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Building A Religion


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Hey Nozzlenut,


At 30 seconds in, is that the same cute Obama doggie sweater you mentioned in another thread?



Not sure what a "Nozzlenut" might be but I can't imagine it's good. Anyway, no. I never posted anything about a doggie sweater. Sorry. Wrong guy. Catchy tune though don't you think. :thumbsup:

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Not sure what a "Nozzlenut" might be but I can't imagine it's good. Anyway, no. I never posted anything about a doggie sweater. Sorry. Wrong guy. Catchy tune though don't you think. :thumbsup:

He's talking about Debbie (blzrule). She tried posting under "Nozzlenut" a few times, for whatever twisted reason. Of course, we can read IP addresses so we exposed her pretty quickly.

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He's talking about Debbie (blzrule). She tried posting under "Nozzlenut" a few times, for whatever twisted reason. Of course, we can read IP addresses so we exposed her pretty quickly.

lol ok. Sorry about that. Thought Nozzlenut was some how derived from numbnuts or something like that. :thumbsup:

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Just for the sake of argument, I fail to see how a Barack Obama based religion is any less ridiculous or valid than any other B.S. religion you can name.


Well, I would like to know if Obama was the true inspiration for that song, or if the youtube slideshow was just a couple unrelated dots somebody connected when he/she was stoned.

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Barack's real, not imaginary.

All religions were started by someone who was real at some point in time, but you know that.


Anyway, all this crap equating Obama's popularity to religion, cultism, etc is just stupid. Any level of presidential popularity would seem extreme compared to a demonized figure like George Bush. Some people are rooting for him as if he were a sports team, but that's nothing new in politics. Black people are understandably excited because he's the first black president. Bush haters like myself might be a bit over the top, but that's more about Bush leaving than anything else.


All this religion talk is just sour grapes.

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It's getting rediculous.

With the plates, coins,, HBO being free Tuesday night, etc. this is turning into a cult. Never saw that for other inaugurations. At the very least, it is like the adoration that dictators get when they start out.

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It's getting rediculous.

With the plates, coins,, HBO being free Tuesday night, etc. this is turning into a cult. Never saw that for other inaugurations. At the very least, it is like the adoration that dictators get when they start out.

It really does show the power of good, no great marketing. Guy has not done a thing yet and if you were to take a poll today of the greatest presidents in US history, he would be in the top 10. Have to say hats off to whatever firm they hired to push this guy. Must be the same outfit that Apple hires. People really will buy or buy into anything if its packaged right.

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All religions were started by someone who was real at some point in time, but you know that.


Anyway, all this crap equating Obama's popularity to religion, cultism, etc is just stupid. Any level of presidential popularity would seem extreme compared to a demonized figure like George Bush. Some people are rooting for him as if he were a sports team, but that's nothing new in politics. Black people are understandably excited because he's the first black president. Bush haters like myself might be a bit over the top, but that's more about Bush leaving than anything else.


All this religion talk is just sour grapes.


Oh no, it's very cultish. The emotional investment that so many people have in someone who will have little impact on their day-to-day lives is pretty astounding, to the point of being worrisome. It's not just his popularity - Kennedy was as popular. It's the level of dependence some people have on his very existence in the White House that's scary.

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Yeah, and I've got a four-pack of Official Commerative Jones' Barack Obama "Orange You Glad For Change" sitting on my kitchen counte, from the same grocery store that's selling out Barack Obama cupcakes at $2.50 a piece. Some of the merchandising surrounding him is ridiculous.

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