Alaska Darin Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 It is my opinion that Iraq was not a threat to the United States when Bush decided to invade. I believe Bush put capturing BinLaden on the back burners while he went after Saddam. It is my opinion that Saddam was not as big as a threat as some scumbag terrorist who ordered 4 planes to Rosen into buildings killing as many people as he can. Can you explain AD why you think it was more important to go after Saddam instead of making Al Queda it's #1 proirity? Do you feel safer at night knowing the "axis of evil" that was Iraq is now defeated while OBL is still out there making threats? 91731[/snapback] First off, it is the Global War on Terrorism. Note that doesn't include the phrase "Al Qaeda" anywhere in it. Nor do you see "Osama Bin Laden" noted. You are certainly entitled to your opinion. I was not a proponent of the war in Iraq but I understand why the choice was made. Here are some facts that are available from various internet sources: Where was Abu Nidal when he committed suicide (if shooting yourself in the head 4 times can be considered suicide)? AP reporter S. Yacoub reported that Nidal arrived in the country with the full knowledge of the Iraqi government. Ever take the time to wonder why Nidal would shoot himself in the head 4 times? Can't be because he refused to reengage in his prior activities at the behest of his hosts (the government of Iraq, headed by Saddam Hussein). Nah. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was known to be in Iraq before the war and was treated in Baghdad for injuries suffered in Afghanistan. Ramzi Yousef traveled to America on an Iraqi passport. Abu Abbas was captured in Baghdad. It is a well documented fact that the Iraqi government paid $25K to the families of suicide bombers. 11 Americans are known dead because of these bombings. Khala al Salahat who furnished the semtex that killed 189 Americans on Pan Am 103 surrendered to the 1st Marine Division in IRAQ. Coalition Troops shut down at least 3 terrorist camps including Salman Pak, a base 15 miles from Baghdad. There was a full mock up passenger plane there used for training terrorists. The camp specialized in training terrorists from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States according to PBS' Frontline and testimony from Iraqi's in front of Congress in the spring of 2002. The Phillipino government expelled a high ranking Iraqi diplomat after seizing cell phone records showing conversations between the official and leaders of Abu Sayyaf. Farouk Hijazi was captured by US forces near the Syrian border this year. He admitted to meeting with Al Qaeda on Saddam's behalf various times since 1994. Now, picture 25 years in the future. How does Iraq look? Is it still a bastion and safe haven for international terrorism? Or is it the shining light for Democracy and hope in the Middle East, lifting an entire culture back to where it was 400 years ago? Al Qaeda is nothing more than one front in the war on terrorism. Osama Bin Laden is nothing more than a figurative boogie man. Whether he is alive or not is in question. We certainly know he isn't communicating very effectively. This is not a battle that's going to end before you go to bed. The world is a much more diverse place than American TV leads you to believe. If you don't believe that a country that spends 11X more money than anyone else on military and intelligence is capable of fighting a war on multiple fronts, you are wrong. If you believe it's possible to do such things without making mistakes (R.I.P. Pat Tillman), you are wrong. We won't know if the end justifies the means for at least a decade, more likely two.
outsidethebox Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 I'm impressed, that is a impressive list of cut and paste. That still doesn't answer my question. Do you feel SAFER with Saddam out of power? Do you really think Saddam would let Al Queda into his country willingly? I do not doubt Al Queda may have been in Iraq. Having a few Al Queda in Iraq is still a long stretch in saying Iraq and Al Queda were conspiring together to bring down The United States. If you really wanted to make an arguement for countries supporting AL Queda, then I think Saudia Arabia would be a more logical arguement.
blzrul Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 MSNBC OBL sez: "America, Bush cannot protect you." In other words, don't vote for him. In other words, OBL doesn't want Bush re-elected. I'd love to know when the tape was made. I still think the guy is dead and he's pulling a "Tupac" releasing new 'old' stuff. One reference to the Red Sox would clear things up. Oh well, at least we know who OBL thinks America should NOT vote for. 91616[/snapback] Nice misquote. I bet you either heard it on FAUX or read it on Drudge. Because he also said Kerry couldn't protect us either. Policy, not presidents, are what make us targets. And how would you know what's in his mind? Are you also a fanatical murdering bastard?
Alaska Darin Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 I'm impressed, that is a impressive list of cut and paste. That still doesn't answer my question. Do you feel SAFER with Saddam out of power? Do you really think Saddam would let Al Queda into his country willingly? I do not doubt Al Queda may have been in Iraq. Having a few Al Queda in Iraq is still a long stretch in saying Iraq and Al Queda were conspiring together to bring down The United States. If you really wanted to make an arguement for countries supporting AL Queda, then I think Saudia Arabia would be a more logical arguement. 91760[/snapback] It's from one of MY earlier posts. From MY research. Do I feel safer because Saddam Hussein is out of power? No. Has nothing to do with the war on Iraq and everything to do with the systemic problems our populous has created by turning over the power from the people to the government. John Kerry wants to go even further with that ideal and turn over power to the UN. That's truly more frightening than any other single thing. You really don't know much about the region if you think it'd be good to invade Saudia Arabia and overthrow the current government there.
SilverNRed Posted October 29, 2004 Author Posted October 29, 2004 And how would you know what's in his mind? Are you also a fanatical murdering bastard? 91761[/snapback] Well, now that you mention it...... Did you read the Reuters story I posted? Probably not. My other link was from MSNBC - so your whining about sources doesn't fly. Either way, OBL just tried to tell Americans that Bush couldn't keep them safe and that current U.S. policies will only lead to more terror. So apparently Bush is doing a pretty good job and so are our current policies. I admire you in a way. Every day you come to this board, make a fool of yourself, and slink away. But you're always right back here the next day. Others would kill for such determination.
Alaska Darin Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 I admire you in a way. Every day you come to this board, make a fool of yourself, and slink away. But you're always right back here the next day. Others would kill for such determination. 91775[/snapback] She's like the retarded PPP version of "Rudy".
SilverNRed Posted October 29, 2004 Author Posted October 29, 2004 Also, I certainly didn't say OBL actually *endorsed* any candidate but the fact that he thinks Bush is doing SUCH a bad job can only be good news.
Chilly Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 Yeah...let's sit here and wait for them again. Let them have their way in the Middle East. Let them buy what they want, train as they want, recruit as they want, plan and plot and attack as they want. Great strategy. This is the one Kerry plan I completely understand, and I can only hope it never comes down to that. 91631[/snapback] Obviously you don't.
Paco Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 Obviously you don't. 91781[/snapback] Then he and his minions may want to do a better job explaining to me what I'm clearly missing because every time he speaks about Iraq, it's about getting our troops home in a specific time frame. You'd think he'd learn more about the situation before making such pandering comments.
Let'sGoBuffalo Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 Let me just say this in the nicest way I can because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings: Anyone who gives a rats a$$ who OBL thinks should be President is a complete and total brainless idiot. Why do you think he makes these tapes? Because he knows there are some people stupid enough to give a sheet what he says. Way to hand him a victory morons. 91716[/snapback] Excellent post
VABills Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 You know blz that avatar is so hypocritical. You call continue to call Bush out for being stupid for mispronouncing words. Obviously you are a lemming as you need to listen to the dork the Democrats put up. He has no "IERDEAR" on how to pronounce idea. Of course it is okay for your idiot candidate to sound dumb as a !@#$ing rock, but God forbid the other guy does. Yup hypocrites unite.
erynthered Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 Excellent post 91795[/snapback] You never did answer my question the other day Pin Head. Figures, how was your Hot Pocket?
blzrul Posted October 30, 2004 Posted October 30, 2004 I'm surprised you constipated neocons aren't freaking out over the implication that OBL saw F/911 ... making statements of surprise that Bush just sat there in the classroom while under attack. Were you thinking no-one noticed?
SilverNRed Posted October 30, 2004 Author Posted October 30, 2004 I'm surprised you constipated neocons aren't freaking out over the implication that OBL saw F/911 ... making statements of surprise that Bush just sat there in the classroom while under attack. Were you thinking no-one noticed? 91910[/snapback] Fourth post in the thread. I'm not surprised you missed that. Reading isn't your strong suit.
Alaska Darin Posted October 30, 2004 Posted October 30, 2004 I'm surprised you constipated neocons aren't freaking out over the implication that OBL saw F/911 ... making statements of surprise that Bush just sat there in the classroom while under attack. Were you thinking no-one noticed? 91910[/snapback] Or he saw CNN or any of the other news organizations that aired the same thing over and over again.
_BiB_ Posted October 30, 2004 Posted October 30, 2004 I'm surprised you constipated neocons aren't freaking out over the implication that OBL saw F/911 ... making statements of surprise that Bush just sat there in the classroom while under attack. Were you thinking no-one noticed? 91910[/snapback] You are officially beyond help. Debbie, I love ya girl, you and I share a bond very few here understand, I separate that from this stuff, but your blinders on what's going on and where we are going are really mind boggling. I'm not going to change your mind about any of it, but get past the individual situations and try to look at the big picture. You jump on every single soundbite of the Kerry campaign, and when he gets left in the dust, you jump on the next. If you think Kerry has a better concept, post that. Not a constant "Bush Bad".
Adam Posted October 30, 2004 Posted October 30, 2004 I wonder if Michael Moore sent him a free copy of F911. "Dear'll get a real kick out of this. Your pal, MM." 91673[/snapback] I'm not a big fan of Moore, but to suggest any type of agreement between him and Bin Laden is ludicrous
erynthered Posted October 30, 2004 Posted October 30, 2004 Fourth post in the thread. I'm not surprised you missed that. Reading isn't your strong suit. 91911[/snapback] Give her a few seconds. She'll come back with "my friend in Vietnam says"
_BiB_ Posted October 30, 2004 Posted October 30, 2004 I'm not a big fan of Moore, but to suggest any type of agreement between him and Bin Laden is ludicrous 91923[/snapback] Damn, Paco forgot his smiley! That said, I'm not sure Moore isn't anxiously awaiting the next attack. More bucks. Whore. Sick !@#$ing whore.
SilverNRed Posted October 30, 2004 Author Posted October 30, 2004 Osama bin Douche Bag transcript: You American people, my speech to you is the best way to avoid another conflict about the war and its reasons and results. I am telling you security is an important pillar of human life. And free people don't let go of their security contrary to Bush's claims that we hate freedom. He should tell us why we didn't hit Sweden for instance. Its known that those who hate freedom don't have dignified the 19 who were blessed. But we fought you because we are free people, we don't sleep on our oppression. We want to regain the freedom of our Muslim nation as you spill our security, we spill your security. I am so surprised by you. Although we are in the fourth year after the events of Sept 11, Bush is still practicing distortion and misleading on you, and obscuring the main reasons and therefore the reasons are still existing to repeat what happened before. I will tell you the reasons behind theses incidents. I will be honest with you on the moment when the decision was taken to understand. We never thought of hitting the towers. But after we were so fed up, and we saw the oppression of the American Israeli coalition on our people in Palestine and Lebanon, it came to my mind and the incidents that really touched me directly goes back to 1982 and the following incidents. When the US permitted the Israelis to invade Lebanon with the assistance of the 6th fleet. In these hard moments, it occurred to me so many meanings I cant explain but it resulted in a general feeling of rejecting oppression and gave me a hard determination to punish the oppressors. While I was looking at the destroyed towers in Lebanon, it came to my mind to punish the oppressor the same way and destroy towers in the US to get a taste of what they tasted, and quit killing our children and women. We didn't find difficulty dealing with Bush and his administration due to the similarity of his regime and the regimes in our countries. Whish half of them are ruled by military and the other half by sons of kings and presidents and our experience with them is long. Both parties are arrogant and stubborn and the greediness and taking money without right and that similarity appeared during the visits of Bush to the region while people from our side were impressed by the US and hoped that these visits would influence our countries. Here he is being influenced by these regimes, Royal and military. And was feeling jealous they were staying for decades in power stealing the nations finances without anybody overseeing them. So he transferred the oppression of freedom and tyranny to his son and they call it the Patriot Law to fight terrorism. He was bright in putting his sons as governors in states and he didn't forget to transfer his experience from the rulers of our region to Florida to falsify elections to benefit from it in critical times. We agreed with Mohamed Atta, god bless him, to execute the whole operation in 20 minutes. Before Bush and his administration would pay attention and we never thought that the high commander of the US armies would leave 50 thousand of his citizens in both towers to face the horrors by themselves when they most needed him because it seemed to distract his attention from listening to the girl telling him about her goat butting was more important than paying attention to airplanes butting the towers which gave us three times the time to execute the operation thank god. Your security is not in the hands of Kerry or Bush or Al Qaeda. Your security is in your hands. Each state that doesn't mess with our security has automatically secured their security. Reading that, it's obvious he's after one thing: a time out. The man is losing. Period. He's asking us to stop the violence; it's not the other way around. "Let's avoid another conflict..."? This guy used to brag and giggle on camera about pulling off 9/11. He's not so cocky these days. He wants us to change our policy because, apparently, he never wanted any part of a Holy War. Oh, and his references to the "Patriot Law", "stealing" Florida, and "Bush listening to a girl" on 9/11 all sound very familiar. Not the first time I've heard that propaganda from an ugly dude with a beard.....
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