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Blagojevich impeached


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What does this do to his Senate apointee? Is that guy in limbo until this is resolved?



My understanding is that, while he's indisputably a complete POS, Blagojevich is the legal governor (for a bit longer) and his appointment of Burris is both legal and 'untainted' by the scandal. Burris will be seated - Obama has requested such, and Reid will capitulate, probably this week.




Now, here's an even bigger scumbag...


New senator sworn in despite assault charges

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My understanding is that, while he's indisputably a complete POS, Blagojevich is the legal governor (for a bit longer) and his appointment of Burris is both legal and 'untainted' by the scandal. Burris will be seated - Obama has requested such, and Reid will capitulate, probably this week.


Untainted?? :lol:


  • Illinois state records show that Burris, who once ran against Blagojevich for the Democratic nomination for governor, and his lobbying firm have contributed more than $20,000 to the governor's political campaigns.
  • Two years ago, Burris hosted a $1,000-per-plate fundraiser for Blagojevich.
  • Burris' consulting firm, Burris & Lebed Consulting, has won nearly $300,000 in state contracts over the past four years.
  • The governor's wife, Patti, was hired in September to an $80,000-a-year job with the Chicago Christian Industrial League, where Burris' lobbying partner is a board member.

Yes, I'm sure it's all perfectly legit.

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My understanding is that, while he's indisputably a complete POS, Blagojevich is the legal governor (for a bit longer) and his appointment of Burris is both legal and 'untainted' by the scandal. Burris will be seated - Obama has requested such, and Reid will capitulate, probably this week.




Now, here's an even bigger scumbag...


New senator sworn in despite assault charges


Some people just don't know how to leave as gracefully as they can.


That guy who slashed a woman in the face! WTF!!! :lol:

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The Illinois Secretary of State has to sign off on Blago's appointment of Burris before the U.S. can accept him, I believe. The Illinois Senate will go forward with the impeachment trial and, by all accounts, there are enough votes to boot him from office; early February is the estimate.


My past job put me in the midst of some of the politics in Illinois and I'd heard horror stories about Blago from some of the lawmakers he was supposed to be working with. The Governor would offer to help lawmakers who voted for his bills, but he burned so many going back on his verbal promises that they began asking for him to put them in writing before even considering supporting his causes. He would also verbally berate people who went against him on issues (which has come to light) when the FBI arrested him


The guy is no good to say the least. Blagojevich makes the historically dirty politics in Illinois look clean.

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My understanding is that, while he's indisputably a complete POS, Blagojevich is the legal governor (for a bit longer) and his appointment of Burris is both legal and 'untainted' by the scandal. Burris will be seated - Obama has requested such, and Reid will capitulate, probably this week.




Now, here's an even bigger scumbag...


New senator sworn in despite assault charges


Obviosly not the same Dr. that treated Plaxico...Doctors contacted Queens police and reported a woman was assaulted, the official said. :lol:

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OK, ok...'untainted' only by Illinois - particularly Chicago - standards B-)


just saying that, as i understand it and as most pundits now state, the appointment, 'tainted' or not, is legal - burris will be seated. the old guard is, of course, completely livid at being outfoxed by a scumbag like Blagojevich :lol:

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