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The Messiah found time to attend balls with pinheads like Kid Rock, Faith Hill, etc, but he skipped a much more important ball.


President Eisenhower started the Medal of Honor Ball in 1953. All Congressional Medal of Honor (the nation's highest award) winners are invited to it. EVERY President has attended it since (14 inaugurations), until this year. This year 48 Medal Winners attended. Guess who didn't?

Yeah. That's it. He hates the military. I suppose he went to Arlington National Cemetery the day before to piss on some graves.



Yeah what the hell have these guys done for their country lately. Heck all these guys that have the MOH are from Vietnam, Korea and maybe a couple from WWII. We all know that the Messiah was against every war, so why should he go honor these guys who only kept alive war criminals who were wrongly fighting. Good for the Messiah to not pay honor to probably the biggest bunch of war criminals ever.







Please post a credible article:

- that says every president since 1956 has attended this ball.

- that quotes an organizer or participant who expected Obama there and was upset.

- that this has any thruth from a credible source (I'll take Fox News and the Washington Times if that helps)


In case you missed it, Obama attended the Red, White and Blue Ball for military personnel. It was a big hit.


Rev up that blogosphere, "Damn the truth, full speed ahead!" I guess this is what we should expect for the next four years. Well, at least you and the nutjobs will have something to do.


Stop asking for facts. You'll only confuse them and cause mental lockup. Oh wait, too late.



You people are idiots. The Inauguration Committee planned the days' events and there were 10 OFFICIAL events. Those were events that the President attended.


One of them was in honor of the military:


Commander-in-Chief's Inaugural Ball - National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW. The ball is in honor of the country's active duty and reserve military. Invited guests included wounded warriors (Purple Heart recipients), families of fallen heroes, and spouses of deployed military. Tickets were provided free of charge to all invited guests. This event was not open to the general public. It was broadcast to American troops around the world on the Pentagon Channel, which is available via cable on 368 military bases and on commercial cable and satellite services throughout the United States.


I myself witnessed the President and First Lady each dance with a member of the military, and I thoroughly enjoyed the interview with each of them after the dance was over. I can see why their officers chose them.


Shhh, don't give 'em facts, they don't like it. Notice nobody has given him credit for that yet but, they believe the non-linked possibly made up story because it fits their realities.



"Damn the truth, full speed ahead--the MSNBC theme banner.


Find a link Mr. mighty truth seeker. :flirt: Oops! Since you're too lazy here's an article.


The Commander-in-Chief Ball, attended by many veterans and members of the military, was next. Obama and Vice President Joe Biden each saluted the nation's military men and women via satellite.


"It is wonderful to be surrounded by some of the very best and bravest Americans," Obama said. "Your courage, your grace and your patriotism inspire us all."

The First Couple split and Michelle danced with Marine Sergeant Elidio Guillen of Madera, California while the President had as a dance partner Army Sergeant Margaret H. Herrera of San Antonio, Texas, who was overcome by emotion and cried in the president's arms.


It only mentions a few other balls he attended but not all of them. So much for the military snub.


Does anyone know why he didn't make the medal of honor ball? There may be a good reason. If there isn't then it's a big mistake to have missed it but, it's not a snub to the military. :thumbsup:

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