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Ryan Denney

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"Run Game Revival"





If we can run, we can't pass...if we can pass...no, nevermind we can't pass.



This article I can actually buy. Come out early and often next year with the run game. This is what we should build around anyway. I could care less about 300 yard passing games. Scrap the constant shotgun sh--, and go with a run heavy offense. It at least makes sense, compared to any positive light of the cast of High Motor ballerinas.

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I thought Denny had a good year as well!! He is not a pass rushing DE, he is a good run stuffer, that tips lots of passes that can get you an occasional sack. He would be an excellent 3rd or 4th Rotational DE.


I wholeheartedly agree. The posters who lump him in with Kelsay are clueless--many clueless ignorant posters on this board. Before his injury of last year, Denney was very solid. He is a solid #3 DE....along with Josh Reed, one of Marv's better FA signings (or-resignings if u must).

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I am not a Denney fan based solely on his contract, but to be fair to Denney and honest, those numbers are pretty good for a DE. If he has 6 more sacks you guys are calling him the next Bruce Smith. I mean 6 more sacks means he got 6 more plays that lost a few yards out of the hundreds and hundreds of plays he played this season.


94 tackles by a DE mean he was getting lots of short gains, no gains, and even tackles for loss as DE do not typically make tackles way down field.


Granted, we need a DE that can put pressure on the QB, but those are not bad numbers he put up either. The only bad stat was that he LED the team in sacks with only 4...doesnt bother me he only had 4, bothers me no one else had more. A guy like him paired with a pass rush specialist where they can move em around would be quite effective.

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I am not a Denney fan based solely on his contract, but to be fair to Denney and honest, those numbers are pretty good for a DE. If he has 6 more sacks you guys are calling him the next Bruce Smith. I mean 6 more sacks means he got 6 more plays that lost a few yards out of the hundreds and hundreds of plays he played this season.


94 tackles by a DE mean he was getting lots of short gains, no gains, and even tackles for loss as DE do not typically make tackles way down field.


Granted, we need a DE that can put pressure on the QB, but those are not bad numbers he put up either. The only bad stat was that he LED the team in sacks with only 4...doesnt bother me he only had 4, bothers me no one else had more. A guy like him paired with a pass rush specialist where they can move em around would be quite effective.


Except it'll take Denney another season and 1/2 to get those 6 more sacks to be considered in Bruce class...


I like Denney, but as a backup. I'm still scratching my head on some of his pass rush moves, they're not natural, or intuitive. Note his spin move, where he spins to the outside and then takes the long way 'round pass rush? They can't get that lean on the offensive player to enact a decent counter, the don't have the speed to get to the outside and they don't have the strength to skinny the corner. He is tall, puts his hands up and fights into the passing lane. A good backup.

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