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are we talking about the same kevin boss that had 33 receptions for 384 yards? yeah, we need that kind of tight end...

LMAO. I was thinking the same thing. Jeez. Winslow is a flat out stud who is unstoppable when he's healthy. So, you have to decide if his attitude is worth taking a chance on. He's a headcase and has been injured often. But when he's on the field and completely healthy, the guy dominates games period. When you have a TE that can dominate, your team becomes a nightmare to defend. Winslow, if healthy, can do that.


This guy can play, period. But, do you take the chance that he doesn't implode? Tough Call.

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Thurman Thomas was a second rounder...the second round has too much value to give it away for a player who can't stay on the field and cant stop doing or saying bone head things...we have enough fragile players on this team.


I would be ok with a 3rd and a 5th though...



You mean like James Hardy, Ryan Denney and Chris Kelsey, Roscoe Parrish and Josh Reed? I'm not knocking those guys, but none of them are game-changers that you have to game-plan for. Winslow is. How much under/over coverage would Evans see with Winslow running down the middle of the field? Think we might be able to single up Parrish on an old-ass Pats LB if the safeties have to worry about Winslow?


Winslow (or Tony G or Owen Daniels) would instantly upgrade our entire offense. We finish at least 10-6 this year if we could have pulled off the Tony G trade. A true receiving threat at TE will really make this offense go.

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You mean like James Hardy, Ryan Denney and Chris Kelsey, Roscoe Parrish and Josh Reed? I'm not knocking those guys, but none of them are game-changers that you have to game-plan for. Winslow is. How much under/over coverage would Evans see with Winslow running down the middle of the field? Think we might be able to single up Parrish on an old-ass Pats LB if the safeties have to worry about Winslow?


Winslow (or Tony G or Owen Daniels) would instantly upgrade our entire offense. We finish at least 10-6 this year if we could have pulled off the Tony G trade. A true receiving threat at TE will really make this offense go.

Thank god somebody else actually watches some other NFL football. By reading some of the responses to this topic, I was beginning to think that people have lost their mind.


Tell me you don't want him because he's a headcase, and ok, I'll buy that. But don't tell me this guy can't play. When, and that's been a question mark, but when he's on the field, he's a stud at the TE position. Period.


Hell, Winslow in a Bills uni for a half a season is still better than all of our TE's combined for a full season. Easily.


However, again, will he implode? That's the question.

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I'd give up our 2nd round pick and a conditional pick to go along with it if he reached certain production incentives with our team. I'd take him over Royal any day and he's proven he can excell in this league versus taking a shot on a "top notch prospect".



This is probably what they'd be looking at...similiar to a Jeremy Shockey-type trade!!

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are we talking about the same kevin boss that had 33 receptions for 384 yards? yeah, we need that kind of tight end...

LOL, thats only 44 yards less than winslow and Boss with 6 TDs had twice as many as winslow. plus Boss was an important cog in last year's super bowl victory and his team is in good position to defend with home field playoff advantage. now you tell me who's the better TE? you have to realize that the TE position is all about being consistent and doing what you're called on, whether it be catch a short pass to keep a drive going, pass or run block. the occasional flashy play doesn't make up for less noticeable, but more important, mistakes. just look at how much better giants have been when they lost the flashy but inconsistent shockey and replaced him with the low key but ultra reliable boss.

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Thank god somebody else actually watches some other NFL football. By reading some of the responses to this topic, I was beginning to think that people have lost their mind.


Tell me you don't want him because he's a headcase, and ok, I'll buy that. But don't tell me this guy can't play. When, and that's been a question mark, but when he's on the field, he's a stud at the TE position. Period.


Hell, Winslow in a Bills uni for a half a season is still better than all of our TE's combined for a full season. Easily.


However, again, will he implode? That's the question.



co-signed, Bucky.

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He has apparently wore out his welcome there. (READ BELOW) but I think if we can trade for him, we do it. I don't think his "character" issues would be a problem. He plays tremendously hard, has great hands, and he is EXACTLY what we need at TE. Young, proven, and good. If we could trade for him, sign Birk, and sign Tank Johnson/DT/DE. And then draft a DE, OLB, and C. We could be a VERY good team next year.




I know that the Browns will also trade tight end Kellen Winslow this off-season and that he has not been a part of any discussions with coaching candidates.



When you raised this the first time, I was down on it. Mostly, though, because I think it is highly doubtful that the Bills would go after a player who is, at least SEEN, by many, as having character issues. I still think that is likely the case, but let's pretend that the Bills were interested.


I still think there are better options for TE, and would guess that Winslow will come at too high a price...in trade. (BTW, what is the current situation with his contract? # of years remaining and $$? ) The old NFLPA link I had, that let you search for players contract info, is no longer valid. Anyone have a new one?


I think there are some good TEs available in the draft, but if the Bills were to get Winslow for a 3rd (or a 3rd and another pick depending on performance), I'd be OK with that, I think.

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I would have a problem with him coming here. His character issue is a huge issue. He is always angry, always opens his mouth and always does dumb things, getting him in trouble. No one can deny his all-world talent, but his off-field problems and poor attitude is a giant red flag.


Not to mention the guy always seems to be hurt. Every year it's something. Don't know about you guys, but I have a problem with paying a guy to sit on IR all the time. We don't need any distractions or locker room cancers.


And I wouldn't pay anything more than a second rounder.

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When you raised this the first time, I was down on it. Mostly, though, because I think it is highly doubtful that the Bills would go after a player who is, at least SEEN, by many, as having character issues. I still think that is likely the case, but let's pretend that the Bills were interested.


I still think there are better options for TE, and would guess that Winslow will come at too high a price...in trade. (BTW, what is the current situation with his contract? # of years remaining and $$? ) The old NFLPA link I had, that let you search for players contract info, is no longer valid. Anyone have a new one?

I think there are some good TEs available in the draft, but if the Bills were to get Winslow for a 3rd (or a 3rd and another pick depending on performance), I'd be OK with that, I think.


Rotoworld has contract info on players. They say he's signed through 2010. No dollar info though.

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Not sure I would want that personality on the team. He progresses each year towards being more and more like Terrell Owens, except Owens doesn't really have health problems, and Winslow seems like he is always hurt. I think we might have something in Derek Fine, the couple games he played much at all he looked pretty good. As far as the guy who said he wanted to bring in Winslow with Derek Anderson-no way to you bring in a career backup making that kind of money. He will never be a top line QB but is getting paid like one.

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Is it a class at the University of Miami that makes you behave like an idiot when you get to the NFl? Sure there are some goods ones, but they are far in between or years ago. Look at the stars from "The U"-Winslow, McGahee, Michael Irvin, Ray Lewis, Clinton Portis, Jeremy Shockey, Sean Taylor, Vince Woolfork, etc. Like I said they aren't all like that (before everyone starts yelling that Jim Kelly went there-I know he did), but they sure do have some loud mouth, arrogant trouble makers dont they?

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Gresham looks pretty impressive tonight. He looks like he's got all the tools to be a dominant Tight End. Haven't been paying attention to his blocking but I assume that won't be a problem given his size and how he seems to like contact. I wouldn't be against getting a stud TE at #11.

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LOL, thats only 44 yards less than winslow and Boss with 6 TDs had twice as many as winslow. plus Boss was an important cog in last year's super bowl victory and his team is in good position to defend with home field playoff advantage. now you tell me who's the better TE? you have to realize that the TE position is all about being consistent and doing what you're called on, whether it be catch a short pass to keep a drive going, pass or run block. the occasional flashy play doesn't make up for less noticeable, but more important, mistakes. just look at how much better giants have been when they lost the flashy but inconsistent shockey and replaced him with the low key but ultra reliable boss.

In an injury plagued year. Boss plays for the world champs on what was a stacked offense.


Anyone who wants to compare Boss to Winslow needs to have their head examined or get a job in the Bills front office. Like I said before, if you don't want him because he's usually as angry as Larry Johnson, that he's head case, or that he has shown some injury issues, then fine. But this is the guy who:


Caught 89 passes for 875 yards in 2006.

This is also the guy who caught 82 passes for 1106 yards in 07.....in 14 games.

And yes, this is the guy who caught 43 balls for 428 last year, in EIGHT starts. On an offense that was putrid all year.


Winslow can play the game. Kevin Boss most likely wouldnt' amount to crap on mediocre teams. He's lucky he plays for the Giants.


I'm not sure I would want Winslow with a young QB, but don't try to tell me the guy can't play the game. :rolleyes:

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He has apparently wore out his welcome there. (READ BELOW) but I think if we can trade for him, we do it. I don't think his "character" issues would be a problem. He plays tremendously hard, has great hands, and he is EXACTLY what we need at TE. Young, proven, and good. If we could trade for him, sign Birk, and sign Tank Johnson/DT/DE. And then draft a DE, OLB, and C. We could be a VERY good team next year.




I know that the Browns will also trade tight end Kellen Winslow this off-season and that he has not been a part of any discussions with coaching candidates.




Thats a lotta "ifs." What the Bills will actually do is bring Winslow in for a teaser (announced on BB.com), then sign this year's Robert Royal FA from some other team. They may sign one "big" FA this year. Last year was Stroud.

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