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Why are folks moaning about getting screw*d


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Coupons were offered for the boxes that would allow the old tv to receive signals. Even without - you can buy the converter box for 30 bucks or less at Wal-Mart, K-Mart or whatever nowadays. You go from 4 or 5 channels to 10 - 12, 14 or more. I bought one of 'em early on - with old rabbit ears - fine picture, and all those extra chanels.


I see the complaints on tv, and in the paper. Coupons ran out. I understand there lawsuits filed against the Feds for this high offense. :w00t:


Take even 50 bucks for a box...$50/365 = less than 14 cents per day for 1 year. After that - nothing.


For a hundred bucks, one can buy a 19" flat-screen CRT tv that's digital-ready.

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Coupons were offered for the boxes that would allow the old tv to receive signals. Even without - you can buy the converter box for 30 bucks or less at Wal-Mart, K-Mart or whatever nowadays. You go from 4 or 5 channels to 10 - 12, 14 or more. I bought one of 'em early on - with old rabbit ears - fine picture, and all those extra chanels.


I see the complaints on tv, and in the paper. Coupons ran out. I understand there lawsuits filed against the Feds for this high offense. :w00t:


Take even 50 bucks for a box...$50/365 = less than 14 cents per day for 1 year. After that - nothing.


For a hundred bucks, one can buy a 19" flat-screen CRT tv that's digital-ready.




Dear Indugu,

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One of the responses in the link got it right: 'The people who still haven't gotten a box are the same people who won't get off the couch until it's lifted out from under them.' It will literally take their TV being just static before they do anything. On Feb. 18, if they need teevee, they can go to Best Buy or CC or WalMart and get one. Ba-da-bing.


Like there hasn't been enough publicity for the transition? You have to've been living under a rock. I have no pity for those who couldn't take a few minutes to make a phone call or go online to order the coupons and then go spend ~$20 on a good converter box.


This is the !@#$ problem in this country. Nobody does what they say they're going to do when they say they're going to do it. Always a delay or a grace period given to help out procrastinators. I'm really disappointed that the Obama administration is going to start out on this note. Real 'Progressive' politics doesn't happen unless you're prepared to leave slackers behind if they don't get up and walk for their damn selves.

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Where was my free money from the Govinmint when 8 tracks went to cassette, then to CD's. :lol:


The Government subsidising this is complete Bullshiit.

I agree it's gone a little too far. But the difference is that your cassettes, etc… are really just toys. TV (and keep in mind we're talking mostly about elderly people and poor people who are effected) is BROADCAST publicly and includes stuff like news, the emergency broadcast system, etc...

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I agree it's gone a little too far. But the difference is that your cassettes, etc… are really just toys. TV (and keep in mind we're talking mostly about elderly people and poor people who are effected) is BROADCAST publicly and includes stuff like news, the emergency broadcast system, etc...




Buy a Radio.

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watching a radio is boring as hell, buy me a tv

I'm kind of broke right now--I can't really afford a tv. How 'bout a thermos?


[singing] Oh, I'm picking out a thermos for you. Not an ordinary thermos, it's true. But the extra best thermos money can buy, with vinyl and stripes and custom right in...

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I'm kind of broke right now--I can't really afford a tv. How 'bout a thermos?


[singing] Oh, I'm picking out a thermos for you. Not an ordinary thermos, it's true. But the extra best thermos money can buy, with vinyl and stripes and custom right in...

jerk :lol:

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