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ABC says Ted Kennedy collapsed in seizure at the presidential luncheon

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The dirtbag got away with murder. It may seem like ancient history to you, but it's not. She ran out of air in a car that was submerged in shallow water (the rear end was sticking out of the water). Teddy the dirtbag got out and walked home (past the volunteer fire station that had a direct phone line to the police outside the station). He then didn't tell anyone ( except maybe his lawyer) until the next morning.

This happened at the same time Neil Armstrong was walking on the moon.


Hell is too good for him.

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The dirtbag got away with murder. It may seem like ancient history to you, but it's not. She ran out of air in a car that was submerged in shallow water (the rear end was sticking out of the water). Teddy the dirtbag got out and walked home (past the volunteer fire station that had a direct phone line to the police outside the station). He then didn't tell anyone ( except maybe his lawyer) until the next morning.

This happened at the same time Neil Armstrong was walking on the moon.


Hell is too good for him.


You have the right to judge him in a biblical sense (no sex involved)?

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The dirtbag got away with murder. It may seem like ancient history to you, but it's not. She ran out of air in a car that was submerged in shallow water (the rear end was sticking out of the water). Teddy the dirtbag got out and walked home (past the volunteer fire station that had a direct phone line to the police outside the station). He then didn't tell anyone ( except maybe his lawyer) until the next morning.

This happened at the same time Neil Armstrong was walking on the moon.


Hell is too good for him.


This is an example of a person who has learned a lot from what Jesus taught about forgiveness.

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Looks like the wingnuts are handling the transfer of power just as well as I expected them to.

Wrong, you liberal tard (redundant?), the previous posts apply regardless of who's running the country.


TK is a murderer.....and an old drunk. And no, the T in TK doesn't stand for teflon though I can see how you'd make that mistake.

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Wow. Didn't expect it to devolve into this bowl of crap, even by PPP standards. And, people, that's saying something. Word is that he will be released from the hospital today and that it was a combination of fatigue and the emotion of the day that led to the seizure. As this seems to be concluded, I'm going to close the thread.


Maybe it would be right for everyone to consider that what goes around comes around. I know several people who were in a foul mood yesterday b/c BO was officially becoming president, who are now every bit the bitter @-holes the Berkley crowd was for the last 8 years.


I would only say that if you don't want the pendulum to swing too far to the left, don't work to swing it too far to the right when your favorite is in power, and this obviously goes vice versa.

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