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Every year it KIND OF goes like this:


Season starts: If you see a problem you are told it is too early to tell, you're told you are Chicken Little if you point out any problems. ICE just might call you names.


Mid Season: People start to realize just how f'd the team is. Some calculate our record if we win out. Good for them. Others are debated about Bledsoe.


Late Season: People say it is too late to do anything about it now, we'll wait for the draft and perhaps free agent acquisitions. We'll fix it in the off-season.


Off Season: One Bills Drive has a lackluster draft picking near no-names and picking up has-beens from other teams. Cheaper the better. Bledsoe was a bonanza for the front office season ticket sales. Goodie for them.


Start cycle again ad naseum.


Speak up or say you aren't happy with the way things look ... you are told to go root for Miami. Or you are slammed for posting an "I told you so" post.


Bottom Line: If you want to help. Forget it. You'll get slammed. If you want to be a pollyanna and say everythinhg either IS alright or it will be alright you'll fit right in. After all aren't we all here just to socialize anyway? Better than that if you are a part of the inner circle here, you have found your niche in life, sit back and enjoy! You are more in than in.


Then why the hell does Surf come here? Because I have a few friends here that sometimes think what I say is funny ... and ... sometimes people post a link to a story or photo that I find interesting. But to actually discuss Bills stuff here is near pointless unless you are a hardcore participant in the above vicious cycle.

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Are the people who dismissed every glitch in the offeason by suggesting those pointing them out were overreacting (hence the birth of dooomed) going to eat some crow?






Sorry, but those mistakes have yet to be corrected.


So, now I ask you: when?

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