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Movie or Television Series endings that sucked....


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There was a show in the UK called Blake's Seven, which I watched as a kid. Kind of an anti-Star Trek, where the Federation was nasty, evil and corrupt and the heroes were a bunch of ex-convicts trying to just survive, most of the time, with vague hopes of bringing down the big bad.


Well, the finale approached, Blake reappeared (having been out of the show for a series of two) and the bad guys turned up and killed them all.


As a kid I hated the ending, feeling it a terrible ending for a great show. Now, as an adult, I think it was a superb ending to an average show.


I wish I had not read this thread, though, as I am currently working my way through my Sopranos DVDs, ah well...

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I hated the ending to the movie 300. I watch the whole movie,enjoying every minute of it,expecting some great,triumphant ending. Instead the heroes,facing insurmountable odds,march bravely into battle .......and all die. THE END. Good movie,terrible ending.



Then you know nothing of Thermopylae

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And the Sopranos didn't 'just end'. The series was about Tony and it ended when he did. The guy in the Members Only jacket popped him.


I always thought that it was intentionally left open ended to leave the possiblity of a movie in the future. It seemed too obvious that they wanted it to look like a hit at the end, but we are left guessing.

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Seinfeld I agree with. While it was clever to bring back everyone they've dealt with over the years it just wasn't up to the typical Seinfeld episodes. My sister who's a HUGE Seinfeld fan loves the ending. (No jokes about her being huge fan meaning fat. :blink: )


The Soprano's sucked until I read enough to figure it out. Tony's family, except Meadow, are all dead. His entire crew is dead or dying or close to their demise.




A friend of mine knew immediately that it was going back to the Bob Newhart show when she saw the comforter. I thought it was funny.


My vote would go with Moonlighting. The thing that made that show great was the sexual tension. Once that was gone the show jumped the shark.

Explain yourself Dan!!

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I never understood all the criticism of the Seinfeld ending. It was not a character development show so you weren't going to have the war end or Mike and Gloria move away. Either Seinfeld was just going to have a regular episode and stop or they had to do a little gimmick. I thought the idea of sending them off to prison and using it as an excuse to parade through all those great characters was pretty damn clever. And funny.


And the Sopranos didn't 'just end'. The series was about Tony and it ended when he did. The guy in the Members Only jacket popped him.


The most disappointing ending? Married With Children; one of the funniest and longest running shows of that era and they didn't get to do a finale because it was canceled unexpectedly between seasons.


How do you know this?

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They found the one armed man.


He was easy to catch too. He was unarmed. BA DUM BUM Ptch!



Explain yourself Dan!!


Spoiler Alert For Those Who haven't seen the ending yet!!



I read this theory on the internet so I probably don't have all of the reasons and it's not my theory but it makes a lot of sense.


First off during the final episode Tony says he's hungry and Carmella only has an orange for him. In the Godfather the ending scene is a death with a dropped orange.


Tony's favorite scene from the Godfather is when Michael goes into the bathroom and removes the gun taped behind the toilet and comes out and kills the guys.


The orange cat that keeps staring at Christopher portends death. At one point Paulie says he doesn't like the cat because it will suck the breath out of infants. At one point in the final episode Paulie is out sunning himself and the cat comes up and lies down on the sidewalk and just looks at Paulie. A clue he's going to die. In the restaurant there is a big orange tiger that's roaring painted on the wall behind Tony.


In the episode from the last season called "Members Only" Jr. shoots Tony. Tony is wearing the same style shirt in the ending. His family is all dressed in black at the table. Meadow has trouble parking her white car and runs into the restaurant wearing white.


This isn't part of his theory but I think Anthony's car exploding was a murder attempt.


Christopher is dead, Dr. Melfi breaks her association with Tony, Silvio is near death, Vito is dead, Bobby is dead, Jr. is out of it mentally, Patsy (who's son is marrying Meadow is the only one to escape) and (My theory: Tony has been made less likeable as the season ends. Don't ask for specific examples the only one I remember is Tony killing Christopher).


The look on Tony's face as the screen goes black.



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This is a good breakdown of the ending of the final episode done by someone much smarter than me. Which really isn't saying much. :)

I thought the ending was great television, and I think this breakdown was right on. No one wants anything left to the imagination anymore...even when its dead obvious. I just watched the ending again on YouTube and it still made me a nervous wreak, even though I knew what was coming. :rolleyes:


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How do you know this?


I read the same article as Steely. Lots of symbolism leading up to the end as indicated in his blacked out post above. One other point: Meadow having trouble parallel parking. Had she done it right the first time she would have been 2 mins earlier and been sitting next to Tony in the booth, that is between Tony and the shooter emerging from the bathroom. Could that have made a difference in his ability to get a clear shot? Who knows.


One other point; I don't think Carm and AJ died. Hits usually didn't involve family. They would have been in complete shock sitting there with Tony's brains all over them and not been any threat to the shooter as he walked out the door.

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I read the same article as Steely. Lots of symbolism leading up to the end as indicated in his blacked out post above. One other point: Meadow having trouble parallel parking. Had she done it right the first time she would have been 2 mins earlier and been sitting next to Tony in the booth, that is between Tony and the shooter emerging from the bathroom. Could that have made a difference in his ability to get a clear shot? Who knows.


One other point; I don't think Carm and AJ died. Hits usually didn't involve family. They would have been in complete shock sitting there with Tony's brains all over them and not been any threat to the shooter as he walked out the door.



Except by that point, all the unwritten rules had gone out the window...

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Except by that point, all the unwritten rules had gone out the window...

Not necessarily; I don't remember any other non-mob guys getting hit in the final episodes (except for the old guy they mistook for Phil).



Agreed, also the fact that they were wearing black too makes me believe that's what happened.

Black could have been because they were witnessing his death; ie., what you'd wear to a funeral.

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