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Truly ugly

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Bush is gone, you lost the congress, and everything else. Stop reading Coultergeist and stop being so negative and work with us to build on what we have.


My last post.


You mean you don't want to be around for the fun times when BO continues with Bush's policies?

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Bush is gone, you lost the congress, and everything else. Stop reading Coultergeist and stop being so negative and work with us to build on what we have.


My last post.



Please understand that when people see a thread title of "Truly Ugly" they open the thread with the expectation of having a laugh about Canadian sex symbols like Celine Dion.


When they are disappointed they will lash out like you have seen here. It is your fault really.

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Extremists are always ugly no matter WHICH side they're on. I am sure the wingnuts will be pleased to hear that the far left is screaming that Obama is being too centrist in his cabinet picks, etc. That should make the right very happy. I was surprised at all the emails I've received calling for a protest to this that and the other pick as not being "liberal" enough.


It speaks volumes that even the far left bought into the wingnuts' demonization of Obama as a flaming liberal. He's not, and I don't know if he ever was.

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