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Not so sure why so many on this board agree with this thought. He is not and was not a fit for our scheme. B-t-w this is not a post in favor of the toothless Tampa defense - I happen to hate it. But back to the point - does no good to draft players that are not likely to be succesful in your scheme.


That's exactly what's wrong with this team. The coaching staff is too tied to its stupid Tampa 2 defense. They'd rather draft an inferior player to fit the scheme instead of adjusting their schemes to accomodate a better overall player.


As for Leinart...why? He's terrible.

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The only player I'm interested in going back in time and drafting from that draft is Ngata.



I remember almost throwing something at the TV when they passed on Ngata


I remember reading somewhere that Modrak wanted him but was overruled by Levy who wanted a character guy in the locker room.

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Not so sure why so many on this board agree with this thought. He is not and was not a fit for our scheme. B-t-w this is not a post in favor of the toothless Tampa defense - I happen to hate it. But back to the point - does no good to draft players that are not likely to be succesful in your scheme.


I disagree


He would be a standout in the 4-3 defense and the Bills scouts even said at the time he was a fit for the defense


And at the time they needed a DT :cry:


Dont know why they didnt go for him, hes a better player than Whitner by far

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Nothing close to a great arm. His arm is probably weaker than Trent's.

A LOT weaker. The reason Leinart sucks and will likely always suck in the NFL is his rag arm. He could get away with it in college because he can be accurate but he can't throw about a third of the passes you need to throw in the NFL. Plus, everything he does (physically) is slow. He's terrible.

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A LOT weaker. The reason Leinart sucks and will likely always suck in the NFL is his rag arm. He could get away with it in college because he can be accurate but he can't throw about a third of the passes you need to throw in the NFL. Plus, everything he does (physically) is slow. He's terrible.



Pennington also has a rag arm (or at least did, for a few years), but he gets rid of the ball quickly.

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Not so sure why so many on this board agree with this thought. He is not and was not a fit for our scheme. B-t-w this is not a post in favor of the toothless Tampa defense - I happen to hate it. But back to the point - does no good to draft players that are not likely to be succesful in your scheme.

Sorry, if anything he's less suited to play DE in the 3-4 than DT in a 4-3. The fact that he can and does play at an All-Pro level as a DE in a 3-4 should only make Bills fans beat their heads against a brick wall harder and faster. Whitner was the wrong pick. :cry:

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Are you guys kidding?


Not to slurp on the guys jockstrap or anything, but if you recall about 6 games into the season, Trent Edwards was not only good, he was getting SERIOUS consideration (by the likes of ESPN) for MVP of the LEAGUE. Now, obviously there was a concussion and some cold weather and things fell apart, but I would take my chances with Trent over Leinert (who has proved about nothing IMO). Add in the fact that he was a first round QB (who you cant afford to miss on) and its game set match on this argument. If you are even going to have this discussion, have it with Cutler not Leinert.


The Whittner thing is a completly different story...and while I was not happy with the Whitner pick at the time..I honestly dont see a player drafted before we picked McCargo that I would have wanted us to take instead. Maybe Ngata (or Cutler), but it wasnt a deep draft.


The bigger mistake, McCargo. How much would things be different if we traded up for Mangold instead?

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I'm not saying by any means that Trent is a bust, nor am I saying that Whitner hasn't been good, but I am wondering...if we could go back in time, how many of you would draft Leinart instead of Whitner. I like Whitner, but at the pick he was taken, has he really made that much of a difference. Leinart has a great arm, and could have become the face of the franchise. Thoughts?


the pick should have benn Ngata.


Whitner is less of a bust than Leinart has been.


At least Whitner has been solid - Leinart is riding the pine and has been awful when he has played

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It's easy to say that now,but I remember at the time that was not a universally accepted fact. Cutler had a HORRIBLE won-loss record in college. He was a guy that obviously had the measurables but never was a winner.


Talent evaluators with half a brain knew who had the skills and the motivation.


Cutler did not make Vanderbilt a winner, but almost single handed he made them competitive in the SEC.

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Not so sure why so many on this board agree with this thought. He is not and was not a fit for our scheme. B-t-w this is not a post in favor of the toothless Tampa defense - I happen to hate it. But back to the point - does no good to draft players that are not likely to be succesful in your scheme.


this is basically nonsense - but typical of the kind of analysis generated from the clown show at OBD.


when does a stud DT that can push the pocket not fit any defensive scheme??


It's even a dumber comment when the Bills have attempted to play their undersized DTs on the nose.

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I'm not saying by any means that Trent is a bust, nor am I saying that Whitner hasn't been good, but I am wondering...if we could go back in time, how many of you would draft Leinart instead of Whitner. I like Whitner, but at the pick he was taken, has he really made that much of a difference. Leinart has a great arm, and could have become the face of the franchise. Thoughts?

Hell no. Hindsight is 20/20, but I would've taken Ngata. In fact, I really thought that's who the Bills were taking...but then I should have known better with this bumbling, inept franchise. If my choice is Whitner or Leinart, give me Whitner. BTW, I'll take Trent over Leinart any day. The partying, golden boy, Leinart, is more concerned with catching an STD than throwing a TD.

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Not so sure why so many on this board agree with this thought. He is not and was not a fit for our scheme. B-t-w this is not a post in favor of the toothless Tampa defense - I happen to hate it. But back to the point - does no good to draft players that are not likely to be succesful in your scheme.




Because I think picking players to fit a "scheme" is bull sh--. Pick the best football players available and then figure out the best way to use them on the field. Guess what I think Ngata would play just fine in our scheme. I don't know a defensive scheme in the world that doesn't include a big dude that is super strong and aggressive taking on multiple offensive linemen. If there is a coaching staff out there that can't figure out what to do with that then they have problems. Drafting players to fit some idea of what is and isn't called for in a defensive scheme is foolish in my opinion.

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I remember almost throwing something at the TV when they passed on Ngata


I remember reading somewhere that Modrak wanted him but was overruled by Levy who wanted a character guy in the locker room.



That's another thing, along with "doesn't fit our scheme" that I'm sick of hearing about; "character." What a crock of sh--.

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Not so sure why so many on this board agree with this thought. He is not and was not a fit for our scheme. B-t-w this is not a post in favor of the toothless Tampa defense - I happen to hate it. But back to the point - does no good to draft players that are not likely to be succesful in your scheme.




That is exactly why our coaches will never succeed. They pass over great players because they don't "fit the scheme" Good coaches get the BEST players and fit their "scheme" to the talent they have. Just my opinion.



EDIT - Didn't see your post Dr. Fong...you are right on!

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I'm not saying by any means that Trent is a bust, nor am I saying that Whitner hasn't been good, but I am wondering...if we could go back in time, how many of you would draft Leinart instead of Whitner. I like Whitner, but at the pick he was taken, has he really made that much of a difference. Leinart has a great arm, and could have become the face of the franchise. Thoughts?



In the AZ Republic today it was reported that if Kurt Warner re-signs (which is expected), Leinart will ask to be traded...Also, Terrell Suggs has expressed an interest to go to the Cards!!! Sorry, folks!!!

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That is exactly why our coaches will never succeed. They pass over great players because they don't "fit the scheme" Good coaches get the BEST players and fit their "scheme" to the talent they have. Just my opinion.



EDIT - Didn't see your post Dr. Fong...you are right on!



I can agree with part of what you say, but not the whole enchilada. I think good coaches should fit their scheme to the talent on hand, and not try to make a square peg fit into a round hole, for the sake of the scheme (if possible).


But, to make no assessment of a player's strengths and capabilities, and to acquire players whether or not they fit what the team does (offensively or defensively) is absurd.

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I'm not saying by any means that Trent is a bust, nor am I saying that Whitner hasn't been good, but I am wondering...if we could go back in time, how many of you would draft Leinart instead of Whitner. I like Whitner, but at the pick he was taken, has he really made that much of a difference. Leinart has a great arm, and could have become the face of the franchise. Thoughts?

I'm still scratching my head wondering why you picked Leinart, of all the players picked after Whitner? The guy has barely played and played worse than JP when he HAS actually played, and he got to throw to Fitzgerald and Boldin, and had Edge as his RB. Are you talking about "what pick would have been worse than Whitner for the Bills?"

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