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Movie or Television Series endings that sucked....


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Remember enjoying the television in eighties , " The Wonder Years " . Remember the ongoing relationship between Kevin and Winnie. Always thought these two should be together.

Winnie studies art history in Paris while Kevin stays in the United States. Winnie and Kevin end up writing each other once a week for the next eight years. In the final epilogue, Kevin mentions how he was there, along with his wife and child, to greet Winnie when she returned to the United States in 1982.


Bummer of ending that is..... Kevin meets Winnie with wife and eight years of writing her every week. Little boy asks Kevin to come out and play, The End...


what movie or television series ending did you think were worst in your opinion?

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Remember enjoying the television in eighties , " The Wonder Years " . Remember the ongoing relationship between Kevin and Winnie. Always thought these two should be together.

Winnie studies art history in Paris while Kevin stays in the United States. Winnie and Kevin end up writing each other once a week for the next eight years. In the final epilogue, Kevin mentions how he was there, along with his wife and child, to greet Winnie when she returned to the United States in 1982.


Bummer of ending that is..... Kevin meets Winnie with wife and eight years of writing her every week. Little boy asks Kevin to come out and play, The End...


what movie or television series ending did you think were worst in your opinion?


Cabin Fever. Wait, nevermind. I was confusing "ending" with ENTIRE movie.

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Remember enjoying the television in eighties , " The Wonder Years " . Remember the ongoing relationship between Kevin and Winnie. Always thought these two should be together.

Winnie studies art history in Paris while Kevin stays in the United States. Winnie and Kevin end up writing each other once a week for the next eight years. In the final epilogue, Kevin mentions how he was there, along with his wife and child, to greet Winnie when she returned to the United States in 1982.


Bummer of ending that is..... Kevin meets Winnie with wife and eight years of writing her every week. Little boy asks Kevin to come out and play, The End...


what movie or television series ending did you think were worst in your opinion?


Two of my favorites both ended badly. Seinfeld ended with the cast being arrested for not helping out a fat guy being robbed. The Sopranos just ended, and that was it, just a black screen.


And while I wasn't around to watch it myself, weren't people angry over how the Bob Newhart show ended? If I'm not mistaken, he wakes up one morning and you realize the entire show was just a dream. That's pretty bad IMO.

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Two of my favorites both ended badly. Seinfeld ended with the cast being arrested for not helping out a fat guy being robbed. The Sopranos just ended, and that was it, just a black screen.


And while I wasn't around to watch it myself, weren't people angry over how the Bob Hart show ended? If I'm not mistaken, he wakes up one morning and you realize the entire show was just a dream. That's pretty bad IMO.


Bob Newhart, you mean. Actually I would put that amongst the best series ending. Waking up next to Suzanne Pleshette and talking about the "dream" he just had, which was basically the entire run of the show, was totally unexpected (no internet to leak the ending back then) and really clever, IMO.


As for bad endings, put me down for Friends. The show was never as great as it was made out to be but the ending was incredibly lame.

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Two of my favorites both ended badly. Seinfeld ended with the cast being arrested for not helping out a fat guy being robbed. The Sopranos just ended, and that was it, just a black screen.

And while I wasn't around to watch it myself, weren't people angry over how the Bob Newhart show ended? If I'm not mistaken, he wakes up one morning and you realize the entire show was just a dream. That's pretty bad IMO.


Seinfeld I agree with. While it was clever to bring back everyone they've dealt with over the years it just wasn't up to the typical Seinfeld episodes. My sister who's a HUGE Seinfeld fan loves the ending. (No jokes about her being huge fan meaning fat. :angry: )


The Soprano's sucked until I read enough to figure it out. Tony's family, except Meadow, are all dead. His entire crew is dead or dying or close to their demise.



Bob Newhart, you mean. Actually I would put that amongst the best series ending. Waking up next to Suzanne Pleshette and talking about the "dream" he just had, which was basically the entire run of the show, was totally unexpected (no internet to leak the ending back then) and really clever, IMO.


As for bad endings, put me down for Friends. The show was never as great as it was made out to be but the ending was incredibly lame.


A friend of mine knew immediately that it was going back to the Bob Newhart show when she saw the comforter. I thought it was funny.


My vote would go with Moonlighting. The thing that made that show great was the sexual tension. Once that was gone the show jumped the shark.

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Not true


The ending of Showgirls, Battlefield Earth, and You Got Served were all excellent endings. They were excellent endings because the awful movie was finally over


I love Showgirls. It's so bad, it's good. And Gina Gershon gets nekkid, so there's that. I haven't seen the others.


BTW, I'm fishing for someone to call out where I got my original quote.

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I hated the ending to the movie 300. I watch the whole movie,enjoying every minute of it,expecting some great,triumphant ending. Instead the heroes,facing insurmountable odds,march bravely into battle .......and all die. THE END. Good movie,terrible ending.

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I hated the ending to the movie 300. I watch the whole movie,enjoying every minute of it,expecting some great,triumphant ending. Instead the heroes,facing insurmountable odds,march bravely into battle .......and all die. THE END. Good movie,terrible ending.


Isn't that kinda how it went down? lol


"The Battle of Thermopylae [thər móppəlee] (Greek: Θερμοπύλαι), detailed primarily by Herodotus, was fought in September 480 BC,[1] between an alliance of Greek city-states and the invading Persian Empire of Xerxes I, at the pass of Thermopylae in central Greece. Vastly outnumbered, the Greeks held up the Persians' advance for seven days in total (including three of battle), before the rear-guard was annihilated in one of history's most famous last stands. During two full days of battle, the small force led by King Leonidas I of Sparta blocked the only road through which the massive Persian army could pass. After the second day of battle, a local resident named Ephialtes betrayed the Greeks by revealing a small path used to take goats to other cities that led behind the Greek lines. Aware that they were being outflanked, Leonidas dismissed the bulk of the Greek army, remaining to guard the rear with 300 Spartans, 700 Thespian, 400 Thebans and perhaps a few hundred others.


The Persians succeeded in taking the pass but sustained losses disproportionate to those of the Greeks. Nevertheless, in doing so, they conquered Boeotia and Attica, burning Athens in the process. However, the fierce resistance of the Spartan-led army had given the Allies valuable time to prepare the defense of the Peloponnesus, at the Isthmus of Corinth, and later that year the Athenian-led navy was able to win a decisive naval battle that would do much to determine the outcome of the war.[7]



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