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The new bin Laden tape

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The transcript on CNN.com says (surprise, surprise) that Drudge is accurate.




KING: OK, Walter. What do you make of this?


CRONKITE: Well, I make it out to be initially the reaction that it's a threat to us, that unless we make peace with him, in a sense, we can expect further attacks. He did not say that precisely, but it sounds like that when he says...


KING: The warning.


CRONKITE: What we just heard. So now the question is basically right now, how will this affect the election? And I have a feeling that it could tilt the election a bit. In fact, I'm a little inclined to think that Karl Rove, the political manager at the White House, who is a very clever man, he probably set up bin Laden to this thing. The advantage to the Republican side is to get rid of, as a principal subject of the campaigns right now, get rid of the whole problem of the al Qaqaa explosive dump. Right now, that, the last couple of days, has, I think, upset the Republican campaign.


KING: Are there enough undecideds to tilt this? Or what do you think of the whole election picture?


CRONKITE: Well, I think it's one of the biggest messes we've had in a long time. I believe that we're undoubtedly not going to know the results of this election. I don't want to knock you off the air on Monday night or anything, or Tuesday night. But I suspect that we're not going to know who the next president is, whether it is Bush or the new man, until very probably sometime in the early spring. There's so much controversy that they're planting, deliberately planting at the polls, that there's almost certainly to be a suit going back to the Supreme Court eventually, going through the other courts slowly first.


And this guy was once 'the most trusted man in America'? Glad I missed that.

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Tough to be the party of individual liberty and less government and be behind those programs.  Of course, I'm not a mindless liberal who should be loving both of those programs.



Oh, go piss up a rope. Everyone knows it's about 380 tons of explosives. Base your next Supreme Court Justice on that! Cowboy.

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You are correct.


Newsflash the US government never caught the terrorist Indian Geronimo. It took the US govt. 20 years to get the uni-bomber and 10 years to get the abortion doctor killer and that was inside the US boarder.

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Is there any chance that we can stop citing Drudge as a source? That website is like the blind squirrel. Even worse, when it does get a story kind of right, it puts more spin on it than the Enquirer.


If Cronkite said that at all, he said it sarcastically, acknowledging that the timing of the OBL tape was good for Bush (which it is), and also giving a little back-handed credit to the genius of Karl Rove.



Whatever pal, they are right expotentially more then they are wrong. Not to mention being way ahead of the curve.


When compared to cbs nbc, and abc they have just as much credibility. By the way who was it again that broke the fake documents story? Who was it that broke this senseless missing explosives story??


Please stop being so self rightous and acting as if drudge and his sources have no credibility. In the world of journalism today..they are in the mix.

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Yes how could one impugn poor Drudge.  I remember well how all the neocons were salivating months ago over Drudge's report on Kerry's "affair". 


Walter Cronkite is definitely no lover of Bush and I can imagine him making a sarcastic comment as was stated earlier, but if it's true it'll appear in multiple mainstream news sources, including no doubt FAUX where O'Reilly and the boys will be tearing their hair out and calling Walter a commie pinko pansy.



hey sweet pea...where is the young intern now????

answer: In hiding somewhere in Africa last I heard.

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Yes how could one impugn poor Drudge.  I remember well how all the neocons were salivating months ago over Drudge's report on Kerry's "affair". 


Right, because by reading our posts above, its clear that we are extolling Drudge's virtues as the one and only true bastion of journalism. So so patently clear from our posts above that we hold him in such high regard tha all other media outlets are pure trash.


Walter Cronkite is definitely no lover of Bush and I can imagine him making a sarcastic comment as was stated earlier, but if it's true it'll appear in multiple mainstream news sources, including no doubt FAUX where O'Reilly and the boys will be tearing their hair out and calling Walter a commie pinko pansy.


So the problem is whether or not its true...but if it is...and it appears that it is, its the MEDIA's fault for jumping on the story that is so bad about this. So by your rationale, no matter how ridiculous or repugnant the comment is...now matter what the action being reported is, its the REACTION to it that is important. Its not that someone who should know better popped off with some of the most insulting, slanderous trash ever recorded that is truly important...its the fact that a news outlet and its staff is going to comment on it and perhaps make it one of their top stories the issue about all this that deserves scorn.


Man, you are one twisted !@#$.

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If all the pointless gnasing of teeth over who this freak wants to win this election has run its course, perhaps we can now look at this tape more intelligently.


It would seem to me that we are failing to see things beyond our own limited perspective given how understandably we are caught up in our Presidential election.  OBL can't be so stupid as to think that any American gives a flying fig what he thinks beyond a limited number of morons who are disproportionately represented on this board. :)  To be fair, perhaps the craziness of this election is only momentarily causing even the best and brightest among us to temporarily lose their minds.


Seriously, it seems to me that this statement is tailored to the people he most needs to reach, the Muslims who think he is too crazy to ever have their support.  If his movement is to succeed, it needs lots and lots and lots of volunteers.  A statement on the eve of our election is clearly going to get a blitz of coverage world wide.  If free advertising was his goal, he certainly achieved that at least.  His statement is, relatively, more "peaceful" than is usually the case.  He must be trying to appeal to Muslims who agree with his politics but not his methods.  Maybe he is hoping to take his movement mainstream. 


Again, the best response for us and especially news networks with global coverage (mainly CNN), is to give as little publicity to this tape as we can and still not overly restrict information and analysis.  Sure it should be covered but it need not be saturated.



mick, stop being so technical. UBL made this tape because he likes to hear himslf speak. after all he is just about the only one who thinks that what he has to say has any purpose.

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Jee - I never thought you idiots would come to the point where you were listening to international terrorists on who we should vote for.


That's a very nice broad stroke which unfortunately is not even worthy of us idiots.


I think every regular on this board has spent more time determing what the tape means to the election in general. That's naturally going to come with some banter. In fact, virtually every regular on this board knows who he's/she's going to vote for. Topics here seem to be more around the ramifications of the tape on the election, and how it may affect voters, rather than us "idiots" using it as a decision-making device.


By the way...self-proclaimed idiots just won the World Series. Don't take us idiots for granted. We have a way of doing great things.

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One could argue that it reminds people that 3 years later, UBL is still at large.


And you're probably right. But I think right after that thought, people will also say "Bad time to switch horses. Very bad time."

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Tough to be the party of individual liberty and less government and be behind those programs.  Of course, I'm not a mindless liberal who should be loving both of those programs.


I never said you had to agree with the programs being good or bad. The question was what has Bush done. I have named two and you one at that is with quick thoughts that Bush has pushed through congress.


Name a major piece of legislation in 20 years that Kerry wrote-up, sponsored and got pushed through.


Let's see Bush has at least three, plus got the backing of congress to declare war, in really his first 1.5 years. Tell me again, what Kerry did.

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So I was right, your basic defense is that you aren't the only one.

Mick -- I am not defending anything. I don't need to defend my opinion, it is correct. If Kerry wins the islamic extremists will be partying in the streets. Are you saying this isn't true? As I said earlier, I stated this well before the UBL tape came out and I could care less about the UBL tape. This is a global war on terror, not a manhunt for one person.

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mick, stop being so technical. UBL made this tape because he likes to hear himslf speak. after all he is just about the only one who thinks that what he has to say has any purpose.




Unfortunately, there are plenty, too many, muslims listening to him. If all he was doing was listening to himself, he could have made a lot more tapes, having them come out daily. The fact that AQ has hit as many targets as it has for as long as it has despite the Afghan and Iraqi wars demonstrates conslusively that enough people listen to him, follow him and are inspired by him to make him and AQ extremely dangerous. In studying our enemy, you can't be too "technical", details matter. We are not the audience he intends to reach.

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He knows his comments will be presumed as a condemnation of Bush. Thus, the public will think he wants him out. Therefore, the public votes for Bush. End result... Bin Laden played us like a cheap violin. He loves the fact that Bush  took troops away from his bums in Afgahnastan to persue a political war in Iraq (Saddam rejected him). He loves the fact he has been able to run free and plot against us because Dumb Dubya has a vendetta against Saddam. Americans... WAKE UP!!!! Al Qaeda is our ENEMY. Fire the inept "W". and let's get on with the fight!!


Enter a new era for America next week. A Military Administration with War Vets, a Nato commander, and proven economic strategists are on the way... The chicken hawks and excuse makers and their spin are .... "Fired"


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