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The wrestler thread got me ta thinkin


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I goggled it and I'm still unsure. Are you going for a peregrine falcon reference or a motorcycle reference or something else?


I probably spelled it wrong...Fighter Hayabusa (sp?) was a character on Nintendo's Pro Wrestling video game. In short, he was the biggest puss in the game, and he relied on one move (back brain kick).

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What would Coach Jauron's wrestler nickname be? Would he be a good guy or a thug?


Jauron would be known as "The Dud". Which stands for Disappointed Underachieving Dick. He would definitely be booked as an under-card to mid-card wrestler. He would regularly take dives and be used as a stepping stone for up and coming wrestlers, veteran wrestlers who need to break a losing streak, wrestlers with a brand new manager that are moving on to a brighter future, basically anyone in need of a win. His signature move, one which he has practiced a lot and is very comfortable with, would have to be the post-loss handshake. :worthy:

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What would Coach Jauron's wrestler nickname be? Would he be a good guy or a thug?


The "Destroyer" - in the bad sense.


Like the old-time studio wrestler who wore a mask. The Destroyer still lives, and resides in Buffalo:


..."Dick Beyer went into semi-retirement in 1984. From 1984 to 1995, Beyer taught physical education in the Akron Central School District in Akron, New York, where he also coached football, wrestling and swimming.


Beyer now lives in Buffalo, New York. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Cauliflower Alley Club, which holds annual reunions in Las Vegas."...



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What would Coach Jauron's wrestler nickname be? Would he be a good guy or a thug?

He would be: "The Frozen Head"

Some makeup so that his face would appear more gaunt, his eyes more sunken and his tongue hanging out one side of his mouth. Maybe some icicles hanging off his eyebrows for effect.


His signature move would be: "The Stare"

He would use "The Stare" to turn his unsuspecting opponents into Frozen Heads.


Only move that can beat him: "The Laugh". No one has been able to accomplish this. Not even close. Everyone who has tried has been turned into a Frozen Head by The Stare.


How his reign of terror comes to an end: Someone finally holds a mirror to his face when he uses "The Stare" and he stares himself into permanent and total frozenness. It takes a full 6 months before anyone notices the difference.

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Couldn't come up with a good one eh?


Well considering YOU came up with this topic... I guess I didn't figure it required much effort.



What would Dick Jauron's wrestler nickname be? Really?!?!? That's what you came up with after a long weekend? :censored:

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