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Helmet Hair is such a kitty, that he fears civilization. Jesus, how big of a sissy does one have to be to live in fear of "THE CITY"?


EDIT: ...and, apparently, good wine.


I can not believe you actually used "Jesus" and "civilization" in the same sentence. You're really going to hear about this one at the cocktail party tonight!

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That's some pretty stupid stereotyping you got going. But, to play along with your stupid game...


Again, I have no problem with gun ownership (well, maybe some, but not the basic idea of a person being able to arm themselves), but in my life, I have never had use for a gun. Now, I have dealt with some fairly dangerous people in my life, and have guns pointed at me, on more than one occasion. A gun in my possession would have done nothing positive, in those situations...even if I were a skilled marksman. I managed to resolve the situations, with no violence and, in most of the cases, to my advantage. I have never been harmed, or robbed, in those situations.


Of course, if I were in law enforcement, I would need a gun. I understand that certain people, in certain professions, need to be armed for their protection. And, while I support the right for an ordinary citizen to bear arms, I'm not sure why an ordinary person would choose to arm themselves. (I'm not talking about hunting weapons, but handguns and such.)


Here's what I think. I face the world without fear. My wits, and personality, have been able to handle any situation my recklessness (or bad fortune) has gotten me into. Dullards like you, Helmet, Boomer, etc. seem to live in fear of the world, and seem sure that you will need to protect yourself with a weapon. I can understand, as your wits aren't likely to be of much use to you, in a sticky situation.

I am certain any home invader,or car jacker, would yield to your rapier like intellect. I will keep my .45,thank you.

And by the way, I frankly don't care if the threat of a terrorist attack has gone up (which I severly doubt it has). I take a bigger risk by getting behind the wheel of my car or even stepping off the curb onto an icy road than I do by not protecting myself from some hypothetical attack. You can live in fear if you want to, but I'm just going to keep on living, thank you.

It's actually probably more dangerous to go to college in Virginia tech.



Can you believe the idiots there are actually praising it since it is only the first murder there since the rampage a couple years ago?


Ummm.... exactly how many murders occur on other campuses every year?

That's some pretty stupid stereotyping you got going. But, to play along with your stupid game...


Again, I have no problem with gun ownership (well, maybe some, but not the basic idea of a person being able to arm themselves), but in my life, I have never had use for a gun. Now, I have dealt with some fairly dangerous people in my life, and have guns pointed at me, on more than one occasion. A gun in my possession would have done nothing positive, in those situations...even if I were a skilled marksman. I managed to resolve the situations, with no violence and, in most of the cases, to my advantage. I have never been harmed, or robbed, in those situations.


Of course, if I were in law enforcement, I would need a gun. I understand that certain people, in certain professions, need to be armed for their protection. And, while I support the right for an ordinary citizen to bear arms, I'm not sure why an ordinary person would choose to arm themselves. (I'm not talking about hunting weapons, but handguns and such.)


Here's what I think. I face the world without fear. My wits, and personality, have been able to handle any situation my recklessness (or bad fortune) has gotten me into. Dullards like you, Helmet, Boomer, etc. seem to live in fear of the world, and seem sure that you will need to protect yourself with a weapon. I can understand, as your wits aren't likely to be of much use to you, in a sticky situation.

The amazing thing about this post is you actually think someone will believe it.

If you haven't already, you should check out this slick contraption. I am, by no means, a wine connoisseur, but my friends are and they swear by it. A little pricy ($40), but a great gift for wine drinkers.


That's funny, one of my co-workers was just telling me about that this morning.

When a bottle is opened, the amount of time I go from opened bottle to "down the gullet" needs to be kept to a minimum. Let's get those first glasses out of the way and let the residual breathe...assuming time is available.


And here I thought you were a good drunk. :lol:


That's why I love Champagne. The bottle is usually gone 15 minutes after opening.

That's why I love Champagne. The bottle is usually gone 15 minutes after opening.



You got that right. It's the only beverage that goes with EVERYTHING.

The amazing thing about this post is you actually think someone will believe it.



People who know, know. To you others? Who gives a s#it.

I am certain any home invader,or car jacker, would yield to your rapier like intellect. I will keep my .45,thank you.



So, to date, how many home invasions and car jackings have you, and your trusty .45, thwarted so far?

You got that right. It's the only beverage that goes with EVERYTHING.

What in the Sam Hill doesn't whiskey go with? :D

You got that right. It's the only beverage that goes with EVERYTHING.


And you know what beverage goes with NOTHING? Eff-ing grapefruit juice. I wanted to start eating healthier, so I decided to go for natural juices (basically nothing with high fructose corn syrup) instead of soda. I'm a big fan of grapefruit juice, so I decided to stock up on that. But here's the problem...it doesn't taste good with any foods. It makes everything else taste like sh*t. Now I'm stuck with all this grapefruit juice in my fridge and I can't drink it with meals. :D

So, to date, how many home invasions and car jackings have you, and your trusty .45, thwarted so far?

Well, I guess it's better to have it and not need it rather than need it and not have it. I don't own a gun btw but I can see it happening IF the economy gets even worse.

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