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It all goes back to essentially the same thing:  The military has far too many bureaucrats and not enough operators.  It's something Donald Rumsfelt has been fighting the Pentagon on since his appointment.


It looks like a mess because of the way it is reported.  I'm not suggesting that there aren't serious issues, because there obviously are.  Rather, I'm suggesting that the other side of the story isn't being told.


You're right. It hasn't been told. But that is not expected. The news hardly EVER shows or covers the good sides of anything. There are hardly any stories about good things Senators or Citizens do, good things about the economy, good things about Health or Education or any topic on anything. ALL news reports are 9 times out of 10 bad news. That is what they do. No one would buy newspapers if it was just good news on things. There ARE reports of how well things are going in the media, all over, they are simply dwarfed by the bad news on things. Which is the way it always is.


However, I recall numerous posts before this war from people that were concerned that the public wasn't given information about it. That there wasn't an exit strategy. That there wasn't "a plan" (ironies of all ironies) for winning the peace. That it may cause a hornet's nest of terrorists. That it won't be a clean war like the last few the US has fought and there will be casulties and the public may not stand for it. That the Iraqis may not greet us as liberators but as occupiers. That perhaps Saddam had weapons but wasn't really a threat with them and we had him contained and we're going to look like imperialist intruders that they THINK we are but are not (until, of course, we just proved their suspicions). I recall you posting some of these things plus several others as to why this may be the right war at the wrong time in the wrong way. This administration is responsible for how the war is fought, from the top down. More so than all other wars because this war was a war of choice not necessity. They may have had GREAT reasons but if they blow it they blow it. And they need to be replaced.

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