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This is how i feel right now. I was never embarrassed during the bickering bills era, losing 4 superbowls in a row, or homerun throwback. But this takes the cake. Im embarrassed to be a bills fan right now. In the above rough time/events in bills history atleast the the team was trying to win. Todays move is solely about money, i will never be convinced otherwise. 3 7-9 seasons and ending up 7-9 after starting 5-1 will get you fired in 31 other organizations. This is the only team that would allow this stuff to continue. Cause the owner is a cheap delirious SOB who could care less about winning. To all you diehards who will say "fine who needs you" and end your post with "go bills" I am really jealous of your resolve. But im sorry this is the last straw. If i hadnt gotten rid of my seasons years ago they would be gone today. I wish i could blindly support this team irregardless of how badly they sh*t on us, but i cant anymore. I will watch them next year and root for them but i will never feel confident in what i am seeing and have ZERO expectations or hope for next year. What a joke, what an embarrassment to the city.

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Anybody that gets embarassed by being a Bills fan has large issues with self-esteem.....


Really seems like a big jump to me. I have nothing else in my life to be embarrassed over, but this is a joke. We root for a bottom five organization in the league. Keep getting sh-- on and love it buddy. Keep throwing love admiration and money at this mans team only to have him worry about the bottom line back. Im so sick of people on this board who are so oblivious to how bad things are. Take off the rose colored glasses dude this team is a joke. True fans can get critical and annoyed to, not you obnoxious die hards who hate people who are angry with this team or think sully is unfair.

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Really seems like a big jump to me. I have nothing else in my life to be embarrassed over, but this is a joke. We root for a bottom five organization in the league. Keep getting sh-- on and love it buddy. Keep throwing love admiration and money at this mans team only to have him worry about the bottom line back. Im so sick of people on this board who are so oblivious to how bad things are. Take off the rose colored glasses dude this team is a joke. True fans can get critical and annoyed to, not you obnoxious die hards who hate people who are angry with this team or think sully is unfair.

If you can't take it for what it is--entertainment--rather than a measure of your self worth, it's still a problem....

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