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If Kerry was President...

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Thank god you never made a grammatical error...maybe I can fly you into Virginia and you can teach all my students with learning disabilities how to spell...you are a man amongst men.. please check my grammar and syntac....so so look forward to your corrections

oops i left out my period....i'm so uneducated...I should have gone to school in Alaska with all those Rhodes scholar students from the tribes.


That post says more about you than I cared to know. Super glad you're molding young minds.


Maybe the local community college offers a class on proofreading.

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I really wouldn't get so pissy. You were the one spouting off your academic credentials. If you hadn't made intelligence an important part of your discussions, you probably wouldn't be getting a crapload of feedback from what must be very lazy typing skills.


The thing on here is that probably 30 percent of what is written is true, whether here or in Bills forum...sometiimes I think the freedom of speech amendment should have included a clause, that it had to be freedom of speech that made sense. I simply don't type as fast as i think...typing errors...so what....my dad was just diagnosed with prostate cancer..thats something to worry about. By the way I'm very proud of my education, I worked hard to receive it.

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Gavin..I agree....put it back into the local governments, but I don't know if the states could support public education alone......lets go back to teaching your kids at home give parents some responsibility for what their child becomes.


They did until Carter started the Dept. of Education in the late 70's. Total waste of $.

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The thing on here is that probably 30 percent of what is written is true, whether here or in Bills forum...sometiimes I think the freedom of speech amendment should have included a clause, that it  had to be freedom of speech that made sense.  I simply don't type as fast as i think...typing errors...so what....my dad was just diagnosed with prostate cancer..thats something to worry about.  By the way I'm very proud of my education, I worked hard to receive it.


Proud enough to denigrate an entire ethnic group? Sure wish I had your education.

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Do you think everyone on this forum knows the facts, tells the truth..be real...look at the Bills posts.  What ethnic group? , Bills fans?


Rhodes Scholars from the tribes? :(


Toss in a couple of more Alaska stereotypes. That'll show even more of your education.

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Rhodes Scholars from the tribes?  :(


Toss in a couple of more Alaska stereotypes.  That'll show even more of your education.


You seem to put down educated teachers, as much crap that flows out your mouth into your posts, I figured you would respect teachers...Laura Bush was one...oh sorry she was a librarian....son, i lived in Alaska...you education system is in tatters

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Darin just checked Rhodes Scholar website.....none from Alaska...I went back to 2001


You seem to put down educated teachers, as much crap that flows out your mouth into your posts, I figured you would respect teachers...Laura Bush was one...oh sorry she was a librarian....son, i lived in Alaska...you education system is in tatters


WTF do either one of those posts have to do with anything? Oh, that's right. You don't have an actual leg to stand on, so tear down the place someone else lives and an entire race of people, while ripping the First Lady of the country for having worked at an underappreciated job.


Keep up the good work. Your contributions are so very recognizable.

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WTF do either one of those posts have to do with anything?  Oh, that's right.  You don't have an actual leg to stand on, so tear down the place someone else lives and an entire race of people, while ripping the First Lady of the country for having worked at an underappreciated job.


Keep up the good work.  Your contributions are so very recognizable.


I'm sure you don't appreciate teachers...i may be wrong...you are just to righteous for me, you never seem to be wrong in any of your comments

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I said I might be wrong....I'm not too clear on your OWN personal thoughts as expressed here..i'm sorry if my rash sarcasm is unacceptable here, take away my first amendment rights


"sometiimes I think the freedom of speech amendment should have included a clause, that it had to be freedom of speech that made sense"


Gee, who wrote that pearl of wisdom? Practice what you preach.


Your sarcasm is fine. Your idiocy and regurgitation of mass media hysteria isn't. I

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I know the situation in my state, VA...the state had to dole out 152 mil of additional monies...my school is over crowded...sorry we don't have a union here.  I kow education in my school and in my state.  How many years have you been teaching.  I could send you the brouchures the bimbo in my congressional district, she has no clue about education needs, George Bush's NCLB is fantasy, spend a week in my classroom George...see if this stevestojan the RNC has been mailing out on education has any validity..the republican candidate here is losing because she cannot stop the RNC from making bothersome phone calls to homes.  I'm talkin 15 calls in last 10 days at dinner time.  Give me RNC leaders names..I'll call them at dinner



Wow, posting an opinion based on your own daily work experience? That only work for teachers? Obviously doesn't go for defense analysts.

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I know the situation in my state, VA...the state had to dole out 152 mil of additional monies...my school is over crowded...sorry we don't have a union here.  I kow education in my school and in my state.  How many years have you been teaching.  I could send you the brouchures the bimbo in my congressional district, she has no clue about education needs, George Bush's NCLB is fantasy, spend a week in my classroom George...see if this stevestojan the RNC has been mailing out on education has any validity..the republican candidate here is losing because she cannot stop the RNC from making bothersome phone calls to homes.  I'm talkin 15 calls in last 10 days at dinner time.  Give me RNC leaders names..I'll call them at dinner


And I know for a fact in Virginia, the problem is not federal money but that Warner your democrat governer has reallocation budget authority up to 200 million per year. He has reallocated from education to fund his pet projects, and then he blames the feds for not giving him more. Check your facts first please.


Also, he had certain stiulations this year that all teachers get certain pay increases by the counties or he would cut the education fundings further. Yup, pay off the teachers at the expense of the kids having more teachers, better classrooms,etc. Whatever to get your agenda forward, since he is a good liar.

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