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Movie or Television Series endings that sucked....


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It's an old one but The Andy Griffin show when O.P. was kidnapped, tortured and killed by Don Knotts was pretty bad. It didn't make sense with the rest of the show at all.


That's true, the homicidal maniacs are usually the ones that you'd suspect the least.

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Kids name was Opie dammit. I hate it when people get stuff like that wrong. Son of a B word deserved to die though.


There's no doubt that the kid got what was coming to him. What was surprising is that Barney Fife pulled it off right under Andy Griffin's nose. That's one serious sociopath, with his inept deputy act.

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There's no doubt that the kid got what was coming to him. What was surprising is that Barney Fife pulled it off right under Andy Griffin's nose. That's one serious sociopath, with his inept deputy act.

Barney & Gomer were quite the team, don't forget Gomer. Can't believe what they did to Aunt Bea.

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I always thought that Scarface could have ended better. If Elvira (Michele Phifer) would tell Tony Montana (Al Pacino) that she was pregnant before he got shot up at the end they could have made a bitchin sequal now 28 years later "Scarface II" Tony's revenge...that would be awesome! :rolleyes:

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I always thought that Scarface could have ended better. If Elvira (Michele Phifer) would tell Tony Montana (Al Pacino) that she was pregnant before he got shot up at the end they could have made a bitchin sequal now 28 years later "Scarface II" Tony's revenge...that would be awesome! :rolleyes:



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then he took off out of town and fooled around with Janet and Chrissy...... something was up, you can always tell by the look in the eyes...........

Yes ! As a teen I often dreamed of a crazy 2 on 1 between Jack, Chrissy and Janet breaking out int the middle of the episode. :rolleyes:

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This is a good topic.


Seinfeld was the worst ending. I asked my friend, who I was watching it with, "What just happened? I want the last hour of my life back." To this day, I have not watched that episode again. It just wasn't funny.


Fraiser kind of confused me. The entire episode, he's on a plane, you think he's headed to a new job in San Francisco and the plane lands in Chicago, where a new woman he likes lives. I had the same reaction as to Seinfeld.


Friends? Don't get me started. :rolleyes:


The more I think about the Sopranos ending, the more I get it. Whoever said it was right; it's been almost two years, and we're still talking about it.


Moonlighting just kind of petered out. Thank God we say "jumping the shark" rather than "when David and Maddie did the horizontal rhumba".


Cheers? Good ending, even better afterward when most of the actors were drunk on The Tonight Show. :)


Canada's Red Green Show had a terrific ending, over the end credits.


The all-time best ending? Newhart. Without question.

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I can't believe I'm at the 4th page and nobody mentioned the series named "Bills 1999-2000 Season" That last episode in Tennessee was the worst ending ever.


The Bills wrote the book on bad endings. How about the '04 ending? All they need is a win at RWS against Pittsburgh's practice squad and they're in.... :rolleyes:

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I have a whole new respect for the last season of the Sopranos now, thanks for posting the links and the detailed analysis of the last scene :rolleyes:

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I liked the ends of Cheers and Everybody Loves Raymond. Life just goes on and we stop looking in on it.

Like NYPD Blue, you want the show to continue just to see how the squad continues with Andy in charge. Sure, they gave a little taste for a few episodes, but he was supposed to be just temporary until they got a new Lew.

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I am too lazy to read all of the posts. It probably already has been mentioned, but I thought that the last episode of Seinfeld (a show that I loved) was horrible.


I guess I'm in the minority. I thought the last episode was awesome. It was a great storyline to bring back all of the old, memorable characters and wrapped some things up like Elaine loves Jerry, George cheated in the contest, etc. I thought it was funny and have seen it several times.

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