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Happy 50th Birthday to Beerball!

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Thank you all for your sometimes kind words! :lol:


fiftyfuggin years old. HTF did that happen and where has the time gone?


I have the pleasure of always sharing my birthday with my now 10 year old daughter which is great because I'm always guaranteed a party! Tho not always :) ! She's chosen Mongolian BBQ for tonight's dinner. Daddy will run through the line at least 2 times!


Crappy year for the team we all love and sometimes love to hate, but a very good one personally. I had the opportunity to meet several wallers for the first time and that's always a good thing. I shared a beer or two with the always elusive Annie in Ohio. :P I met the Doctor of Football Histrology and his fine spouse. I'm buyin next time! I ran across some guy from Alaska in a bar in St Louis and shared a pint with he, his lovely wife and a friend. I listened to some fine jazz also in St Louis with some Rich dude and his fine spouse from Baltimore. The Bills managed to win the St Louis game, so a fine weekend. My wife continues to put up with my crap, thanks Mrs. Ball. My son is enrolled in an engineering program at TT, must have gotten the brains from Mrs. B and he's doing extremely well. My 16 year old daughter is a junior eying A&M; her only flaw is that she's got a boyfriend :w00t: . My now 10 year old is still full of wonder and innocence. Great family. Good friends.


Screw the economy. Screw the Bills record. Things are A-OK.

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