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With Talk About Our Tight End Problems do You.......


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This is a tough question. Tony had one of his best seasons ever statistically, but would he have put up the same #'s here in Buffalo if the trade took place? I don't know. TrINT's check down passing game would have gotten him the ball alot I believe. I don't know about Playoffs, but I think we win all of the close games that we lost if we would have had Gonzales. I say 10-6 atleast, if not 11-5 and in there.

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This is a tough question. Tony had one of his best seasons ever statistically, but would he have put up the same #'s here in Buffalo if the trade took place? I don't know. TrINT's check down passing game would have gotten him the ball alot I believe. I don't know about Playoffs, but I think we win all of the close games that we lost if we would have had Gonzales. I say 10-6 atleast, if not 11-5 and in there.

I'd have to say no...Kansas City's offense runs around him, so that's probably why you saw his good numbers. He might have made an impact, but I don't think enough to get 3-4 more wins....not with the way the coaches ran this offense down the stretch.

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It's hard to put a number of wins on his presence, but I definitely think he would have made a difference. He requires the defense to pay attention to him. Defenders know that if they get anywhere close to Royal he won't make the catch and if they actually put a hit on him he will drop the ball. With a solid running game to end the season, Steve Johnson starting to come around, and Josh Reed grabbing just about everything in his area, I believe Gonzalez would have had a big impact on this team.

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It's hard to put a number of wins on his presence, but I definitely think he would have made a difference. He requires the defense to pay attention to him. Defenders know that if they get anywhere close to Royal he won't make the catch and if they actually put a hit on him he will drop the ball. With a solid running game to end the season, Steve Johnson starting to come around, and Josh Reed grabbing just about everything in his area, I believe Gonzalez would have had a big impact on this team.

I hear ya, but I just don't know if I'm buyin.


A revived running game. (including RBs catching mucho passes)

Josh Reed grabbing just about everything in his area.

Steve Johnson starting to come around (or the coaches having no choice but to give him some PT).

Lee Evans as the #1.


What makes you believe that one additional player would make a difference?

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This is a tough question. Tony had one of his best seasons ever statistically, but would he have put up the same #'s here in Buffalo if the trade took place? I don't know. TrINT's check down passing game would have gotten him the ball alot I believe. I don't know about Playoffs, but I think we win all of the close games that we lost if we would have had Gonzales. I say 10-6 atleast, if not 11-5 and in there.

o for Gods sake stop. passrush,run blocking,coaching...lets stay focused. The magical TEnd doesnt solve our problems.

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I hear ya, but I just don't know if I'm buyin.


A revived running game. (including RBs catching mucho passes)

Josh Reed grabbing just about everything in his area.

Steve Johnson starting to come around (or the coaches having no choice but to give him some PT).

Lee Evans as the #1.


What makes you believe that one additional player would make a difference?


With regards to the lack of a dominate pass rush, I'm speaking only of offense. I just feel that the receivers would have gotten more open looks because a real pass catching threat at tight end would require their attention. I think we needed all the help we could get on offense and a real TE would have been a major help.

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o for Gods sake stop. passrush,run blocking,coaching...lets stay focused. The magical TEnd doesnt solve our problems.



I'm talking about the season we just endured, not the key to us winning a Super Bowl. We beat Cleveland, San Fran, and the NY Jets atleast once with Gonzales as an added dimension, IMO. That would put us at 10-6. Whether we win an additional game? I'm not sure. Atleast we have a better draft pick now :lol:

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Again it all boils down to the QB position. Any player on offense can only be as good as the QB. If the QB is playing bad then pretty much any TE or WR wont do much. So IMHO, Tony G, wouldnt have had a decent year if he come to the Bills. Stop and think, play calling was bad too....

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With regards to the lack of a dominate pass rush, I'm speaking only of offense. I just feel that the receivers would have gotten more open looks because a real pass catching threat at tight end would require their attention. I think we needed all the help we could get on offense and a real TE would have been a major help.

Oh, I hear ya. Our running game ended the season on a high note...Marshawn's injury notwithstanding (is that one word or 3?) Reed catches passes. Johnson appears to have a lil sumfin. Evans is our #1.


and yet...we could not consistently move the ball through the air or score points. OK, let's add one more target. Something for the defense to think about. Someone else for Turk to game plan around.


Why will that one piece make a difference?


Schouman (to me) appeared to make plays when given a chance. Fine (to me) appeared to make plays when given a chance. And yet...they weren't given enough chances. Royal should not have seen the field the last 3-4 games. Everything should have been put on finding out what we have in Schouman & Fine. Yet, all we have today are ????????????????????????



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Oh, I hear ya. Our running game ended the season on a high note...Marshawn's injury notwithstanding (is that one word or 3?) Reed catches passes. Johnson appears to have a lil sumfin. Evans is our #1.


and yet...we could not consistently move the ball through the air or score points. OK, let's add one more target. Something for the defense to think about. Someone else for Turk to game plan around.


Why will that one piece make a difference?


Schouman (to me) appeared to make plays when given a chance. Fine (to me) appeared to make plays when given a chance. And yet...they weren't given enough chances. Royal should not have seen the field the last 3-4 games. Everything should have been put on finding out what we have in Schouman & Fine. Yet, all we have today are ????????????????????????



Don't get me wrong, I don't know that Gonzalez would have been the saving grace for this team. I don't think Turk could have probably used him or anyone else to their potential. You are right, Fine may be a good tight end. I haven't been real impressed with Schouman, but that may be because of the system not the player. Right now I just don't know...I look at the situation and think maybe he could have helped. But there were a lot of variables, i.e. Trent's injuries, JP sucking, bad play calling and execution, to name a few, so really there is no way of knowing if he would have helped or not.


I believe when Fine was drafted he was intended to be the pass catching tight end that we all seek, wasn't he? Within the confines of our offensive system that type of player not exist.

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I really think our problems would not be solved to make us a playoff team with just substituting Gonzalez for our TE group. I think resources are better spent shoring up the offensive line (center and gaurd) and defensive pass rush. We aren't far from being a playoff team and those are the weakest areas. Once we get that done we can look to a TE as icing on the cake.

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