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Just saw Valkryie


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I'm not a Cruise fan either but he was excellent in Tropic Thunder!


I disagree. I watched TT about a week ago, and was told ahead of time how "funny" Cruise was. No, sorry. There's nothing "excellent" about playing pissed off ALL THE TIME. In fact, it's quite easy for an actor to do. Having said that, the movie itself was unwaveringly stupid, but cracked me up a number of times. RDJr. made me laugh out loud a lot.

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I disagree. I watched TT about a week ago, and was told ahead of time how "funny" Cruise was. No, sorry. There's nothing "excellent" about playing pissed off ALL THE TIME. In fact, it's quite easy for an actor to do. Having said that, the movie itself was unwaveringly stupid, but cracked me up a number of times. RDJr. made me laugh out loud a lot.



Robert Downey Jr is a terrific actor. Cruise isn't.

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Robert Downey Jr is a terrific actor. Cruise isn't.


I stopped supporting Cruise once I saw this: Link


I saw less cheesy speeches at State Student Council Conferences in 8th Grade, not to mention the fact that it's COMPLETELY F'ING CRAZY.


I also heard (regarding Valkryie) that his complete lack of accent is distracting, to say the least.

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I stopped supporting Cruise once I saw this: Link


I saw less cheesy speeches at State Student Council Conferences in 8th Grade, not to mention the fact that it's COMPLETELY F'ING CRAZY.


I also heard (regarding Valkryie) that his complete lack of accent is distracting, to say the least.



I wouldn't care if Cruise ate babies. Well, yes I would care, but it wouldn't impact my evaluation of his acting ability.


RDJ is quite a piece of work, too. But, he can act.

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I have to admit that I had low expectations for this film, but I was quite surprised at how good it was. The story, the pacing, and the acting were tops. An impressive ensemble cast and very good directing by Bryan Singer.

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It's 'Risky Business' in Germany. A Whiff of an accent would have been appreciated

Cruise is speaking German in the opening scene, then it disipates to English. Ok so he did'nt have a German accent, but did you hear a German accent from Kenneth Branagh, Tom Wilkinson, Bill Nighy, Terrence Stamp, or Eddie Izzard? I did'nt hear an accent from David Bamber, the actor who played Hitler, either.

So do'nt just single out Cruise for not applying the accent in this movie, it's cheap.

If you want to see a movie with a German accent, then see The Reader.

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He spoiled an otherwise excellent and quite memorable "Magnolia"

Oh I totally disagree, Mr. Fancy Pants. Magnolia is an outstanding movie, and I thought Tom Cruise should have won Best Supporting Actor that year.


But we can agree to disagree on this.

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Tom Cruise always seems to play Tom Cruise in like manner that Kevin Costner always seems to play Kevin Costner - regardless of the character or role they're playing. They simply portray themselves. Kevin's Robin Hood was brilliant(ly bad) WRT accents and "being in character". He displayed more passion in The Big Chill.

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Cruise is speaking German in the opening scene, then it disipates to English. Ok so he did'nt have a German accent, but did you hear a German accent from Kenneth Branagh, Tom Wilkinson, Bill Nighy, Terrence Stamp, or Eddie Izzard? I did'nt hear an accent from David Bamber, the actor who played Hitler, either.

So do'nt just single out Cruise for not applying the accent in this movie, it's cheap.

If you want to see a movie with a German accent, then see The Reader.


Is it similar to "The Hunt for Red October"'s device?


As I wrote in an earlier thread on this movie, a good friend from childhood and high school is in this and from what I hear, has a decent-sized part.

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