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Anyone watching the Senior Bowl "North" Team practice?

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I'm watching it now and im just scratching my head watching Mack play Center. This guy is getting blown up on almost every play. Now I understand that hes playing with guys hes never played with before, but if you are that good it shouldnt matter who you play ball with. That kid from BC BJ Raji is absolutely killing people inside. Im really starting to take notice about him. Hes really standing out thus far. The 3 guys that stand out to me thus far.....Raji, Robitski & Butler from Uconn....


Anyone thats home and has NFL Network they have decent coverage of it right now.


And for the fans of Moore from Mizzou.....Mayock said that he was exposed so bad during practices that LB might be his position in the NFL......


But check it out....Im taking a liking to Graham Harrell too.....


If we can get a DE or 2 in FA, id find a way to get Raji on the Bills roster!

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if we did take Raaji it would signal a big (and welcomed) shift in our defensive approach. We NEED to get a pass rusher though, one way or the other or any new approach isn't going to matter much.


As I see it, the Bills run D is just as much of a problem as their pass rush. They allowed just under 2,000 rushing yards this past season and 18 rushing touchdowns. As pathetic as that was, it was their best effort against the run since 2004. In my opinion, they may as well take Raji if they think he's a better prospect than the available DEs. Their DL issues aren't going to be fixed overnight anyway and Raji's addition would go a long way toward bolstering one of the worst run defenses in the league. Not only that, but he's a surprisingly quick player for his size and is a decent pass rusher from the DT position.


One more thing to consider: the Bills only have three DTs on the roster, assuming that McCargo is released. They're likely to draft one fairly early, anyway, so they may as well get the best one they can, again, assuming they have him rated higher than the DEs on their board in R1.

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I agree. DE's are needed, but Dt is too to a lesser degree. I also believe that 6'4'' 255ish players that are good are pretty abundent (there are 4 or 5 of them in this draft alone that are round one talents), but 6'2 330lb guys who are good and can move are much more rare. If he can be that mobile and dominant at 330, he will prob be taken before 11, but if not he should get strong consideration.

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As I see it, the Bills run D is just as much of a problem as their pass rush. They allowed just under 2,000 rushing yards this past season and 18 rushing touchdowns. As pathetic as that was, it was their best effort against the run since 2004. In my opinion, they may as well take Raji if they think he's a better prospect than the available DEs. Their DL issues aren't going to be fixed overnight anyway and Raji's addition would go a long way toward bolstering one of the worst run defenses in the league. Not only that, but he's a surprisingly quick player for his size and is a decent pass rusher from the DT position.


One more thing to consider: the Bills only have three DTs on the roster, assuming that McCargo is released. They're likely to draft one fairly early, anyway, so they may as well get the best one they can, again, assuming they have him rated higher than the DEs on their board in R1.


Good post.

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Mayock was talking last night at how Raji got blown up a few times in yesterday's practice. On one play he said Mack drove him 10 yards downfield.


Maybe he's settled in now and just had to shake off a little rust.


Yeah Mayock was talking about that today how he called out Raji, and Raji heard about his comments. Today his stock went way up. I mean, there were plays where he was driving Mack so far back that Mack was hitting the QB on some handoffs cause of the pressure Raji got. He just really stood out over everyone else.


The other guy I liked was Brian Robitski. Showed great route running, nice speed for his size and his hands were great at grabbing the football. I think he's a first rounder as well.


But man, I still cant get over Raji, I cant wait to see the Senior Bowl. The other Senior Bowl team is going on NFL Network tomorrow.....

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Yeah Mayock was talking about that today how he called out Raji, and Raji heard about his comments. Today his stock went way up. I mean, there were plays where he was driving Mack so far back that Mack was hitting the QB on some handoffs cause of the pressure Raji got. He just really stood out over everyone else.


The other guy I liked was Brian Robitski. Showed great route running, nice speed for his size and his hands were great at grabbing the football. I think he's a first rounder as well.


But man, I still cant get over Raji, I cant wait to see the Senior Bowl. The other Senior Bowl team is going on NFL Network tomorrow.....


I don't want to read into it too much because it's practice, but you have to love how someone gets called out by a very good draft guru/talent evaluator and answers the bell by coming out and playing big. DE, TE and OC are priority needs but you shouldn't reach for guys, you should take the best player available. And if that happens to be Raji come draft day than by all means, insert him next to Stroud and watch pockets collapse and run games get stuffed!

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