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  MRW said:
It's a quick and easy identifier to stand out. If "John from Hemet" was just "John" would we recognize him? If "bills_fan_in_raleigh" were "bills_fan_16734" would we know him from "bills_fan_16735"?


What I'm still trying to understand is why the hell you care. It's a screen name. If we wanted to brag we'd mention that our cars cost more than the average house in Buffalo. But who would be that arrogant?


Um....you would, because you just said it. :thumbdown:

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  VJ91 said:
Um....you would, because you just said it. :thumbdown:


He's referencing a Skooby post in another thread, not stating it himself I suspect.

  EndZoneCrew said:
Well, if I were to make an intelligent response to this, I would conclude that people would READ it and not WATCH it

You know what, I regret making that earlier comment, I really don't want to get in a big flamewar. I think I about 100% disagree with you on this topic but I shouldn't post snide one-liners. I apologize.


Talk to you later on other topics where we hopefully won't disagree so vehemently?

  VJ91 said:
bills_fan_in_raleigh. Another out-of-towner that loves the Bills and amazingly spends the money to come to every home game. I just don't get it. Why have you abandoned Western New York if you love the Bills so much?? Is this the official "We love the Bills but Buffalo sucked so much we don't live there anymore" fan forum??


And why, why do all of you need to freakin' have your city you live in on your ID or avatar, like it is a badge of honor??


On behalf of all true blue Buffalo fans that still live in Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Niagra Falls, and any other town in Western New York....even as far east as Albany and of course Southern Ontario, I would like to say I am really sick and tired of you great Bills fans who brag about living in other cities. Sure it's cool that you love the Bills and take the time to post on this site and spend the money to retain season tickets and come home for the games. Congratulations.


But the fact that you all seem to need all of us to know you don't live around here anymore doesn't impress me, it really pisses me off. It's like you are saying, "hey I love the Bills, but all of you that still live in Western New York are crazy, man....I'm cool because I live in Atlanta, or Phoenix or Raleigh, and I escaped the rust belt hole with the bad weather you continue to live in, and that's why I have my cool city's name on my id so you all know I live there."


You know what, cool out of towners? You could be posting every single message you have posted, and it would be just as funny, angry, sarcastic or vulgar, and we would all post back in kind, even if we didn't know you lived in freakin' paradise! :thumbdown:

I live in Pittsburgh, but there is know way that I am using anything remotley connected to PGH, or their sports team in my ID or Avatar, and it is a nice town and everything, but my heart is in Buffalo. It wouldn't make any differnce if I lived in friggin Hawaii, I would be to ashamed to do that, as a matter of fact I would just prefer pretending that I still lived in Buffalo, it is my badge of honor, and I haven't lived their in 39 years. Best city in the country.

  VJ91 said:
I'm not insecure or unhappy about living in Western New York. I like living here. And if I wanted to move, why would I be upset with those of you that have?


And oh by the way, if you are not rubbing my nose in the fact you live in California, why tell me you live there at all? I did not have to publish where I live to post here. None of us know who the rest of us are, so who cares? You care. You want us to know you live in California....why is that, really?

I'm going to make one last post on this, because I think we're starting with such different preconceptions that we can't really make each other understand.


I put where I live because I think it's interesting to see where people live. That was about it, and I thought that was enough to make it worth the 2 seconds to enter that info. Now, if you can't believe that I didn't do it out of some desire to feel superior to others, maybe you should just put me, and everyone else who in some way takes advantage of the location field provided by the forum, on ignore.


I've never posted one negative thing about the city of Buffalo or the WNY area, so to have something so inconsequential seized on as some kind of proof that I'm dissing the area where I grew up is pretty hurtful.

  MattM said:
He's referencing a Skooby post in another thread, not stating it himself I suspect.

Yeah. That was an instant TBD classic and we need to do our part to keep it alive.

  VJ91 said:
On behalf of all true blue Buffalo fans that still live in Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Niagra Falls, and any other town in Western New York....even as far east as Albany and of course Southern Ontario, I would like to say I am really sick and tired of you great Bills fans who brag about living in other cities. Sure it's cool that you love the Bills and take the time to post on this site and spend the money to retain season tickets and come home for the games. Congratulations.

You are mixing loyalty for a football team with loyalty for a city. Believe it or not there are Bills fans who were not born in Western New York. That does not make them any more or less a fan than you. I could see your attitude if this was a website about the city of Buffalo but it is not, it is a site for fans of a football team regardless of where you live. You are not more of a "true blue" fan than I am because you are still in WNY.

  MattM said:
He's referencing a Skooby post in another thread, not stating it himself I suspect.


OK, then Scooby said it. Seems like he was bragging about his other city then. Why come on here and say that you out of towners don't brag then??

  VJ91 said:
OK, then Scooby said it. Seems like he was bragging about his other city then. Why come on here and say that you out of towners don't brag then??


I agreed with some of your argument at first.....you have to stop now...you are coming off really bad

  SlamnSam said:
I do regret turning my sons on to the Bills. They watch the games in agony each week. We have seasons tickets and have had for 15 years. We live in Texas and attend one game a year. I know its too late for me as an adult to switch teams as I do bleed Buffalo red white & blue. I do wish I had seen Wilson's greed sooner as I could have helped my sons steer clear of such a shame. Ralph Wilson deserve no respect from any sports fan as he has used this team as a springboard for millions for his family. I used to point out the owner to my boys at trainning camp as once I thought he was an owner that cared about the fans. These training camps when the Enron clone appears I suggest its time for a hot dog and a coke. the man deserves nothing and think twice about subjecting your sons to something that is only going to be a heartbreak for years to come.


You live in Texas, (nice job telling us that by the way, you fit right in on this forum), you attend one game a year, and yet you still own season tickets???


One question begs, WHY DO YOU OWN SEASON TICKETS???

  EndZoneCrew said:
I agreed with some of your argument at first.....you have to stop now...you are coming off really bad


OK, I'll stop. I'm tired of railing on this pointless subject anyway.


My reply to the season ticket holder from Texas will be my last one regarding where people live out here.

  buffaloboyinATL said:
You are mixing loyalty for a football team with loyalty for a city. Believe it or not there are Bills fans who were not born in Western New York. That does not make them any more or less a fan than you. I could see your attitude if this was a website about the city of Buffalo but it is not, it is a site for fans of a football team regardless of where you live. You are not more of a "true blue" fan than I am because you are still in WNY.



Hell, I never lived in Buffalo and I'm a lifelong fan of the Bills. I now live in Richmond Viriginia (From Pittsburgh PA) and make it to about every home game with my season tickets. The season ticket holders around us are from Philly, NJ and two from right there in Orchard Park. They all came to my wedding last year.


But seriously, what should people do who moved away from Western NY? Move back, collect unemployment just so they can be a "true" Bills fan? Gimmie a break. Quit whining about it. I know if I grew up in Western NY, that there isn't even a job in my field of work to even live near Buffalo. But hey, maybe the only way to be accepted here would be for me to give it up and become a pizza delivery man in Buffalo for about 1/50th of the salary I could make somewhere else.



  VJ91 said:
I agree. I'm not a hero, and I don't want to be a hero. In fact, my ID on this forum doesn't give one hint of where I live. I just want to be a Bills fan and talk about the Bills. So again I ask, why do all of you out of towners need to tell us you are out of towners in your id's? If not to brag about it, then why? We don't know you. We don't care you live in Raleigh, or wherever, why do you?


Just a thought: maybe it's a lot harder to be a Bills fan outside of Buffalo?

  MRW said:
It's a quick and easy identifier to stand out. If "John from Hemet" was just "John" would we recognize him? If "bills_fan_in_raleigh" were "bills_fan_16734" would we know him from "bills_fan_16735"?


What I'm still trying to understand is why the hell you care. It's a screen name. If we wanted to brag we'd mention that our cars cost more than the average house in Buffalo. But who would be that arrogant?

I like reading where other people are from. I've lived in the 'burbs of Buffalo long enough to realize one thing. We as Buffalonians have a major complex about our national identity. The only time we are in the news we are getting 24 inches of snow in October or a field goal is being missed. When I go to sales meetings it never fails, "You're from Buffalo? It is so cold!" or "Wide right, hehe." I went through the stages of getting upset and wanting to punch that person in the face but you have to eventually get past that. The truth is, Buffalo is a great place to live, but it deserves its reputation as well. Weather does suck and our sports teams flame out in miraculous fashion. So relax brotha, while people are paying 500K to live in a 1200sqft. house you live in a mansion for half of that. Also no traffic, you can get to the bank the mall and the airport in 10 minutes and lastly the people are great for the most part. I think its cool that people put where they are from, they left here(which many people HAVE to do) but Buffalo still remains a very important place to them.

  VJ91 said:
bills_fan_in_raleigh. Another out-of-towner that loves the Bills and amazingly spends the money to come to every home game. I just don't get it. Why have you abandoned Western New York if you love the Bills so much?? Is this the official "We love the Bills but Buffalo sucked so much we don't live there anymore" fan forum??


And why, why do all of you need to freakin' have your city you live in on your ID or avatar, like it is a badge of honor??


On behalf of all true blue Buffalo fans that still live in Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Niagra Falls, and any other town in Western New York....even as far east as Albany and of course Southern Ontario, I would like to say I am really sick and tired of you great Bills fans who brag about living in other cities. Sure it's cool that you love the Bills and take the time to post on this site and spend the money to retain season tickets and come home for the games. Congratulations.


But the fact that you all seem to need all of us to know you don't live around here anymore doesn't impress me, it really pisses me off. It's like you are saying, "hey I love the Bills, but all of you that still live in Western New York are crazy, man....I'm cool because I live in Atlanta, or Phoenix or Raleigh, and I escaped the rust belt hole with the bad weather you continue to live in, and that's why I have my cool city's name on my id so you all know I live there."


You know what, cool out of towners? You could be posting every single message you have posted, and it would be just as funny, angry, sarcastic or vulgar, and we would all post back in kind, even if we didn't know you lived in freakin' paradise! :thumbdown:



Two words for you ass. Yea it’s easy living in or near Buffalo and saying; you’re a better fan than people who had to move for work to feed their family or to put their time in the military. You think I like living in the desert or Texas. I wish I could still leisure around upstate New York and enjoy most of the people and the food and family, and dam sure the weather, which I love. Try flying a Bills flag in your front yard or wearing Bills memorabilia in North Texas. I do more to support the Buffalo Bills than a whole lot of people in western New York. Can you imagine the crap from parents as I named our youth football team the Buffalo Bills? Oh yea those two words, Blow Me.

  VJ91 said:
OK, then Scooby said it. Seems like he was bragging about his other city then. Why come on here and say that you out of towners don't brag then??

Well the truth is SKOOBY's an ass. Or at least he posts that way. But you can't generalize from him to all out-of-towners, and it was never my intent to defend anyone and everyone who posts here who doesn't live in Buffalo.


I said I was done with this, but one final thing. If I still lived in WNY, I don't know that I ever would've discovered this place. If I wanted to talk Bills all I would need to do is go over to my neighbor's. But talking about the Bills here, even with other football fans, isn't the same, because they just don't understand the frustrations and joys of following this team. So if you really do see a much higher number of people who've left the Buffalo area, that's probably part of the reason.

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