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3 things in life you can count on:


1) Death

2) Taxes

3) Jauron finishing with a losing record...


Jauron went 13-3 one season


The only winning record in his coaching or playing career

Oh, and if you have a good lawyer and accountant you can get out of paying taxes


So, the only things you can count on are death and the Bills not making the playoffs

0-6 in the division. That's all the convincing I need that next year is going to suck as well.


Um, Dick Jauron is the coach. What further convincing did you need?

On paper, as it looks right now, it's a very difficult schedule. Things can change enough in the offseason that the schedule may become less difficult than it looks.


We won't know for sure until the 2009 season starts up.


True. True.


This years schedule looked tough early with 3 teams that won playoff games last year. Seattle, Jacksonville, and San Diego. They all turned out to be kitty cats. Jets and Fish looked to be easy wins again. But, Fish ended up division winners.


So we'll see next year.

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