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How many people lost their shirts betting on the Carolina v. Arizona g

Steely Dan

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I was actually going to beT heavy on Carolina moneyline but luckily I never got around to it! I did however make time to bet big on the Tenn/Balt under-CA-CHING!!!!!!!!!


Oh brother. I always love the "Ca-Ching!" posts after the fact, yet you never see a definitive "I'm putting $X on tomorrow's game" post. :thumbsup:




I'm sure tons of people teased Carolina with another game and got crushed by the outright Cardinal win. Betting on the NFL is almost as hard as winning in the NFL.

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actually I went with every away team and made out very well.


That's flying in the face of all conventional wisdom. You're lucky you made out on those.



Oh brother. I always love the "Ca-Ching!" posts after the fact, yet you never see a definitive "I'm putting $X on tomorrow's game" post. :thumbsup:




I'm sure tons of people teased Carolina with another game and got crushed by the outright Cardinal win. Betting on the NFL is almost as hard as winning in the NFL.


I'll tell you right now that I have every winner this weekend. I'll divulge this secret information on Monday! :beer:

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Off the top of my head I can't think of one person who thought the Cardinals would win. I wonder how this will affect LV's bottom line? :thumbsup:


I know Vegas tries to put the spread so both teams will be bet equally but I still see the higher payouts for betting on Arizona hurting them.


Um, I was 4-0 in the games last weekend with and without the point spreads and posted it on here before the weekend games even began...



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Would you like a gold sticker for your efforts??


No, I already got 1800 "green certificates" as a reward for my efforts last weekend. I have only missed one game in the playoffs this year...thank god because my stock portfolio is getting hammered (Stupid Citibank) lol....

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Pretty good. Have you made your picks for this weekend?


Not yet, leaning toward AZ at this time though as I have concerns with Westbrooks injury possibly limiting his mobility even though he is going to play.


Honestly, the Pitt v Balt game to me is the toughest game I have had to pick this year. I am pretty sure I am going to go with Pitt, but I just have this feeling that an upset by Balt is in the making. The Balt D has been very oppotunistic to this point, Ben I think is going to struggle, and I dont see Willie Parker bailing them out against this Ravens D. On the flip side, I dont have much confidence in Balt making plays on the offensive side of the ball either against Pitts smothering D. All in all though, I think the experience of Pitt probably carries them through and they win.


Last weekend I bet all the games individually and played a parlay and a teaser and won them all...so it was a good weekend...lol...but this week is a lot tougher...


So, if I was to bet right now, I would go AZ and Pitt, but I won't make my final decision until this weekend.

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Not yet, leaning toward AZ at this time though as I have concerns with Westbrooks injury possibly limiting his mobility even though he is going to play.


Honestly, the Pitt v Balt game to me is the toughest game I have had to pick this year. I am pretty sure I am going to go with Pitt, but I just have this feeling that an upset by Balt is in the making. The Balt D has been very oppotunistic to this point, Ben I think is going to struggle, and I dont see Willie Parker bailing them out against this Ravens D. On the flip side, I dont have much confidence in Balt making plays on the offensive side of the ball either against Pitts smothering D. All in all though, I think the experience of Pitt probably carries them through and they win.


Last weekend I bet all the games individually and played a parlay and a teaser and won them all...so it was a good weekend...lol...but this week is a lot tougher...


So, if I was to bet right now, I would go AZ and Pitt, but I won't make my final decision until this weekend.


Good article in the Buffalo News about the Steelers being almost completely healthy and the Ravens dealing with plenty of injuries. Same deal with ARI/PHILLY, as Arizona only has 3 guys on the injury list and Philly has 8 or 9.


If injuries mean anything, the picks seem obvious. But as we all know, nothing is ever as easy as it sounds. Should be some good games...

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Good article in the Buffalo News about the Steelers being almost completely healthy and the Ravens dealing with plenty of injuries. Same deal with ARI/PHILLY, as Arizona only has 3 guys on the injury list and Philly has 8 or 9.


If injuries mean anything, the picks seem obvious. But as we all know, nothing is ever as easy as it sounds. Should be some good games...


Yeah Balt has been bitten by the injury bug, although I don't recall anyone of any real significance being out this week. Like I said, I would go AZ and Pitt right now and probably will end up betting them come game time as I don't really see much changing my mind. That being said though, I am not as confident as I was last week.


To me, Philly, AZ, Balt and Pitt were picks I had a lot of confidence in last week, and logic would say have the same confidence in Pitt this week, but for some reason I just don't. I am not a fan of how Tomlin manages the game and he makes key mistakes at critical times that have cost him wins and almost cost him wins in other close games. So, I just dont trust him in a close game and with these 2 defenses I just think either team puts a lot of points on the board.

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