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Classic Katie!


Requiring someone to plant a tree IS just like electrocuting somebody's testicles!



QUICK! Somebody get TheBigCatretrospective genius to a position of high authority, STAT!



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And thats worse than the executive branch absorbing power from the other branches, torturing in the name of entertainment and revenge and spying on civilians. Everyone says they don't like what is going on and something needs to be done, then they sit on their &%&%&% waiting for somebody else to do something


What's your point? That we should ignore government abuses if we can identify other government abuses? Gee, that's a good strategy for combating the problem.





p.s. "torturing in the name of entertainment and revenge"?? Forget your meds today?

What's your point? That we should ignore government abuses if we can identify other government abuses? Gee, that's a good strategy for combating the problem.





p.s. "torturing in the name of entertainment and revenge"?? Forget your meds today?



Just saying

And not ONE of those photos being the result of a US law or policy like this !@#$ing retarded "green laws" are.


Thats why this comparison is !@#$ing STUPID.



Yup...that's the difference. No one is in any way suggesting that abuses by soldiers against Iraqis should be tolerated or that the perps should not be severely punished. But those were criminal acts committed by individuals, not the policy of the executive branch as was suggested.

What's your point? That we should ignore government abuses if we can identify other government abuses? Gee, that's a good strategy for combating the problem.





p.s. "torturing in the name of entertainment and revenge"?? Forget your meds today?

It wasn't done for interrogation- and the MP's already admitted to that. Some of it was done because there was nothing else to do and some of it was done out of frustration because people in their patrols had been slaughtered. Even if it had been done for the sake of interrogation, everybody knows that toture does not get actionable information. We actually got more info after eliminating torture.

It wasn't done for interrogation- and the MP's already admitted to that. Some of it was done because there was nothing else to do and some of it was done out of frustration because people in their patrols had been slaughtered. Even if it had been done for the sake of interrogation, everybody knows that toture does not get actionable information. We actually got more info after eliminating torture.

"We" whats this we crap are you in Military intelligence. They are the enemy sc%#w them. They are lucky to be alive. Torture somes gets some. info . What happened to those prisoners wasn't torture , harrassment maybe but not torture.

"We" whats this we crap are you in Military intelligence. They are the enemy sc%#w them. They are lucky to be alive. Torture somes gets some. info . What happened to those prisoners wasn't torture , harrassment maybe but not torture.

Waterboarding isn't harassment. Hanging a person on the wall isn't harassment. Hooking up electrodes isn't harassment. Religous persecution isn't harrassment. Any of the other stuff isn't harassment.


This isn't stuff that our troops normally do either. Our troops are good people who want nothing more than to serve our country. This garbage ended up happening because of a planned lack of oversight.


Sure, you get information through torture....just much of it isn't accurate information, which means you don't know what is accurate and what isn't. Once the torture was exposed and stopped because of some of the most heroic military personnel that the country has even known, we got much better information, which saved lives. That isn't according to me, thats according to our MP's.

It wasn't done for interrogation- and the MP's already admitted to that. Some of it was done because there was nothing else to do and some of it was done out of frustration because people in their patrols had been slaughtered. Even if it had been done for the sake of interrogation, everybody knows that toture does not get actionable information. We actually got more info after eliminating torture.



You didn't answer the original question. Why did you bring this up at all in a thread about municiple gov't abuse?

You didn't answer the original question. Why did you bring this up at all in a thread about municiple gov't abuse?

My original point was that there will always be abuses in government and that most people complain about it then wait for somebody else to do something. I tend to get off point more often than usual when I get 5 hours sleep over a week.......

No, he's not right. He's a moron who whines about nebulous things that may or may not be happening in the GWOT as though it's impacting him directly. But then he dismisses it when his government is considering forcing him to act a certain way at his own expense, on his own property. Thus his responses are limited to laughably stupid comparisons that demonstrate how poorly he understands the issue.


Just unreal how clueless people have become when this kind of crap passes for normal.


Please, please, PLEASE link to a post where I've "whined" about something. I dare you.


Look, I know we disagree on, well, everything, but you come across as a royal d!ck when you take my dissension and just lop it into what you consider the "whiny" liberal ideology. Just because you disagree with liberals AND me doesn't make my opinions unwaveringly liberal and visa versa.

Could you please provide me with the real proof that our government under the direction of our president is torturing people by electrocution otherwise, STFU!




Well if you want, replace "testicular electrocution" with "water boarding" and it might help you understand the POINT.


I suppose you still support Dick Jauron, since every problem with the organization MUST filter through him, then surely you believe the same thing about the President of the United States and everyone HE oversees/appoints.


EDIT: But, just for fun- in case there WAS any question that Bush (himself) authorized "tools" for extracting information:




And yes, I DO realize that he refers to them as "tools" and never "torture." But, I'm going to go ahead and put forth the argument that if these tools weren't morally ambiguous, he wouldn't refer to them in such a nebulous way. I will totally understand if you think that's "idiotic," though I will read your charges of idiocy as charges of "inference" and just assume you have access to a limited vocabulary! :thumbsup:

Yup...that's the difference. No one is in any way suggesting that abuses by soldiers against Iraqis should be tolerated or that the perps should not be severely punished. But those were criminal acts committed by individuals, not the policy of the executive branch as was suggested.

It was the system- individuals react to the system. Thats what pushes them to do those terrible things. And I COMPLETELY understand that them memos allowing torture were sent with the best of intentions. Unfortunately, good intentions aren't enough......same with the green ideas. The creator of an idea never believes that idea to be a bad one

Well if you want, replace "testicular electrocution" with "water boarding" and it might help you understand the POINT.


I suppose you still support Dick Jauron, since every problem with the organization MUST filter through him, then surely you believe the same thing about the President of the United States and everyone HE oversees/appoints.


EDIT: But, just for fun- in case there WAS any question that Bush (himself) authorized "tools" for extracting information:




And yes, I DO realize that he refers to them as "tools" and never "torture." But, I'm going to go ahead and put forth the argument that if these tools weren't morally ambiguous, he wouldn't refer to them in such a nebulous way. I will totally understand if you think that's "idiotic," though I will read your charges of idiocy as charges of "inference" and just assume you have access to a limited vocabulary! :thumbsup:


And youre still comparing apples to komquats. Try to figure out why.

And youre still comparing apples to komquats. Try to figure out why.


Gee, where are all the left wingers who whine about civil rights when we are torturing some POS terrorist?




Unless you're referring to Waterboarding v testicle shocking.


Otherwise, I was the one questioning torture's relation to having a community agree to terms requiring them to plant trees. So, yeah.

Let's not forget the queers being allowed to openly serve in the military. Support the military , yea right , destroy it is more like it . It will not be proud to serve . And Barney Frank can be a General in the new militarly Rangers, the Rump Rangers. The Tards are flocking to the recruiting offices.


Sounds like daddy beat you pretty hard when he caught you and billy playing "taste the purple lollipop," huh?

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