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Can He Do All 10?


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Abu Ghraib was handed over to the Iraqis a couple of years ago. Admittedly, the prison should have been closed and the building levelled years ago...but unless Obama wants to meddle in a soverign Iraqi affair, there's nothing he can do about it.



You are the master at being technically correct while lying (through implication) through your !@#$ing teeth. Are you actually implying that Iraq is a sovereign state?

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No we don't. My money should be used to enhance and go toward things that work. Throwing money into the wishing well is not a good use of my tax dollars.


On top of that it goes against a large portion of the peoples religion. Oh I know the people, especially if they don't share your politics, be damned.



I wasn't behind the war on terror, but I will be all about a war on jealousy! :worthy:

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Do you work for the CIA or just watch CNN? Will all your insite you must get daily briefings.



Take it easy on him...we can't all be privy to the daily briefings you get from Laura Schlesinger, Rick Savage, Lars Larsen, Sean Hannity, O'Reilly... that kind of info is for the truly superior and enlightened.

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You are the master at being technically correct while lying (through implication) through your !@#$ing teeth. Are you actually implying that Iraq is a sovereign state?


No, I'm implying that if Obama wants to achieve that as a matter of policy, he shouldn't go mucking around in matters that are ostensibly solely in the purview of Iraq. You're presuming - incorrectly - I said Iraq a soverign state. Your presumption is not my responsibility.


That's why I didn't say "Iraq is a soverign state", but "Abu Ghraib is a soverign Iraqi affair". Admittedly, my point - that if Obama were to close Abu Ghraib, it would be a violation of his own policy geared towards exiting Iraq and allowing them their soverignty, and for nothing more than a feel-good sound byte - was a very subtle one, so I'm not surprised anyone missed it.

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