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Just saw Valkryie


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Is it similar to "The Hunt for Red October"'s device?


As I wrote in an earlier thread on this movie, a good friend from childhood and high school is in this and from what I hear, has a decent-sized part.



I see the sig size limit is no more...or has generously increased.



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Mark Walhberg is another for that list.


You can add Denzel Washington to that list, too.


I think Cruise is a good actor, but everything has been clouded by the whole $cientology thing. Lots of people hated "Interview with the Vampire", but I thought it was great.

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Oh I totally disagree, Mr. Fancy Pants. Magnolia is an outstanding movie, and I thought Tom Cruise should have won Best Supporting Actor that year.


But we can agree to disagree on this.


I'm with you, Mark - loved Magnolia and enjoyed TC's performance - really fine acting in a different kind of role for him, IMHO.

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Cruise is speaking German in the opening scene, then it disipates to English. Ok so he did'nt have a German accent, but did you hear a German accent from Kenneth Branagh, Tom Wilkinson, Bill Nighy, Terrence Stamp, or Eddie Izzard? I did'nt hear an accent from David Bamber, the actor who played Hitler, either.

So do'nt just single out Cruise for not applying the accent in this movie, it's cheap.

If you want to see a movie with a German accent, then see The Reader.



Sounds like some man love going on here

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I'll probably see it. I'm not a Cruise fan either, but he is not bad in the occassional action film, so what the hell...I'll take a chance. I've seen some magnificent films the last few weeks including Rachel at the Wedding (Anne Hathaway in a powerhouse role!) Doubt...All three major actors are great and one is from Rochester, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt is quite good in this...and I'm not a Brad Pitt fan.) Still on the list is slumdog millionare and Milk.

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