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Got bad news today

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I was trying to go back into the Air Guard doing the weekend warrior thing and just had to complete the lab tests and actually had a slot all lined up....


Bad news....I have diebetes according to the lab tests.


I really let my weight go when I got out of the Air Force some time ago....but over the past couple of years I made a concerted effort to work towards this goal....got myself down to the weight standards (for 39 year old) but the tests say I have diebetes.


The funny thing is....I am the best shape I have been in probably 15 years.......


I am bummed...:rolleyes:

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I was trying to go back into the Air Guard doing the weekend warrior thing and just had to complete the lab tests and actually had a slot all lined up....


Bad news....I have diebetes according to the lab tests.


I really let my weight go when I got out of the Air Force some time ago....but over the past couple of years I made a concerted effort to work towards this goal....got myself down to the weight standards (for 39 year old) but the tests say I have diebetes.


The funny thing is....I am the best shape I have been in probably 15 years.......


I am bummed...:rolleyes:






sorry to hear, The weekend warriors could have used one like you..... that does suck

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I was trying to go back into the Air Guard doing the weekend warrior thing and just had to complete the lab tests and actually had a slot all lined up....


Bad news....I have diebetes according to the lab tests.


I really let my weight go when I got out of the Air Force some time ago....but over the past couple of years I made a concerted effort to work towards this goal....got myself down to the weight standards (for 39 year old) but the tests say I have diebetes.


The funny thing is....I am the best shape I have been in probably 15 years.......


I am bummed...:rolleyes:



Hope things look up quickly ... as the old saying goes ... where one door closes another will open

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Hope things look up quickly ... as the old saying goes ... where one door closes another will open



I thought the saying was "When God closes a door, he opens a window for you to jump out of." Maybe I've screwed it up...


:rolleyes: Just thought I'd lighten the mood a little.

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I thought the saying was "When God closes a door, he opens a window for you to jump out of." Maybe I've screwed it up...


:rolleyes: Just thought I'd lighten the mood a little.

Keynes said it best.."in the long run we are all dead"...that should put a smile on all our faces:):lol:!!!

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Now that you know what you have, watch your diet and take care of yourself!


I have a friend who didn't and he ended up having a Stroke. All things considered, I would rather have died than live the way he has to-post stroke.

My father has diabetes, and refuses to take care of himself. I worry about him every day. :lol:

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Me three.... :lol:


(said the classic stress eater)



Me four. I am 6'1 about 225. I would like to get down to my college weight of about 180 - 185. Problem is I like eating & drinking to much. I used to run alot(I am 35) but I had to quit that because I used to develope Tendinitis in my knees & ankles & the pain was just unbearable sometimes. I still exercise, I walk 5 miles a day, play basketball on tuesdays mornings before work & I actually started playing ice hockey last year on friday nights. This goes all year round. I play softball on mondays in the summer but I do not consider that exercise since it is not a great workout & you go back to the bar & drink beer & eat chicken wings. I try not to booze during the week(which I usually do not) but come saturday all h*ll usually breaks loose. Oh well, what are you going to do? Good luck to you John.

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I was trying to go back into the Air Guard doing the weekend warrior thing and just had to complete the lab tests and actually had a slot all lined up....


Bad news....I have diebetes according to the lab tests.


I really let my weight go when I got out of the Air Force some time ago....but over the past couple of years I made a concerted effort to work towards this goal....got myself down to the weight standards (for 39 year old) but the tests say I have diebetes.


The funny thing is....I am the best shape I have been in probably 15 years.......


I am bummed...:lol:

I'm sorry to hear it. Believe me I tried getting into my AF flight suit last night and found it had shrunk considerably since 1970, especially around the gut and ass. Now if I can just get an exception for an old fat half-blind guy I'm in!

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Looks like I go to plan B



Pizza hut delivery driver here I come.....got nothing to do now that this went to hell.



The thing is....I had been working steady on my mile time to get it down to Air Force level.....and I was there.......


I didn't even feel like running tonight.


At least it sounds like you won't have to modify your physical activity very much. If you've been working on that mile time, stick with it. That will go a long way.

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I was trying to go back into the Air Guard doing the weekend warrior thing and just had to complete the lab tests and actually had a slot all lined up....


Bad news....I have diebetes according to the lab tests.


I really let my weight go when I got out of the Air Force some time ago....but over the past couple of years I made a concerted effort to work towards this goal....got myself down to the weight standards (for 39 year old) but the tests say I have diebetes.


The funny thing is....I am the best shape I have been in probably 15 years.......


I am bummed...:lol:

went from 235 to 165 8 years ago - have played with that 40 lb yo-yo ever since. am type 2 myself. be careful.


as for The Guard, you've given enough. take care of yourself now. for you, and your family.

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