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Movie or Television Series endings that sucked....


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Yeah but history is boring. The 300 should have been saved at the last minute by an Apache helicoptor, or aliens, or zombies, or zombie aliens in Apache helicoptors




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That was the snow globe ending, right?


Yes, I believe it was an autistic child or something like that and he was holding a snow-globe of the St. Elsewhere hospital building.


It just seemed like a complete cop-out ending. Sometimes writers get a little carried away with their "creative license."

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Remember enjoying the television in eighties , " The Wonder Years " . Remember the ongoing relationship between Kevin and Winnie. Always thought these two should be together.

Winnie studies art history in Paris while Kevin stays in the United States. Winnie and Kevin end up writing each other once a week for the next eight years. In the final epilogue, Kevin mentions how he was there, along with his wife and child, to greet Winnie when she returned to the United States in 1982.


Bummer of ending that is..... Kevin meets Winnie with wife and eight years of writing her every week. Little boy asks Kevin to come out and play, The End...


what movie or television series ending did you think were worst in your opinion?

taxicab confessions- literally

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Remember enjoying the television in eighties , " The Wonder Years " . Remember the ongoing relationship between Kevin and Winnie. Always thought these two should be together.

Winnie studies art history in Paris while Kevin stays in the United States. Winnie and Kevin end up writing each other once a week for the next eight years. In the final epilogue, Kevin mentions how he was there, along with his wife and child, to greet Winnie when she returned to the United States in 1982.


Bummer of ending that is..... Kevin meets Winnie with wife and eight years of writing her every week. Little boy asks Kevin to come out and play, The End...


what movie or television series ending did you think were worst in your opinion?



I have to disagree, I think thats my favorite all-time ending of a television series.

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Two of my favorites both ended badly. Seinfeld ended with the cast being arrested for not helping out a fat guy being robbed. The Sopranos just ended, and that was it, just a black screen.


I never understood all the criticism of the Seinfeld ending. It was not a character development show so you weren't going to have the war end or Mike and Gloria move away. Either Seinfeld was just going to have a regular episode and stop or they had to do a little gimmick. I thought the idea of sending them off to prison and using it as an excuse to parade through all those great characters was pretty damn clever. And funny.


And the Sopranos didn't 'just end'. The series was about Tony and it ended when he did. The guy in the Members Only jacket popped him.


The most disappointing ending? Married With Children; one of the funniest and longest running shows of that era and they didn't get to do a finale because it was canceled unexpectedly between seasons.

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Remember enjoying the television in eighties , " The Wonder Years " . Remember the ongoing relationship between Kevin and Winnie. Always thought these two should be together.

Winnie studies art history in Paris while Kevin stays in the United States. Winnie and Kevin end up writing each other once a week for the next eight years. In the final epilogue, Kevin mentions how he was there, along with his wife and child, to greet Winnie when she returned to the United States in 1982.


Bummer of ending that is..... Kevin meets Winnie with wife and eight years of writing her every week. Little boy asks Kevin to come out and play, The End...


what movie or television series ending did you think were worst in your opinion?


OMG I swear I thought of that show immediately before opening the thread.

I thought it was ok that Kevin & Winnie didn't end up together, since ya know, that's life and she was kind of a b!tch to him anyway. The sad part was that his Dad supposedly died a couple years later. It definitely should've gone another season, in contrast to most shows that drag on too long.

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The most disappointing ending? Married With Children; one of the funniest and longest running shows of that era and they didn't get to do a finale because it was canceled unexpectedly between seasons.

Ed O'neill (Al) said he heard about the cancellation on the radio. He said they had a great ending set up.

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As a huge fan of the original "Planet of the Apes" flicks, I was more excited about the Tim Burton "re-thinking" of the Apes franchise, than any movie in years. With todays technology, and a highly regarded director, I thought, it was a "can't miss" film.


The movie looked great, but was very lame. The ending was perhaps the dumbest, most desperate for a sequel ending Burton could have had...the apes, landing at the Lincoln monument, in the astronauts space craft... the ending of the original flick, with Heston pounding the sand, screaming "Damn you, damn you all to hell..." in the foreground of a shot of the statue of liberty is one of the most iconic images in film history. Burton's' ending was just horrible, and felt like it was tacked on, just to "blow people's mind" more than the fact that the ninety minutes that preceded it were so awful...


BTW- I think the "Sopranos" ending was really great... completely unexpected, a completely memorable, thought provoking and here we are, two years later trying to disect it. Sure, it was unsettling at the time, but as David Chase said afterwards "If you have watched the show, and you want to know what happened, it is pretty simple to figure out...everything is there." It is an ending that gets better the more time passes.

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Jurassic Park. Spielberg just seemed to get bored with it, wander off to another project, and let the animatronic T-Rex finish it for him.


Not as bad as what they did with the books. Nothing like killing malcolm in the book Jurassic Park, only to reincarnate him for the cash-grab book, "The Lost World."

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Not true


The ending of Showgirls, Battlefield Earth, and You Got Served were all excellent endings. They were excellent endings because the awful movie was finally over


I can't believe you made it to the end of those films. You need a head examination. ;)



The latest Indy flick. :blink:


Why does you're avatar keep dying and getting resurrected?

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