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Bills "Thank You" highlight video


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Is there one play or occurrance that captures the Bills 2008 season for you, & if so, what is it?


A few weeks ago, ESPN went through each division and showed one highlight per team that was supposed to have defined their season. I think they showed the Losman fumble against NYJ.


I think of Hardy's TD catch against JAX, Trent's concussion against AZ, Lindell missing for teh win against CLE, and Losman's fumble. Lindell's miss I think is the ONE play for me. :beer:

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A few weeks ago, ESPN went through each division and showed one highlight per team that was supposed to have defined their season. I think they showed the Losman fumble against NYJ.


I think of Hardy's TD catch against JAX, Trent's concussion against AZ, Lindell missing for teh win against CLE, and Losman's fumble. Lindell's miss I think is the ONE play for me. :beer:


Trent's concussion against AZ was definitely the play for me. After that single play, the entire team and coaching staff started playing like it was 2007 again.

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Trent's concussion against AZ was definitely the play for me. After that single play, the entire team and coaching staff started playing like it was 2007 again.


After the AZ game, the aggressive play-calling ended, and in its place was a return to the play not to lose philosophy consistent with all DJ coached teams. But for one loss to change things so abruptly is such a joke, and emblematic of a greater issue about the guts of a HC who can't pick the right times to take a calculated risk.

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This season: Edwards getting knocked out cold 3 plays into the AZ game. I knew in my heart that the Bills could not win with JP Losman as their quarterback. I knew it was over, right then and there.



The one that still burns into my head is...



2005 @ New Orleans...Terrence McGee has one of the greatest kick returns in the history of the league if he doesn't jump too soon trying to jump over the LAST and ONLY defender he hadn't left in the dust. It was an incredible return with him going from sideline to sideline basically twice, and stopping on a dime several times...Yet he fell at about the 3 yard line...and this was as time expired going into halftime if I remember correctly, so the Bills got nothing out of it. Damn.

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JP Losman dropping back to pass and fumbling @ the Jets with 2 min to go and we are winning ............ LOL!!






Best part, I'm at Buffalo Wild Wings watching it with some of my friends and one of them is a Bills fan originally from Ra-cha-cha. We watch this debacle unfold before our eyes, raise our glasses to one another and just start laughing out loud. Nothing else we could do, game over, season over, happy hour over... etc.


As Jimmy Buffett sang, "If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane."

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