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The new bin Laden tape

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I dont know why people keep trying to discredit drudge. What has he done to get this kind of rep? He publishes a story and then links to REAL news stories. He has been on top of virtually everything in the past week, and he gets news hours (sometimes days) ahead of other outlets. I just dont understand the general distrust of drudge.

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ok....this little blurb appeared on the Drudge Website so i do not know all the details of what Cronkite said.  but it boggles my mind that this guy has the nads to make a comment like this.






I'm not convinced this tape is good for Bush. One could argue that it reminds people that 3 years later, UBL is still at large. I still think it is all perspective. Pro-Bush will perceive this opposite from pro-Kerry. Who know how "undecideds" if there are any, will perceive it.

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I'm not convinced this tape is good for Bush.  One could argue that it reminds people that 3 years later, UBL is still at large.  I still think it is all perspective.  Pro-Bush will perceive this opposite from pro-Kerry.  Who know how "undecideds" if there are any, will perceive it.



You are correct.

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For what its worth, I told a good friend of mine (who is undecided) about the bin laden tape. He has been leaning bush because of judicial appointees, but little else. When I told him about the tape, he responded with the attitude of "It makes me feel better that they hate bush, he must be doing something right".


I know that is a very small sample, but I wanted to share my experience with this issue.

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Just out of curiosity, Blz...if Bush doesn't scare them, then why release a new tape? Why not let things go as they are since, as you state above on our repeated attacks in Fallujah, that bin Laden is apparently winning the war on terror? Exactly why would they do something like that? Especially if, as you say, they aren't scared of us while we keep blowing their asses up over and over in places like Fallujah where we keep hitting them, keep hitting them, keep hitting them. And what is his response? "If you leave us alone, we'll leave you alone."


Sounds like he's scared sshitless to me. Sounds like his reasoning is that if he pops up on video a week before the election, people will think that Bush isn't doing his job and as a result we will do what bin Laden wants; have American vote a reactive kitty into the oval office instead of a person who takes the fight to the terrorists.


In all honestly, all he's done is remind everyone what happened three years ago and that there is more work to be done and it needs to be done; work that requires iron balls, not some pussified version of a person who says we need to pass some type of global test before we react. Not a man who can't even make a solid decision and stick with that decision once he realizes there's more to be had from pandering.


Your candidate is by far the most pussified candidate since Clinton when it comes to matters of this nature. I suggest he step aside and let the a real president handle this. If he gets a chance to show up in the Senate anytime soon, maybe he can finally work on some decent legislation that will help the cause.




Why so you care so much what terrorists think? Why not just register them and let them vote if their opinion is that important to you?


I think this is quite possibly the most idiotic discussion that could possibly be had on this board. Plenty of very intelligent people have pointed out that a credible argument could be made that AQ wants Bush to win this election badly(OBL for Bush) and I have no problem with the idea that a credible argument could be made the other way. I do have a problem with people being willing to engage in this inquiry. No one can really know the answer to a question that stupid.


The point is that you empower this freak by even speculating on such a thing. All over the news since this tape came out I have heard one conservative talking head after another go on about how OBL wants Kerry to win. If you have to use OBL to get votes and you are willing to do so, then the right is A) in much more trouble than I thought in this election and B) absolutely without any shame whatsoever.


For those who want to make the opposite argument, that OBL is using reverse psychology, you are little better than the frantic right.


Is this the nation that we have become? A nation that is so divided and so afraid of the consequences of the other guy winning that we are willing to embrace the influence of the most evil person on the planet to maybe, possibly get a tiny edge up? There is but one sane response to have to this: Flip him off and then ignore him. What if OBL made a tape and nobody watched it?

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I can never understand why people discount Drudge either. His site and headlines are sensationalist at times and he is definitely right-wing. But pretty much, all his site does is serve as a portal. And just by looking at the list of links to columns on his site, its not like he does not give the liberal columnists anything less than equal footing.


But, of course, any site or paper or tv show that gives anything less than the proverbial blowjob and absolute top billing to the liberal agenda is considered "Faux" by most on that side of the aisle.

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This is the third thread I have used this logic and two times were in response to libs.  Far fewer than umpteen times.  And in every case my opinion has been factual -- like it or not.  Are you saying that we won't see videos of extremists dancing in the streets in the Middle-East should Kerry be elected?  Kerry's flip-flopping on Iraq set us up for this.  The man is a weak-kneed follower.

Hmmm, pre-UBL tape I was voting for Bush, post-UBL tape I'm voting for Bush.  Pre-tape I commented that a Kerry win would be perceived as a success for AQ, post-tape I say the same thing.  Don't quite see how I'm being influenced.



So you were not trying to convince people that OBL is pro-Kerry? Just mentioning it in passing I suppose?


So I was right, your basic defense is that you aren't the only one. Not only that, this is the third time you have been willing to entertain this inquiry.


I am sticking with my point: Right or left, the only sane response to this guy is to ignore him and anyone who gives a tinker's damn about what a terrorist thinks of our politics is beyond foolish.


It is pretty ironic. Some of the same people who play Mussolini from the Balcony on the issue of "letting the French decide our security policies" are only too willing, though they do not realize it, to let Osama-freaking-bin-freaking-laden have a say in who the next President of the United States is going to be. My own feeling, based on my experiences on this board anyway, is that the vast number of threads started on this topic have been by the right using what they perceive to be the preference of terrorists as a reason to hate Kerry. To the extent the left has responded and more rarely, been the first to jump into this particular lake of mud, they are equally foolish.

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There is but one sane response to have to this: Flip him off and then ignore him. What if OBL made a tape and nobody watched it?



What if? I tell you what if....19 terrorists would hijack airliners and fly them into buildings and kill 3,000 people, THATS what if.


bin Laden made tape after tape and threat after threat while Clinton was in office. He enacted fatwa and fatwa saying all Americans are targets. He declared total war on us. And except for some cruise missles launched his way, all we did was "flip him off and ignore him". And look where it got us.


Man, I cant begin to express to you how ridiculous that statement is and how indicative it is of the liberal way of thinking re: foreign policy. "IGNORE IT AND IT WILL GO AWAY". A way of thinking that has killed one thousand times more soldiers and civilians throughout history than the current Iraqi conflict has. By FAR and away one of the absolute DUMBEST, most dangerous things ever posted on this board, Mick. This is NOT one of your finest moments at all. Youre smarter than that.

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Yes how could one impugn poor Drudge. I remember well how all the neocons were salivating months ago over Drudge's report on Kerry's "affair".


Walter Cronkite is definitely no lover of Bush and I can imagine him making a sarcastic comment as was stated earlier, but if it's true it'll appear in multiple mainstream news sources, including no doubt FAUX where O'Reilly and the boys will be tearing their hair out and calling Walter a commie pinko pansy.

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If all the pointless gnasing of teeth over who this freak wants to win this election has run its course, perhaps we can now look at this tape more intelligently.


It would seem to me that we are failing to see things beyond our own limited perspective given how understandably we are caught up in our Presidential election. OBL can't be so stupid as to think that any American gives a flying fig what he thinks beyond a limited number of morons who are disproportionately represented on this board. :) To be fair, perhaps the craziness of this election is only momentarily causing even the best and brightest among us to temporarily lose their minds.


Seriously, it seems to me that this statement is tailored to the people he most needs to reach, the Muslims who think he is too crazy to ever have their support. If his movement is to succeed, it needs lots and lots and lots of volunteers. A statement on the eve of our election is clearly going to get a blitz of coverage world wide. If free advertising was his goal, he certainly achieved that at least. His statement is, relatively, more "peaceful" than is usually the case. He must be trying to appeal to Muslims who agree with his politics but not his methods. Maybe he is hoping to take his movement mainstream.


Again, the best response for us and especially news networks with global coverage (mainly CNN), is to give as little publicity to this tape as we can and still not overly restrict information and analysis. Sure it should be covered but it need not be saturated.

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If all the pointless gnasing of teeth over who this freak wants to win this election has run its course, perhaps we can now look at this tape more intelligently.


It would seem to me that we are failing to see things beyond our own limited perspective given how understandably we are caught up in our Presidential election.  OBL can't be so stupid as to think that any American gives a flying fig what he thinks beyond a limited number of morons who are disproportionately represented on this board. :)  To be fair, perhaps the craziness of this election is only momentarily causing even the best and brightest among us to temporarily lose their minds.


Seriously, it seems to me that this statement is tailored to the people he most needs to reach, the Muslims who think he is too crazy to ever have their support.  If his movement is to succeed, it needs lots and lots and lots of volunteers.  A statement on the eve of our election is clearly going to get a blitz of coverage world wide.  If free advertising was his goal, he certainly achieved that at least.  His statement is, relatively, more "peaceful" than is usually the case.  He must be trying to appeal to Muslims who agree with his politics but not his methods.  Maybe he is hoping to take his movement mainstream. 


Again, the best response for us and especially news networks with global coverage (mainly CNN), is to give as little publicity to this tape as we can and still not overly restrict information and analysis.  Sure it should be covered but it need not be saturated.



Thinking out of the box a little, Mick? There's hope for you yet.

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If all the pointless gnasing of teeth over who this freak wants to win this election has run its course, perhaps we can now look at this tape more intelligently.


It would seem to me that we are failing to see things beyond our own limited perspective given how understandably we are caught up in our Presidential election.  OBL can't be so stupid as to think that any American gives a flying fig what he thinks beyond a limited number of morons who are disproportionately represented on this board. :)  To be fair, perhaps the craziness of this election is only momentarily causing even the best and brightest among us to temporarily lose their minds.


Seriously, it seems to me that this statement is tailored to the people he most needs to reach, the Muslims who think he is too crazy to ever have their support.  If his movement is to succeed, it needs lots and lots and lots of volunteers.  A statement on the eve of our election is clearly going to get a blitz of coverage world wide.  If free advertising was his goal, he certainly achieved that at least.  His statement is, relatively, more "peaceful" than is usually the case.  He must be trying to appeal to Muslims who agree with his politics but not his methods.  Maybe he is hoping to take his movement mainstream. 


Again, the best response for us and especially news networks with global coverage (mainly CNN), is to give as little publicity to this tape as we can and still not overly restrict information and analysis.  Sure it should be covered but it need not be saturated.





Ebony and Ivory ? Singing acapella? Vice grips on the………… :D:lol:



Again, nice post Mick. You're killing me. Have you had an epiphany? :blink:

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He knows his comments will be presumed as a condemnation of Bush. Thus, the public will think he wants him out. Therefore, the public votes for Bush. End result... Bin Laden played us like a cheap violin. He loves the fact that Bush  took troops away from his bums in Afgahnastan to persue a political war in Iraq (Saddam rejected him). He loves the fact he has been able to run free and plot against us because Dumb Dubya has a vendetta against Saddam. Americans... WAKE UP!!!! Al Qaeda is our ENEMY. Fire the inept "W". and let's get on with the fight!!


Enter a new era for America next week. A Military Administration with War Vets, a Nato commander, and proven economic strategists are on the way... The chicken hawks and excuse makers and their spin are .... "Fired"



Al Qaeda is our enemy ? What a revelation ! So is Iraq and much of the UN.

Proven economic strategist ? A new Era of " The Unknown Plan " This sounds like happy talk with no details.


Keep perpetuating the hysteria with little more than partisan drivel. Go punch a chad.

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OBL can't be so stupid as to think that any American gives a flying fig what he thinks



Why not? We have this man on tape from about 3 years ago bragging and giggling about 9/11. He's also the guy who thought 9/11 would isolate the Muslim world and he could take over. Slight miscalculation.


He isn't all there is what I'm saying. He's a fundamentalist freak and he believes in himself enough to declare (and wage) a holy war.

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Forgot about that. 


BTW, darwood, explain to me how at least attempting to fix education and healthcare for senior wasn't doing something. 


Agree or disagree that what was done was good or bad, but at least it was something.


Tough to be the party of individual liberty and less government and be behind those programs. Of course, I'm not a mindless liberal who should be loving both of those programs.

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Why not?  We have this man on tape from about 3 years ago bragging and giggling about 9/11.  He's also the guy who thought 9/11 would isolate the Muslim world and he could take over.  Slight miscalculation.


He isn't all there is what I'm saying.  He's a fundamentalist freak and he believes in himself enough to declare (and wage) a holy war.



We are about 30 people, either way. I hope we talk to folks beyond this board.

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