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Wow! How Bad Has Hollywood Sunk?


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See how much I learn from this board? Just this week I discovered I do not in fact like Nickelodeon, and now I find out I do not think Anchorman is funny.....thank god I have you guys and gals to set me straight :rolleyes::D


But no one can tell me Anchorman was funny on any level and is a perfect example of really low standards of comedy.
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Bingo. Immature humor is still supposed to be funny. I'd hardly call Benny Hill or B&B "snob" humor, but they were hysterical. The problem is that Hollywood doesn't bother making funny stuff all that often because idiots will gobble up the same recycled nonsense time after time. Anchorman and Wedding Crashers are perfect examples.

Like the obligatory kick too the crotch that is in every one of these well written gems? Gee, I never get tired of that.

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You guys who only watch mainstream films need to quit yer bitchin' and put in a little time checking out the indy scene. Having a marketing budget and/or big stars does not necessarily equate to entertaining movies. It's like someone who listens to only top 40 music stations complaining that there's no good music to listen to.


That being said, Anchorman RULES!


PS. For those of you who haven't seen Band of Brothers, Amazon has the entire series on blu-ray for like $30. I'm on episode 8 (of 10) and it's very, very good.

$30 for the BR format? Damn. When BoB first came out on DVD it was around $150. I finally got it for Christmas a couple years ago when the price had dropped to about $50 for the regular format.


What? You pooped in the refrigerator? And you ate the whole... wheel of cheese? How'd you do that? Heck, I'm not even mad; that's amazing. How 'bout we get you in your p.j.'s and we hit the hay.


Baxter. One of the five greatest movie dogs. Ever.

You're so wise. You're like a miniature Buddha, covered in hair.

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$30 for the BR format? Damn. When BoB first came out on DVD it was around $150. I finally got it for Christmas a couple years ago when the price had dropped to about $50 for the regular format.


Looks like it was just a holiday price :sick: I just checked and it's back up to $54 for BD and $42 for DVD. I'd still pay that in a heartbeat, of course...it's an excellent series, as you know.

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It's an analogy I've lived, lol. Several years ago, anyone who saw my CD collection would find a bunch of mainstream artists that everyone and their mother knew about. Fast forward to today and I've got all sorts of stuff that you'll never hear on the Ryan Seacrest show. I've grown to love music in a way I never have before, too, cause I don't feel as if a playlist is being dictated to me anymore. It was my own fault, but when you only focus on pop music, you're much less likely to find great stuff that really appeals to who you are and what you like. The same holds true of movies. I give Netflix a ton of credit because they not only carry just about every title on earth, they also do a great job of making the site interactive where they can help expose you to the broadest range of film possible. It's terrific software, and it's one of the most valuable tools I have to keep my viewing list full of really interesting stuff.


I also give a LOT of credit to the many TBD'ers who participate in music threads. I don't know of any other forum where its members have such amazing and diverse taste in music. A few guys, SDS, Madcap, and Fez, took the time to actually send me stuff in the mail to help me in my cause. There are a few really great music threads from years past on here with a ton of great ideas for expanding your horizons. I've really benefitted from those!

Ahem...I would think traveling 3000 plus miles with 30 plus CDs beats mailing a few CDs to you. Aren't you forgetting someone who helped you with your collection?? :sick::w00t:

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Ahem...I would think traveling 3000 plus miles with 30 plus CDs beats mailing a few CDs to you. Aren't you forgetting someone who helped you with your collection?? :thumbsup::P




You just love my doggie style :sick:

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May have watched the 3 worst movies made this year in the last couple days. Courtesy of my son.


Anchorman: Ron Burgundy Story

Love Guru

The Comebacks


Nothing more has to be typed. As bad as it gets really.



If you want classics go for


The Big Lebowski and Raising Arizona

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I am by no means a "stuck up snob". I enjoy the humor of the Jackass series and quote Beavis and Butthead weekly - but two of the WORST movies I have ever seen that were hyped as "SUPER DUPER HILARIOUS":


Anchorman (literally turned it off about 1 hour in)

Wedding Crashers (fell asleep)

Just stop watching movies then.

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Just stop watching movies then.


Sorry I had an opinion...your response was brilliant.


Using your theory, I guess I should stop washing my hair because I don't like Head & Shoulders or brushing my teeth because aqua fresh is too sweet.


Or better yet, maybe I should quit being a football fan because the Bills haven't made the playoffs in 10 years.


I understand cult classics - again, I like B&B, Jackass, etc. But to bash other people because they don't agree with your opinion...again, brilliant.

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Ron: Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean that really got out of hand fast!

Brian: It jumped up a notch.

Ron: It did, didn't it?

Brick: Yea, I stabbed a man in the heart.

Ron: I saw that! Brick killed a guy. Did you throw a trident?

Brick: Yea, there were horses and a man on fire and I killed a guy with a trident.

Ron: Brick, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You should find yourself a safe house or a relative close by because you're probably wanted for murder.


Anchorman is friggin hilarious! A classic.

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Sorry I had an opinion...your response was brilliant.


Using your theory, I guess I should stop washing my hair because I don't like Head & Shoulders or brushing my teeth because aqua fresh is too sweet.


Or better yet, maybe I should quit being a football fan because the Bills haven't made the playoffs in 10 years.


I understand cult classics - again, I like B&B, Jackass, etc. But to bash other people because they don't agree with your opinion...again, brilliant.

I see why you don't like Anchorman when you can not sense sarcasm.

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Not exactly 'heady' stuff, but I laugh my ass off every time I see this scene...


Veronica Corningstone: Mr. Burgundy, you are acting like a baby.

Ron Burgundy: I'm not a baby, I am a man. I am an anchorman!

Veronica Corningstone: You are not a man. You are a big fat joke!

Ron Burgundy: I'm a man who discovered the wheel, and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn. That's what kind of man I am. You're just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. It's science.

Veronica Corningstone: I will have you know that I have more talent and more intelligence in my little finger than you do in your entire body, sir!

Ron Burgundy: You are a smelly pirate hooker!

Veronica Corningstone: You look like a blueberry.

Ron Burgundy: Why don't you go back to your home on Whore Island?

Veronica Corningstone: Well, you have bad hair.

Ron Burgundy: What did you say?

Veronica Corningstone: I said, your hair looks stupid.


The ensuing brawl where Applegate throws the old IBM Selectric at Ferrel's head, then beats whim with the whip antenna is hysterical. :ph34r:

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Exactly my point. I do have a sense of humor and I'm not above wacky, silly movies. But like any genre of flick, there are good and horrible. Example of good? Happy Gilmore, Superbad, a few of the Cheech And Chong series. But no one can tell me Anchorman was funny on any level and is a perfect example of really low standards of comedy. Will Ferrell, Jack Black and Whoppi have to be the most unfunny people in entertainment. Clearly they have to be related to somebody.


That has to be the strangest group of people I've ever seen. I can understand why you'd list Ferrell and Black, but where did you pull Whoopi from? Has she done anything of value in the last 15 years? If you ask me, I feel like blaming Joe Piscopo and Judge Reinhold for the state of today's movies.

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