Peter Posted October 30, 2004 Posted October 30, 2004 I guess GWB really just meant "alive." This tape is another example that we did not take care of business and that the Iraq adventure was a diversion from what should have been our number one goal. With OBL, Bush and Cheney did not have to make strained arguments that he had anything to do with 9/11 or Al Qaeda as they did with Saddam. I remember a couple of you have posted statements such as how do we know that we did not take care of business and OBL is not already dead because we have not heard from him in so long. Now we have heard from him. It will be interesting to see how voters react to this videotape. Will they think that this videotape is: 1. another reason to vote for GWB because supposedly he is "better on terrorism" or 2. another reason to vote for JK because the Bush team took their eye off the ball. We shall see on Tuesday.
Paco Posted October 30, 2004 Posted October 30, 2004 Bin Laden releases yet another video from some rat-infested cave in the middle of nowhere, and we've somehow taken our eye off the ball? Man, you guys will spin absolutely anything and everything you can to grasp for ANYTHING that can help in the final week. The American people see Bin Laden hiding away in a hole, not standing on some street somewhere with people surrounding him and praising him and cheering his name. You suggest we should keep going until we get him, and let the rest of the world go to hell in the process? As if getting Bin Laden will end the war on terror? Yep. More reason why I pray to God a pussified candidate like Kerry loses this race.
Mike in Syracuse Posted October 30, 2004 Posted October 30, 2004 Bin Laden releases yet another video from some rat-infested cave in the middle of nowhere, and we've somehow taken our eye off the ball? Man, you guys will spin absolutely anything and everything you can to grasp for ANYTHING that can help in the final week. The American people see Bin Laden hiding away in a hole, not standing on some street somewhere with people surrounding him and praising him and cheering his name. You suggest we should keep going until we get him, and let the rest of the world go to hell in the process? As if getting Bin Laden will end the war on terror? Yep. More reason why I pray to God a pussified candidate like Kerry loses this race. 92257[/snapback] If the administrations were reversed I'm sure the Republicans wouldn't try to make hay out of the fact that Bin Laden's still a free man. Yeah right. More evidence that both parties are filled with egomaniacal empty suits. I'd be embarassed to call myself a Republican or a Democrat.
whynot Posted October 30, 2004 Posted October 30, 2004 Bin Laden releases yet another video from some rat-infested cave in the middle of nowhere, and we've somehow taken our eye off the ball?...You suggest we should keep going until we get him.. 92257[/snapback] Yes, yes, yes. Screw spin, screw left, screw right. Forget about claims of "politicizing this", and "Monday morning QBing that". That man killed 3000 people, three thousand people in the city in which I live. He was 10 minutes away from killing my best friend (who was on foot about to pass between the towers on her way to work) and 2 blocks away from killing my father. I stood on the banks of the east river and watched my city burn, and buildings fall. Why is this man still alive? I don't care whether this man is in a cave, a bunker or a goddamn pizza hut; WHY IS HE STILL ALIVE? Right now he is a free man; and not a free man in a rat hole (see other most wanted figure.) He is a free man broadcasting videos. Where is your outrage at this? Are you so caught up in the spin machines that the fact that a man who murdered thousands of people on American soil, has just released a video bragging that he was behind it all. And despite that fact he is currently walking around a free man? How does that not make your blood boil? Forget the political machines, he killed those people; he IS the target.
blzrul Posted October 30, 2004 Posted October 30, 2004 Yes, yes, yes.Screw spin, screw left, screw right. Forget about claims of "politicizing this", and "Monday morning QBing that". That man killed 3000 people, three thousand people in the city in which I live. He was 10 minutes away from killing my best friend (who was on foot about to pass between the towers on her way to work) and 2 blocks away from killing my father. I stood on the banks of the east river and watched my city burn, and buildings fall. Why is this man still alive? I don't care whether this man is in a cave, a bunker or a goddamn pizza hut; WHY IS HE STILL ALIVE? Right now he is a free man; and not a free man in a rat hole (see other most wanted figure.) He is a free man broadcasting videos. Where is your outrage at this? Are you so caught up in the spin machines that the fact that a man who murdered thousands of people on American soil, has just released a video bragging that he was behind it all. And despite that fact he is currently walking around a free man? How does that not make your blood boil? Forget the political machines, he killed those people; he IS the target. 92317[/snapback] Amen. Catching OBL should have been our first and only priority. My mom missed it all by one day ... and still can't figure out why we're in Iraq when OBL is somewhere else, safe and sound and no doubt plotting against us.
ASCI Posted October 30, 2004 Posted October 30, 2004 Amen. Catching OBL should have been our first and only priority. My mom missed it all by one day ... and still can't figure out why we're in Iraq when OBL is somewhere else, safe and sound and no doubt plotting against us. 92329[/snapback] D, Newsflash the US government never caught the terrorist Indian Geronimo. It took the US govt. 20 years to get the uni-bomber and 10 years to get the abortion doctor killer and that was inside the US boarder. You have no clue do you.
Alaska Darin Posted October 30, 2004 Posted October 30, 2004 Yes, yes, yes.Screw spin, screw left, screw right. Forget about claims of "politicizing this", and "Monday morning QBing that". That man killed 3000 people, three thousand people in the city in which I live. He was 10 minutes away from killing my best friend (who was on foot about to pass between the towers on her way to work) and 2 blocks away from killing my father. I stood on the banks of the east river and watched my city burn, and buildings fall. Why is this man still alive? I don't care whether this man is in a cave, a bunker or a goddamn pizza hut; WHY IS HE STILL ALIVE? Right now he is a free man; and not a free man in a rat hole (see other most wanted figure.) He is a free man broadcasting videos. Where is your outrage at this? Are you so caught up in the spin machines that the fact that a man who murdered thousands of people on American soil, has just released a video bragging that he was behind it all. And despite that fact he is currently walking around a free man? How does that not make your blood boil? Forget the political machines, he killed those people; he IS the target. 92317[/snapback] You've got alot different definition of "free man" than I do. If you think the current administration has spared any expense going after this guy, you'd be quite wrong.
whynot Posted October 30, 2004 Posted October 30, 2004 OBL is somewhere else, safe and sound and no doubt plotting against us. 92329[/snapback] Even if he's not plotting, he still MUST BE THE TARGET. There is a chance that at this point he is operationally marginalized. But what I haven’t heard out of the pundits, the media or the candidates, is any discussion of how much this video HURTS our “war on terror.” Candidates talk about emboldening the enemy, anything we do to question ourselves during political squabbles is a drop in the bucket when compare with this. Here is a man who is on television telling the world the he killed thousands of Americans and he is a free man; flaunting it! What kind of message does it send to the enemy that this person, who orchestrated one of the largest attacks on American soil in our nations history, has eluded our military for 3 years? He butchered thousands, and is walking around a free man; dropping off videos in Pakistani mailboxes? The fact that he is alive is a disgrace, and is encouraging to our enemies everywhere. Like it or not politically, operationally or even militarily: as a symbol to our enemies Osama must be THE target.
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