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Good News! We are no longer the Arizona Cardinals of the AFC


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Not sure what you mean by this . . . but I was thinking about Dennis Green. I wonder how he feels now. He drafted Larry Fitzgerald, brought in Kurt Warner and drafted Darnell Dockett, Antrel Rolle. The list goes on and on.


Did he draft Boldin also?


I think he brought in Neil Lomax as well

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They didn't change jack squat. While I could care less about the Cowboys, Arizona is a ton better than Buffalo. Arizona actually has playmakers all over the offensive side of the field. The Bills, well, they kinda might have one in Marshawn. Maybe. Actually, probably not.


The Cards are a damn good football team at home, and their stars are producing so far in the playoffs. The only shock is that the Cards have finally played well on the road. IF, the Eagles beat the Giants tomorrow, the Cards, at home, could easily be in the Super Bowl.


Lynch is a good plugger- but not exactly a play maker since he does not have the speed and moves to break big plays.



Fred jackson is more of a playmaker than Lynch

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That is err... good news... right? :lol:


You're right. In fact, the Bills never were the Cardinals of the AFC.


Start with old NFL Championships for the Chicago/St.Louis Cardinals, versus Bills' old AFL Championships. The Bills won two consecutive AFL Championships in '64 and '65, and lost the AFL Championship game in '66 to Kansas City, who went on to Super Bowl 1 versus Green Bay.


The Cardinals? Well I know the St. Louis Cardinals never won an NFL Championship, and I really don't think the Chicago Cardinals ever won more then maybe one old NFL Championship, if any.


Move along to the modern era of AFC vs. NFC Championships, and Super Bowl....games played. The St. Louis/Arizona Cardinals? The franchise has never even played in one NFC Championship game, until next week's game against the Eagles. Not a single one.


The Bills? Five AFC Championship games, 4-1 record, and the only team in NFL history to play in 4 consecutive Super Bowls, sadly, losing all 4. (Damn it!) :(


But I digress. The fact of the matter is, despite the Bills being a pathetic 0-4 in Super Bowls, and.....depsite the fact the Bills have sucked for the past 9 long frustrating years, you cannot compare that to being a die hard St. Louis or Arizona Cardinals fan, whose heros have sucked........forever, until this one terrific season. And oh by the way, they still need to beat a very tough Eagles team to advance to their very first Super Bowl.

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