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I am sooo glad I don't live in a major US city

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Typical Tard thinking. Your kind wants to take guns away from citizens as they know eventually that they will be turned on them. Tards are too ignorant to have outrage.



Where do I say I want to take guns from people? I have no interest in taking guns away from people who are more likely to kill themselves or a family member, than to use it in an act of self protection. Hell, I think all you far-right wackos should buy MORE guns, and keep them loaded and unlocked and leave them scattered around the house.

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Where do I say I want to take guns from people? I have no interest in taking guns away from people who are more likely to kill themselves or a family member, than to use it in an act of self protection. Hell, I think all you far-right wackos should buy MORE guns, and keep them loaded and unlocked and leave them scattered around the house.


Do far-left wackos exist?

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You spend money to buy guns you will never have a use for, simply to piss off liberals (like me)?


You are, obviously, a very smart person.


I'm still waiting for the liberal outrage, but I'm guessing that, like me, they don't give a rat's ass about some far right-wing wacko who stockpiles weapons for no reason. We know that the likely outcome of your weapons fetish, is the accidental (or otherwise) maiming/killing of one of your own inbred family members.

No, to exercise my 2nd amendment right which I know pisses you off! I wish you would choose to exercise your 1st a little less that is, if you can call the verbal diarrhea you spew, speech.


Yeah, all gun owners are child like, stupid and wing nuts who need protection from themselves and their homicidal gun toting family members. Guess you got it all figured out, the big city sophisticate is going to lecture us on how the proper way to live life is. Laughable!


Ok, I’ll let you get back to berating your Mexican house cleaner who comes by twice a week to pick up the used condoms, hypodermic needles and shell casings from the front “green space” where your children earn Scout badges by training the rats to do tricks.

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No, to exercise my 2nd amendment right which I know pisses you off! I wish you would choose to exercise your 1st a little less that is, if you can call the verbal diarrhea you spew, speech.


Yeah, all gun owners are child like, stupid and wing nuts who need protection from themselves and their homicidal gun toting family members. Guess you got it all figured out, the big city sophisticate is going to lecture us on how the proper way to live life is. Laughable!


Ok, I’ll let you get back to berating your Mexican house cleaner who comes by twice a week to pick up the used condoms, hypodermic needles and shell casings from the front “green space” where your children earn Scout badges by training the rats to do tricks.

and throwing out his IRS tax payment requests.

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Where do I say I want to take guns from people? I have no interest in taking guns away from people who are more likely to kill themselves or a family member, than to use it in an act of self protection. Hell, I think all you far-right wackos should buy MORE guns, and keep them loaded and unlocked and leave them scattered around the house.

It's in process. And actually it's not a good idea for Tards to have guns as they were never in the military nor do they know how to use them ,The Tards think every one is like themselves , ignorant in the handling of guns.

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No, to exercise my 2nd amendment right which I know pisses you off! I wish you would choose to exercise your 1st a little less that is, if you can call the verbal diarrhea you spew, speech.


Yeah, all gun owners are child like, stupid and wing nuts who need protection from themselves and their homicidal gun toting family members. Guess you got it all figured out, the big city sophisticate is going to lecture us on how the proper way to live life is. Laughable!


Ok, I’ll let you get back to berating your Mexican house cleaner who comes by twice a week to pick up the used condoms, hypodermic needles and shell casings from the front “green space” where your children earn Scout badges by training the rats to do tricks.

That was just plain good. :lol:

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No, to exercise my 2nd amendment right which I know pisses you off! I wish you would choose to exercise your 1st a little less that is, if you can call the verbal diarrhea you spew, speech.


Yeah, all gun owners are child like, stupid and wing nuts who need protection from themselves and their homicidal gun toting family members. Guess you got it all figured out, the big city sophisticate is going to lecture us on how the proper way to live life is. Laughable!


Ok, I’ll let you get back to berating your Mexican house cleaner who comes by twice a week to pick up the used condoms, hypodermic needles and shell casings from the front “green space” where your children earn Scout badges by training the rats to do tricks.



I have no issue with you exercising your (and my) 2nd amendment. I plan to get myself a baby nuke...maybe a snuke.

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I believe when possible, opening the wine early, pouring a little out into a glass, and then letting it breath naturally.


When a bottle is opened, the amount of time I go from opened bottle to "down the gullet" needs to be kept to a minimum. Let's get those first glasses out of the way and let the residual breathe...assuming time is available.


And here I thought you were a good drunk. :lol:

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It's in process. And actually it's not a good idea for Tards to have guns as they were never in the military nor do they know how to use them ,The Tards think every one is like themselves , ignorant in the handling of guns.

What is remarkable is they hate the cops,hate the military,yet refuse to defend themselves. But with Obama in power,it will be all love and kindness,so that will no longer be necessary.

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When a bottle is opened, the amount of time I go from opened bottle to "down the gullet" needs to be kept to a minimum. Let's get those first glasses out of the way and let the residual breathe...assuming time is available.


And here I thought you were a good drunk. :lol:



That's what I mean, when I say "mouth to mouth". I have no problem drinking wine, as soon as it is opened...even if it really needs to breathe. But, when time permits (and when I remember), I will open a bottle early (pour a little for me, as the wine breathes better with a little more surface area) and "taste" it. If it is a special wine (and again, if I remember...always the major issue) I will drink something else, while the wine breathes. I'm not suggesting I don't drink while the wine breathes.

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It's means you're more likely to die in a major city from a terrorist blast or chemical strike then in the country. Especially now because there is no War on Terror and we have replaced "fear with hope" or some BS like that.


On another note... When taking a trip, DO NOT TAKE THE SCENIC ROUTE... You know the "two-lane." More deaths occur on those roads than the interstate... For what it is worth, the interstate is safer.

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What is remarkable is they hate the cops,hate the military,yet refuse to defend themselves. But with Obama in power,it will be all love and kindness,so that will no longer be necessary.



That's some pretty stupid stereotyping you got going. But, to play along with your stupid game...


Again, I have no problem with gun ownership (well, maybe some, but not the basic idea of a person being able to arm themselves), but in my life, I have never had use for a gun. Now, I have dealt with some fairly dangerous people in my life, and have guns pointed at me, on more than one occasion. A gun in my possession would have done nothing positive, in those situations...even if I were a skilled marksman. I managed to resolve the situations, with no violence and, in most of the cases, to my advantage. I have never been harmed, or robbed, in those situations.


Of course, if I were in law enforcement, I would need a gun. I understand that certain people, in certain professions, need to be armed for their protection. And, while I support the right for an ordinary citizen to bear arms, I'm not sure why an ordinary person would choose to arm themselves. (I'm not talking about hunting weapons, but handguns and such.)


Here's what I think. I face the world without fear. My wits, and personality, have been able to handle any situation my recklessness (or bad fortune) has gotten me into. Dullards like you, Helmet, Boomer, etc. seem to live in fear of the world, and seem sure that you will need to protect yourself with a weapon. I can understand, as your wits aren't likely to be of much use to you, in a sticky situation.

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And by the way, I frankly don't care if the threat of a terrorist attack has gone up (which I severly doubt it has). I take a bigger risk by getting behind the wheel of my car or even stepping off the curb onto an icy road than I do by not protecting myself from some hypothetical attack. You can live in fear if you want to, but I'm just going to keep on living, thank you.

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What is remarkable is they hate the cops,hate the military,yet refuse to defend themselves. But with Obama in power,it will be all love and kindness,so that will no longer be necessary.

No, they plan on boring their assailants to death by talking about vinifera better known to us gun toting mouth breathers as grape soda with a kick.

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And by the way, I frankly don't care if the threat of a terrorist attack has gone up (which I severly doubt it has). I take a bigger risk by getting behind the wheel of my car or even stepping off the curb onto an icy road than I do by not protecting myself from some hypothetical attack. You can live in fear if you want to, but I'm just going to keep on living, thank you.



Helmet Hair is such a kitty, that he fears civilization. Jesus, how big of a sissy does one have to be to live in fear of "THE CITY"?


EDIT: ...and, apparently, good wine.

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What is remarkable is they hate the cops,hate the military,yet refuse to defend themselves. But with Obama in power,it will be all love and kindness,so that will no longer be necessary.

A racist, a homophobe AND ignorant as hell to boot.


I grant you this, you know a lot about hate.

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