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Good bye Kollar, do not let the door hit you on the way out


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Do you read the board, or just post? If you read the board, you'd see there were at least two threads already started on Kollar...one of them in the top five threads, when you posted this. Is your insight here so important that it needed to have its very own thread? Seriously?


As I have said in the past, the worth of a poster is inversely correlated to the % of their posts that start threads.

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Anyone has to be better, our D line can not be that poor. Let's get a good coach. Maybe we can convert one (or 2) of our Defense Ends into a coach and get them OFF the field = I am sure we will improve then. :D



I read the board - except for your post & comments

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Do you read the board, or just post? If you read the board, you'd see there were at least two threads already started on Kollar...one of them in the top five threads, when you posted this. Is your insight here so important that it needed to have its very own thread? Seriously?


As I have said in the past, the worth of a poster is inversely correlated to the % of their posts that start threads.


He does this every day. To be honest, it annoys the hell out of me because it's like the guy doesn't even read the board. He must get his opinion out there and the only way he can do it is by starting a thread.


Yasin's BILLS does the same thing.


I don't get it. It annoys me because there are plenty of threads they could contribute to without having to start their own thread. That's why both have made my "fave 5" listed below.


I'm glad somebody else noticed this.

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He does this every day. To be honest, it annoys the hell out of me because it's like the guy doesn't even read the board. He must get his opinion out there and the only way he can do it is by starting a thread.


Yasin's BILLS does the same thing.


I don't get it. It annoys me because there are plenty of threads they could contribute to without having to start their own thread. That's why both have made my "fave 5" listed below.


I'm glad somebody else noticed this.


Those guys (and a few others, some of whom you have noted) obviously aren't interested in the opinions of others and/or simply think their comments are SO IMPORTANT that they deserve their own threads. Truth is, you know these guys are the same people who, when you are having a conversation...and you are speaking...instead of listening to what you have to say, they are thinking about what they want to say, next.


In reality, they have little to add, and their posts are usually not well thought out, or well informed.


BTW, who is Magox? I must have missed his/her wonderful insights.

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