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According to NFL network Marty Schottenheimer has recently stated he would be interested in coaching again!


The guy is 4 for 4 in turning around franchise's, Cleveland browns-Kansas City Chiefs-San Diego Chargers-Washington Redskins.


Remember how bad the Chargers were before Marty got there? They were so bad at that time that Eli manning refused to play for them so they traded him to the NY Giants who had drafted Phillip Rivers.


Currently Cleveland and the NY Jets are looking hard at Schottenheimer. Both teams have spoken to Bill Cowher also and he turned down the Cleveland job.


Somehow I think Marty would prefer to NOT return to Cleveland But I'll wager he would come to Buffalo if allowed to bring in his sons as assistant coaches.


At this point I'd be happy to have him bring in his entire family tree to help run the team, he has a proven winning record and a penchant for being a great motivator. Just what this Bills team needs.


I don't know about the rest of you bills fans but I'm so sick of this team losing games in the division. I want to see Belicheat get his ass beaten on a regular yearly basis.


This current Bills team is not that far from being a really good team,like 12-4 this year if not for the moronic play calling and game decisions.


Plus Marty is an Ex Buffalo Bill, Schottenheimer was heavily influenced by Lou Saban, his first professional head coach in the American Football League Talk about a perfect fit.


Do all Bills fans a favor and after you read this thread and make a reply with a sign to hire Marty :censored:

Show Ralph Wilson we are fed up with mediocre seasons.

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According to NFL network Marty Schottenheimer has recently stated he would be interested in coaching again!


The guy is 4 for 4 in turning around franchise's Cleveland browns-Kansas City-San Diego Chargers-Washington Redskins.


Remember how bad the Chargers were before Marty got there? They were so bad at that time that Eli manning refused to play for them so they traded him to the NY Giants who had drafted Phillip Rivers.


Currently Cleveland and the NY Jets are looking hard at Schottenheimer. Both teams have spoken to Bill Cowher also and he turned down the Cleveland job.


Somehow I think Marty would prefer to NOT return to Cleveland But I'll wager he would come to Buffalo if allowed to bring in his sons as assistant coaches.


At this point I'd be happy to have him bring in his entire family tree to help run the team, he has a proven winning record and a penchant for being a great motivator. Just what this Bills team needs.


I don't know about the rest of you bills fans but I'm so sick of this team losing games in the division. I want to see Belicheat get his ass beaten on a regular yearly basis.


This current Bills team is not that far from being a really good team,like 12-4 this year if not for the moronic play calling and game decisions.


Do all Bills fans a favor and after you read this thread and make a reply with a /sign to hire Marty :censored:


Just a few weeks ago, didn't Marty say he was not interested in coaching again? I know that the Chiefs are supposed to be talking to Marty about a job with their franchise, similar to what Parcells has with the Dolphins. He wouldn't quite be the GM, but would have say in all issues with the franchise...


If Marty was open to being a GM/pres type thing, what would you think of him bringing in Mangini, along with his sons on the staff...personally, I think Mangini wouldn't be the worst choice...knows the division well, has won with less talent than the Bills have...personally, I think he was a little fugged by the Jets this year...this firing seems to be a desperate attempt, on their part, to get Favre to come back for another year. If they had the same results with any other QB, I think he would be coaching the Jets next season...


I also like the fact that Mangini is a little more hard edged...I think the Bills need a little of that...

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The thing that everyone is forgetting as they post these threads about different coaches is that Wilson will not hire a big time coach. Marty would be nice but Wilson does not spend money on coaches. It would take a lot to talk Marty into coaching the Bils. He would be cheaper than Cowher but Marty is out of football right now. He would either need a lot of money or a team that is ready & established to lure him in.

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The thing that everyone is forgetting as they post these threads about different coaches is that Wilson will not hire a big time coach. Marty would be nice but Wilson does not spend money on coaches. It would take a lot to talk Marty into coaching the Bils. He would be cheaper than Cowher but Marty is out of football right now. He would either need a lot of money or a team that is ready & established to lure him in.

Grasshopper may eat his words.Smells right to me somehow....{Marty]

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I've read either here and/or elsewhere that Schottenheimer always wanted a chance to be the head coach of the Bills...maybe that idea was years ago and doesn't apply now, but I've seen that online more than once.


I don't think people have an appreciation for how bad the coaching job for the Bills is. Oakland is probably the only worse job. A 90 year old owner with a history of running the organization on the cheap who hasn't made it known what he'll do with the team when he's gone, 7 home games, a GM with no football background and in a division with Belichik, a revitalized Miami, and the deep-pocketed Jets about to move into a brand new stadium. The competitive advantage of the Bills is the craziness of the fanbase, college atmosphere, and the weather/Rich stadium factor. Wilson has even managed to weaken that by selling a December home game.

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Marty is something like 66, so if he did come to Buffalo, it would only be a short term fix. He didn't really turn around the Redskins, I believe they started like 1-8 or something like that and he got around .500 at the end of the only season he was there. It would be nice to bring him in, but do u really think Ralph will pay someone what it would cost to get him in Buffalo, not to mention, he probably isn't one of those "yes men" that Ralph normally hires, like even Marv was as great as he was, he didn't have a desire to control whole football organization. Marty is probably gonna want personnel decision power too, and Ralph has never given that to a head coach. If he does fire Jauron, Ralph will either hire a first time head coach or a retread coach that he can get for the lowest salary.

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I don't think people have an appreciation for how bad the coaching job for the Bills is. Oakland is probably the only worse job. A 90 year old owner with a history of running the organization on the cheap who hasn't made it known what he'll do with the team when he's gone, 7 home games, a GM with no football background and in a division with Belichik, a revitalized Miami, and the deep-pocketed Jets about to move into a brand new stadium. The competitive advantage of the Bills is the craziness of the fanbase, college atmosphere, and the weather/Rich stadium factor. Wilson has even managed to weaken that by selling a December home game.

All really valid points, except I don't think Ralph sold a December home game, he just sold a home game. The NFL is the one who choses which game it is. This year it was in December to avoid the CFL, but word has it, next year it might go up against the CFL, earlier in the season. Whenever it is played though, it is probably the dumbest move Ralph has made in the half century he as owned the Bills.

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Marty is something like 66, so if he did come to Buffalo, it would only be a short term fix. He didn't really turn around the Redskins, I believe they started like 1-8 or something like that and he got around .500 at the end of the only season he was there. It would be nice to bring him in, but do u really think Ralph will pay someone what it would cost to get him in Buffalo, not to mention, he probably isn't one of those "yes men" that Ralph normally hires, like even Marv was as great as he was, he didn't have a desire to control whole football organization. Marty is probably gonna want personnel decision power too, and Ralph has never given that to a head coach. If he does fire Jauron, Ralph will either hire a first time head coach or a retread coach that he can get for the lowest salary.


Unfortunately, I have to agree with you. I just can't understand what joy Wilson can get out of running the team like he is. Does he really need more money?

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Unfortunately, I have to agree with you. I just can't understand what joy Wilson can get out of running the team like he is. Does he really need more money?

Ralph Wilson is clearly a business man first and football fan somewhere after tennis. He wants his organization to show a profit and make money. He chooses to keep the stadium in his name even though he could sell the name for more cash to better afford a decent coaching staff and more premium players.


Given his age and the fact he must know that all men must face the reaper at some point, you and I would think that he would go all out for a super bowl considering how little time he has left on this earth.


Perhaps he figures that previous won AFC championships are enough and that winning a super bowl is an expense he no longer cares to support.

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Not sure if Marty would be my first pick, but he would appease the

fan base for a "known" guy. I also believe he could increase the number

of season tix, even over last years crazy numbers. He would be an easy

sell, especially going 14-2 his last season in SD (even though he did get

canned for losing the playoff game).


He would be a HUGE change in game day coaching, don't think he would have

ran the ball on 3rd down with 14 seconds left in the half and try an sneak his

FG team on for a try in garbage conditions.


Ya know what? I pretty much just talked myself into MARTYBALL!

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Not sure if Marty would be my first pick, but he would appease the

fan base for a "known" guy. I also believe he could increase the number

of season tix, even over last years crazy numbers. He would be an easy

sell, especially going 14-2 his last season in SD (even though he did get

canned for losing the playoff game).


He would be a HUGE change in game day coaching, don't think he would have

ran the ball on 3rd down with 14 seconds left in the half and try an sneak his

FG team on for a try in garbage conditions.


Ya know what? I pretty much just talked myself into MARTYBALL!



MIght even get some san diego players to come to buffalo to play for him !

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