sure it's me. Like I said before, I am done discussing this here. I am handling it. I will make it stop. My outrage is only heightened by ignorant defense of police misconduct. And if your are going to continue make stuff up for the sake of arguing some unrelated issue, you will no longer get a response from me. The question that I originally had was basically should I make an issue of the time. I've decided not to. It's curious that you know that that cab ride from my point A to point B would have cost exactly $5. Where are you located?


Sorry about the age thing. You said girlfriend...leather jacket...and you are upset at the police....figured younger.


Well, if it takes you 20 minutes to walk from the bar to your home, at a good clip of 4 miles an hour that is 1 1/3 miles...we'll call it a mile and a half for the turning radius of a 1997 Crown Victoria cab. Most cabs I know of have a flat call charge of anywhere from $2-$4. Then charge between 25 and 50 cents per eighth of mile. Worst case scenario it costs you $4 to hail a cab, and $6 to go the mile and a half....and $2 for a tip, that's $12. Best case is $2 to call and $2.50 to travel....and 50 cents for Akhmed to weave through the hoardes of renegade cops that are littering your route home. $5.


I'm not saying these guys weren't yanking your chain. I'm just saying 9 out of 10 times there is a reason why they are doing what they are. You showed up and complained, so to your credit you weren't hiding anything. Sometimes a yes sir saves everybody some time and energy. Save the anger for the big battles.....because they are right on our doorstep. I don't know many people out walking the streets in nice little retirement communities at 10:30 at night, so the cops were probably just making sure you lived there...which you have' "on and off for 6 months". Going to their superior isn't going to win you any points though. I'd be even more careful now.

Sorry about the age thing. You said girlfriend...leather jacket...and you are upset at the police....figured younger.


Well, if it takes you 20 minutes to walk from the bar to your home, at a good clip of 4 miles an hour that is 1 1/3 miles...we'll call it a mile and a half for the turning radius of a 1997 Crown Victoria cab. Most cabs I know of have a flat call charge of anywhere from $2-$4. Then charge between 25 and 50 cents per eighth of mile. Worst case scenario it costs you $4 to hail a cab, and $6 to go the mile and a half....and $2 for a tip, that's $12. Best case is $2 to call and $2.50 to travel....and 50 cents for Akhmed to weave through the hoardes of renegade cops that are littering your route home. $5.


I'm not saying these guys weren't yanking your chain. I'm just saying 9 out of 10 times there is a reason why they are doing what they are. You showed up and complained, so to your credit you weren't hiding anything. Sometimes a yes sir saves everybody some time and energy. Save the anger for the big battles.....because they are right on our doorstep. I don't know many people out walking the streets in nice little retirement communities at 10:30 at night, so the cops were probably just making sure you lived there...which you have' "on and off for 6 months". Going to their superior isn't going to win you any points though. I'd be even more careful now.



FYI, the last time I was in Sacramento the cab meter STARTED at $6.50, and moved quickly. When I lived on Long Island, a cab to a bar about 4 miles away cost about $11. Cab fares vary, significantly, from place to place. But, that's not really the issue. A person should be able to walk from one place to another, if that's what they choose to do.


Now, I agree with most of what you say, otherwise. A "yes sir" and a quick display of your ID should suffice, and isn't too much of an inconvenience any time IMO, and particularly if you understand that the police are paying special attention to an area. (It's clear that Cheeseburger was unaware of the special attention being paid, and the officers who stopped him didn't bother to explain that. That's not good police work, IMO.)


Now, he understands that the authorities are paying special attention to that area (still unsure why they would report a different time frame for the incident). I would advise him to, if it happened again, to be very cooperative, and introduce himself and explain that this is a semi-regular route for him to take. Then I would also let the superiors know that this is an ongoing issue...again, very respectfully. I would hope that they get to know that he is a simply a citizen walking home.


I also agree that in 9-10 cases, this is probably legit police work. But this could be that 1 time, when it isn't. The boys in Blue on this site will never admit that there is a possibility that could happen, of course. 10% of the time may be a low percentage, but it adds up to a LOT of instances where people are unnecessarily harassed. Even if it is 1% of the time, that doesn't discount the possibility that it is what happened to Cheeseburger. That is especially true if you accept the probability that those exceptions aren't evenly distributed among all police depts. Some officers, and some districts are likely to be more inclined to problems, than others. In my broad, but limited, experience, I have found small town police to be more likely to give an innocent person a bad experience, than those in big cities. I'm not even talking about corruption here, just simple courtesies and such. I think some officers in some small towns are bored and looking for something to do, sometimes.

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