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Not that Beerball and I would know anything about this

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Langan is president and chief executive of Houston-based Rick's Cabaret International, a publicly traded chain of gentlemen's clubs.


Hmm...the market doesn't seem to be reacting positively to the news (RICK) but it could just be getting dragged down by today's meltdown over the retail and banking sectors.


Might be a nice little buy today. I could see a quick 10% pop. I'm issuing a BUY recommendation on Rick's Cabaret until further notice.

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Hmm...the market doesn't seem to be reacting positively to the news (RICK) but it could just be getting dragged down by today's meltdown over the retail and banking sectors.


Might be a nice little buy today. I could see a quick 10% pop. I'm issuing a BUY recommendation on Rick's Cabaret until further notice.



Pardon the pun, but screw that. Let convert RICK to a bank-holding company as we certainly are a company with systematic importance to the municipalities in which we operate due to tax revenues those municipalities derive from our activities and the jobs we create. We can access TARP funds under the Capital Purchase Program, providing Treasury with nice 10% preferred dividend. We can use the TARP funds to acquire other adult establishments, thereby providing other municipalities with the benefit of our management experience in running a publicly traded busienss focused on adult entertainment. If we put a Rick's in each municipality, we may be able to make enough revenue to offset some of the municipality losses due to the financial crisis. Also, think of the jobs we can create...many in the retail sector may be looking for work soon. We also don't believe we will be that affected by the financial crisis...$15 and BYOB is not too steep even for an out-of-work stockbroker. What do you think?

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For me - Medina, NY


A part of the nice things about WNY. We all seem to crab about the sad state of NYS - but fact is we grew up there, and that is where our memories lie. For most, happy times, I'd say. A reason why folks who, you as I, never forget and get drawn back.


I guess they call that "sense of place" or some such. Whatever - it's factual. I'm glad it is.


Segue - reconsider these Florida, Mexican, etc. vacations with your kids. Better the Falls, Letchworth, Beaver Island, the Science Museum, the Historical Society, the locks, Parkside Candies, Ted's, Pizza, wings, Chautauqua Institution, Genny Beer, Ft. Niagara, Allentown, sponge candy, Cheektowaga flamingos, Elmwood Strip, the libraries, Bflo. Raceway, and so on. You can do the same in your current locale if you are diasporsa - get yer kids, yourself, into the locality.


Forge memories. Acquaint kids and yourself with the area. Make it home in their young minds regardless of travel here and there, outside.


Making sure one's kids have roots, good recollection of people and familiar ways is what is to be done, and of vital value when everything falls into the toilet. Same for non-kids. Find and cling to your own rock.


We old Baloos still swing a feeble paw in pride of our WNY heritage, and most of you new ones swing your strong ones. Happy to see that. :thumbsup:


Like Dorothy said as she clicked her ruby slippers - "There's no place like home".


So true.


Lecture off..or is it Lecture/ ? I'm not contemporary. :beer:

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