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Movie or Television Series endings that sucked....


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I have a whole new respect for the last season of the Sopranos now, thanks for posting the links and the detailed analysis of the last scene :thumbsup:


Here's another blog about it. Really interesting when you look at all the stuff in that episode; the opening 'coffin' shot, the oranges, the cat, Catholicism references (Last Supper shot, communion, Journey song) the bells and Tony's reaction to them, Godfather references, camera angles from Tony's POV (as was the black ending), colors, wardrobe, reference to prior episodes, etc. etc.


Just some really brilliant directing.

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Here's another blog about it. Really interesting when you look at all the stuff in that episode; the opening 'coffin' shot, the oranges, the cat, Catholicism references (Last Supper shot, communion, Journey song) the bells and Tony's reaction to them, Godfather references, camera angles from Tony's POV (as was the black ending), colors, wardrobe, reference to prior episodes, etc. etc.


Just some really brilliant directing.


Dude, I almost feel guilty because I didn't recognize ANY of that stuff when I was watching it go down. I had no idea Chase was putting so much effort into the details...I almost want to go back and watch the whole damn series from start to finish again lol.


Thanks for the link :thumbsup:

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Dude, I almost feel guilty because I didn't recognize ANY of that stuff when I was watching it go down. I had no idea Chase was putting so much effort into the details...I almost want to go back and watch the whole damn series from start to finish again lol.

Thanks for the link :thumbsup:



You could waste time in much worse ways... I purchased the new box set, and while the extras aren't large in number, there is some good stuff in there. Amongst them, is a "sit down" with Chase where he talks about the ending of the series. He pretty much says, that Tony and family are dead... he is talking about all the controversy, and how upset people were, and says, "I was surprised by how many people needed to see that family slaughtered..." To me, that pretty much says it all. He doesn't say anything about letting the viewer intrepret the ending, and he flat out denies that it was left ambiguous for the purposes of a sequal. He does concede, however, that while he has serious doubts, and certainly has no plans for a return of the show (in series or movie form), he will "never say never... listen, if I, or somebody came up with a really great idea, and we could get everyone involved again, it could happen...but I don't forsee that ever happening."

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Dude, I almost feel guilty because I didn't recognize ANY of that stuff when I was watching it go down. I had no idea Chase was putting so much effort into the details...I almost want to go back and watch the whole damn series from start to finish again lol.


Thanks for the link :thumbsup:



Oh I didn't either, but it's almost more fun to watch it again now (HBO recently ran the last season again). There's a reason Chase took an extra year to put the last episodes together.

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You could waste time in much worse ways... I purchased the new box set, and while the extras aren't large in number, there is some good stuff in there. Amongst them, is a "sit down" with Chase where he talks about the ending of the series. He pretty much says, that Tony and family are dead... he is talking about all the controversy, and how upset people were, and says, "I was surprised by how many people needed to see that family slaughtered..." To me, that pretty much says it all. He doesn't say anything about letting the viewer intrepret the ending, and he flat out denies that it was left ambiguous for the purposes of a sequal. He does concede, however, that while he has serious doubts, and certainly has no plans for a return of the show (in series or movie form), he will "never say never... listen, if I, or somebody came up with a really great idea, and we could get everyone involved again, it could happen...but I don't forsee that ever happening."


I seriously may do that...do you know if it's on BD?


And IIRC, you were one of the few people that was really singing the praises of Season 6 when a lot of others - including myself - were pretty let down by it. Gotta give you credit for seeing more than I was seeing!

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Oh I didn't either, but it's almost more fun to watch it again now (HBO recently ran the last season again). There's a reason Chase took an extra year to put the last episodes together.


Yeah, and I think it's been long enough since I've seen it that I'd really enjoy revisiting it.

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Blair Witch Project.

Again I must respectfully disagree with you aj. I'm sure we could go on and on about The Blair Witch Project, believe me I already have with a bunch of my friends.


I will defend this movie for as long as I live.



As for the topic at hand......


Worst TV Show ending: St. Elsewhere


Worst Movie ending: Final Destination

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I can't believe no one mentioned the horrible ending to the Matrix trilogy yet. To this day I have never watched part 3 again, it sucked so bad.


Count me in on the group that liked the Sopranos finally. Dead or Alive, I loved it. IMO, Tony isn't dead. And here's why.





You could waste time in much worse ways... I purchased the new box set, and while the extras aren't large in number, there is some good stuff in there. Amongst them, is a "sit down" with Chase where he talks about the ending of the series. He pretty much says, that Tony and family are dead... he is talking about all the controversy, and how upset people were, and says, "I was surprised by how many people needed to see that family slaughtered..." To me, that pretty much says it all. He doesn't say anything about letting the viewer intrepret the ending, and he flat out denies that it was left ambiguous for the purposes of a sequal. He does concede, however, that while he has serious doubts, and certainly has no plans for a return of the show (in series or movie form), he will "never say never... listen, if I, or somebody came up with a really great idea, and we could get everyone involved again, it could happen...but I don't forsee that ever happening."


If Tony is dead why would he even consider making a movie? We, as an audience, got whacked.

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Again I must respectfully disagree with you aj. I'm sure we could go on and on about The Blair Witch Project, believe me I already have with a bunch of my friends.


I will defend this movie for as long as I live.


OK, let's hear it! lol


I thought the concept was terrific...for the first half, I was hooked. After that, I thought it sucked. I'd be interested to know what was it about the end that you liked. And I actually think that most people agree with you, particularly reviewers. It just fell way short of expectations for me :thumbsup:

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OK, let's hear it! lol


I thought the concept was terrific...for the first half, I was hooked. After that, I thought it sucked. I'd be interested to know what was it about the end that you liked. And I actually think that most people agree with you, particularly reviewers. It just fell way short of expectations for me :thumbsup:


Personally, I just can't stand the whole shaking camera thing. I don't know if thats petty of me, but I just don't like it. Same goes for Cloverfield, just hated it. Both Blair and Cloverfield got very good reviews, though.



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OK, let's hear it! lol


I thought the concept was terrific...for the first half, I was hooked. After that, I thought it sucked. I'd be interested to know what was it about the end that you liked. And I actually think that most people agree with you, particularly reviewers. It just fell way short of expectations for me :thumbsup:



I think "Blair Witch Project" was a really great, creative film. I don't know how many saw it when it came out, but at that time, it was pretty ingenious. I remember friends of mine, much more on the pulse of the film scene than me, were rabidly anticipating the movie. I could have cared less, because I have never really cared much for horror flicks. Then, I saw the previews, and thought it looked pretty ghoulish...when it became such a phenomenon, I went to see it. I thought it was great..


What happned though, it spawned a whole bunch of really bad movies, and rip-offs. It doesn't seem all that innovative now, but, I think it was a very influential (for better or worse) film...

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I think "Blair Witch Project" was a really great, creative film. I don't know how many saw it when it came out, but at that time, it was pretty ingenious. I remember friends of mine, much more on the pulse of the film scene than me, were rabidly anticipating the movie. I could have cared less, because I have never really cared much for horror flicks. Then, I saw the previews, and thought it looked pretty ghoulish...when it became such a phenomenon, I went to see it. I thought it was great..


What happned though, it spawned a whole bunch of really bad movies, and rip-offs. It doesn't seem all that innovative now, but, I think it was a very influential (for better or worse) film...


Yep, that's the thing....I respect it a LOT for it's creativity and for the concept, I just wish there was a bit more of a payoff. I remember thinking around the second to last minute, "DAMN, THIS IS GETTING GOOD!", only to be thinking "WTF?!?" one minute later when it ended lol.

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Personally, I just can't stand the whole shaking camera thing. I don't know if thats petty of me, but I just don't like it. Same goes for Cloverfield, just hated it. Both Blair and Cloverfield got very good reviews, though.




Yeah, when it's the whole film that they're using the hand-held, it gives me a headache. The redeeming quality for me with Cloverfield was that it was an AMAZING blu-ray disc. The bass in some of the scenes was so amazing that it honestly felt like my little home theater was right in NYC and I was about to get stomped by the monster. The movie wasn't great, the acting was awful, but the experience of the film really did it for me. But I agree with you about the shaking camera thing.

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OK, let's hear it! lol


I thought the concept was terrific...for the first half, I was hooked. After that, I thought it sucked. I'd be interested to know what was it about the end that you liked. And I actually think that most people agree with you, particularly reviewers. It just fell way short of expectations for me :thumbsup:

Alright here is my take. Forgive me if this post gets too long.


From what you have posted you sound like you were into the movie, but the ending was a huge letdown. For me I was into the movie from start to finish, the hand held jumpy camera did not bother me one bit, although I understand why some people were turned off from it. What I enjoyed about this film was the "old school horror movie feel" it displayed. More suggestion of horror than showing horror. The use of color and black and white were used to great effect. To get to why I liked the ending, I liked how Heather & Mike turned to each other after Josh disappeared and how they were helping each other, especially after they had been bickering with each other most of the time. The ending was done in a very eerie, creepy way. The house was frightening looking, the hand prints inside, and the cut off at the end of the film were great creepy moments. I thought the ending was frightening and a good payoff. I'm not surprised that we never really saw anything, as the footage was setup to be a mystery as to what happened.


I think The Blair Witch Project was a very good original horror film. Some horror fanatics believe that Blair Witch was a direct ripoff of Ruggero Deodato's infamous Cannibal Holocaust. Aside from the fact that both films use hand held cameras, both movies go their own seperate way after that. The feeling of fear, dread, and uncertainty is hit home in this film. The old story of not going into the woods because they are haunted has never been best represented than in this movie.

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You could waste time in much worse ways... I purchased the new box set, and while the extras aren't large in number, there is some good stuff in there. Amongst them, is a "sit down" with Chase where he talks about the ending of the series. He pretty much says, that Tony and family are dead... he is talking about all the controversy, and how upset people were, and says, "I was surprised by how many people needed to see that family slaughtered..." To me, that pretty much says it all. He doesn't say anything about letting the viewer intrepret the ending, and he flat out denies that it was left ambiguous for the purposes of a sequal. He does concede, however, that while he has serious doubts, and certainly has no plans for a return of the show (in series or movie form), he will "never say never... listen, if I, or somebody came up with a really great idea, and we could get everyone involved again, it could happen...but I don't forsee that ever happening."


I didn't need to see the family slaughtered, but I definitely needed to see AJ get whacked. What an annoying little dooshbag that kid was. To me a better ending would have been that the guy in the Members Only jacket tries to whack Tony but somehow misses and shoots AJ in the head. Members Only guy flees out of the restaurant. Tony cradles AJ (who is missing most of his head- Yay!) and you hear Carmella freaking out in the background. Camera closes on Tony's face, which instead of looking sad instead looks enraged. We're talking a psychotic look where if he stares at you then you piss your pants because you know you're dead. Fade to black.


Next up, the movie 'The Sopranos At War'. Tony put's together an updated Jersey crew who wipes out anything NYC-mob related with extreme prejudice.

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I think "Blair Witch Project" was a really great, creative film. I don't know how many saw it when it came out, but at that time, it was pretty ingenious. I remember friends of mine, much more on the pulse of the film scene than me, were rabidly anticipating the movie. I could have cared less, because I have never really cared much for horror flicks. Then, I saw the previews, and thought it looked pretty ghoulish...when it became such a phenomenon, I went to see it. I thought it was great..


What happned though, it spawned a whole bunch of really bad movies, and rip-offs. It doesn't seem all that innovative now, but, I think it was a very influential (for better or worse) film...



Blair Witch Project sucked. Worst f*cking movie I have ever seen.


I liked the Sopranos ending. I assumed at the end his whole family got whacked & the more I read of stuff like Steely Dan posted, the more I believe that was the correct assumption.

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I didn't need to see the family slaughtered, but I definitely needed to see AJ get whacked. What an annoying little dooshbag that kid was. To me a better ending would have been that the guy in the Members Only jacket tries to whack Tony but somehow misses and shoots AJ in the head. Members Only guy flees out of the restaurant. Tony cradles AJ (who is missing most of his head- Yay!) and you hear Carmella freaking out in the background. Camera closes on Tony's face, which instead of looking sad instead looks enraged. We're talking a psychotic look where if he stares at you then you piss your pants because you know you're dead. Fade to black.


Next up, the movie 'The Sopranos At War'. Tony put's together an updated Jersey crew who wipes out anything NYC-mob related with extreme prejudice.



That would of been a better ending. LOL I agree AJ needed to get whacked in like season 3.

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