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Get a concealed weapons permit and walk around with your jacket slightly open.

And the gun tucked away in sweat pants


If this were Jan 19, youd be whining about the "police state instituted by the fascist Bush regime."

:blink: RkFast for the win :thumbsup:

I take it you're black and were walking through a white neighborhood?


It does happen, that's for sure.


The reverse also happens. Sometimes white guys get stopped, and harassed when they are in predominantly Black or Hispanic neighborhoods. The "justification" there is, a White guy may be looking to buy drugs (for example), or so I am told. A guy I know complained to me about this happening to him, a few times, on Long Island. He sometimes visited a Black friend in a fairly dicey neighborhood and was stopped "for no reason" on more than one occasion.


Some cops are just poorly trained, and some just plain harass and lie. Of course, some people overreact to these things, and escalate the situation. There may have been an incident in the area, you may resemble the description of a suspect, etc. If you get a little fidgety or confrontational, it can escalate the situation. I could easily see the guy I know making a simple situation much worse, by overreacting.


Since the response Cheeseburger got had nothing to do with any neighborhood situation, or any "legitimate" purpose, and the times of the questioning were incorrect, it's hard to know exactly what happened, here. If the cops really were out of line, I would complain. If you think it was simply an misunderstanding, and maybe you gave off a bad vibe, when initially questioned, then I might let it go, for now. But, I would document it well, and immediately, if it happens again.


But, there is really no reason you should have to alter your behavior, and not walk home at 9pm. That's just absurd.

So you were publicly intoxicated, which I'm sure your city has an ordinance against.




It's late at night and you are walking through an area that is known for prostitutes and drugs. I can't figure out why the police got out of their car and spoke to you.



You are way off base.

So you were publicly intoxicated, which I'm sure your city has an ordinance against.



It's late at night and you are walking through an area that is known for prostitutes and drugs. I can't figure out why the police got out of their car and spoke to you.



So, you can't drink and drive, of course, and now you can't drink and walk, either? :thumbsup: And, you assume he was intoxicated simply because he met friends for drinks?


And, he already said it was about 9pm at night.

Please elaborate.


Did the officer stop you because you were black, because you are hot, because you are gay? No, it was because you were a suspicious person in an area known for prostitution. God help you if you ever get robbed on one of your drunken stumbles back to your house. You'll be crying that the police did nothing to stop this from happening. Chances are once the police get to know you the less they will stop you. You are new to the area and the officer who works that beat is still getting to know you.



Why are you making all these assumptions, even though he has already said it was early in the evening, and in a good neighborhood? Do you have inside info, or something?

Please elaborate.


Did the officer stop you because you were black, because you are hot, because you are gay? No, it was because you were a suspicious person in an area known for prostitution. God help you if you ever get robbed on one of your drunken stumbles back to your house. You'll be crying that the police did nothing to stop this from happening. Chances are once the police get to know you the less they will stop you. You are new to the area and the officer who works that beat is still getting to know you.


They would not tell me why they stopped me, which was part of my frustration. I had to go over their heads to find that out. But thanks for your two cents.

Why are you making all these assumptions, even though he has already said it was early in the evening, and in a good neighborhood? Do you have inside info, or something?



He's a cop. He's not getting the whole story in his mind. Lottsa of open questions and possibilities. I can see how he might question some of the thing that went on.



They would not tell me why they stopped me, which was part of my frustration. I had to go over their heads to find that out. But thanks for your two cents.

For what it's worth - I'm a believer in a paper trail. If you disagree with what you're told and merely want to set the record straight - whilst putting an end to the matter - it wouldn't hurt to send one last written communication. It will go into these guys' files and if there are any issues in the future it will be documented.


Assuming it's written in a friendly, non-accusatory / non-judgmental way ("there was an error or typo, the actual time was XX") it wouldn't hurt and if there was intent to deceive would serve notice that you're paying attention.


I also like the idea of turning these guys into buddies. It's true that honey always works better than vinegar.

He's a cop. He's not getting the whole story in his mind. Lottsa of open questions and possibilities. I can see how he might question some of the thing that went on.





Don't call him a moron, just because he is a cop, you fuc#ing bozo. :thumbsup:


I like plenty of cops, and find most to be fairly intelligent. I did not know Felix was a cop. But, if he is, he should have already noted the information Cheeseburger posted. He spelled out the situation fairly clearly, IMO.


Perhaps Felix didn't read the posts carefully. Perhaps he thinks Cheeseburger is a liar (although based on what, I do not know). Or, perhaps he is doing his erynthered impression: posting idiotic, nonsensical and useless responses. If he starts whining like a little B word, then I'll just assume that's what he was going for.



It does happen, that's for sure.


The reverse also happens. Sometimes white guys get stopped, and harassed when they are in predominantly Black or Hispanic neighborhoods. The "justification" there is, a White guy may be looking to buy drugs (for example), or so I am told. A guy I know complained to me about this happening to him, a few times, on Long Island. He sometimes visited a Black friend in a fairly dicey neighborhood and was stopped "for no reason" on more than one occasion.


Some cops are just poorly trained, and some just plain harass and lie. Of course, some people overreact to these things, and escalate the situation. There may have been an incident in the area, you may resemble the description of a suspect, etc. If you get a little fidgety or confrontational, it can escalate the situation. I could easily see the guy I know making a simple situation much worse, by overreacting.


Since the response Cheeseburger got had nothing to do with any neighborhood situation, or any "legitimate" purpose, and the times of the questioning were incorrect, it's hard to know exactly what happened, here. If the cops really were out of line, I would complain. If you think it was simply an misunderstanding, and maybe you gave off a bad vibe, when initially questioned, then I might let it go, for now. But, I would document it well, and immediately, if it happens again.


But, there is really no reason you should have to alter your behavior, and not walk home at 9pm. That's just absurd.



Of course, the above is coming from a guy who, if it happend to him, would change his name, move to a new city, and no one would see him for three years...



Of course, the above is coming from a guy who, if it happend to him, would change his name, move to a new city, and no one would see him for three years...





:thumbsup: Huh?

Don't call him a moron, just because he is a cop, you fuc#ing bozo. :thumbsup:


I like plenty of cops, and find most to be fairly intelligent. I did not know Felix was a cop. But, if he is, he should have already noted the information Cheeseburger posted. He spelled out the situation fairly clearly, IMO.


Perhaps Felix didn't read the posts carefully. Perhaps he thinks Cheeseburger is a liar (although based on what, I do not know). Or, perhaps he is doing his erynthered impression: posting idiotic, nonsensical and useless responses. If he starts whining like a little B word, then I'll just assume that's what he was going for.




Really? Were you there, idiot? Cheesman might have done the best he could in his short synopsis but as a deep thinker, not that YOU are, could there have been more tangibles?


Also, shouldnt you be responding to the endless "trade Peters" threads, you're so good at those.


God, you drivel is taxing. (pun intended, though it probably went over your flat head)

Just makig a joke at your expense about your historical propensity to disappear from the board for significant lengths of time. :blink:



Ah. The name-change reference threw me.

Really? Were you there, idiot? Cheesman might have done the best he could in his short synopsis but as a deep thinker, not that YOU are, could there have been more tangibles?


Also, shouldnt you be responding to the endless "trade Peters" threads, you're so good at those.


God, you drivel is taxing. (pun intended, though it probably went over your flat head)



Might there be more to the story? Sure. But, I would suggest some polite questioning to elicit further details, instead of accusations, dismissing what had already been said. Of course, I wouldn't expect a low-class hick, such as yourself, to understand that kind of civility.


And, to further illustrate your cluelessness, I don't believe there are much more than a handful of my posts in all of the "trade Peters" threads, combined. But, yes, I will admit that I actually make Bills-related posts on this Bills-related message board. What was I thinking?

The reverse also happens. Sometimes white guys get stopped, and harassed when they are in predominantly Black or Hispanic neighborhoods. The "justification" there is, a White guy may be looking to buy drugs (for example), or so I am told. A guy I know complained to me about this happening to him, a few times, on Long Island. He sometimes visited a Black friend in a fairly dicey neighborhood and was stopped "for no reason" on more than one occasion.


This happened to us a few times in high school while driving through the black 'hood.


Of course, the only reason we ever went there was to buy pot.

Might there be more to the story? Sure. But, I would suggest some polite questioning to elicit further details, instead of accusations, dismissing what had already been said. Of course, I wouldn't expect a low-class hick, such as yourself, to understand that kind of civility.


And, to further illustrate your cluelessness, I don't believe there are much more than a handful of my posts in all of the "trade Peters" threads, combined. But, yes, I will admit that I actually make Bills-related posts on this Bills-related message board. What was I thinking?


Your suggestion otherwise shows your inexperence and naivete, thus proving my point as I've pointed out. You're a moron. Nice try though.


Nice back track, idiot.

Or you could just stop hanging out in high crime areas at night. :blink:



If this is how you are at your job, you must be an intolerably stupid cop.

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