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The case for Mangini

Reddy Freddy

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Wow, you're an angry dude. Since I think your logic is flawed and your general demeanor is foul, I think I'll compliment you on your avatar. Swingers is a classic. Who's the big winner today? Murra! Murra's the big winner!


MMM. The inevitable off topic response when I begin to get bored from making points. I'm not trying to be angry, I just tend to write with a passion when I'm legitimately passionate about what I'm saying. I truly believe that Man Genius is no better than Jauron. Fortunately for me, this entire argument is moot as there is almost a zero percent chance we interview Man Genius. I don't have any facts to base that off of, just the logic that Wilson will be looking to pick up either someone who has been out of the leauge or a coordinator. That is if Jauron is gone.


There is an interesting point. After 3 seasons, the Jets correctly removed Man Genius from his throne, but the Bills fans are left scratching their heads as our coup is possibly never coming? That is a point I will give you. Man Genius blew less chunks than Jauron, but got fired immediately. If you were to make the point that Wilson is a less capable owner than whoever is running the NYJ, I will give you that.

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Like it or not, the Jets do not have much better talent than the Bills, if at all. I would go through a position-by-position comparison but I don't feel like taking the time.


I am not enthralled with Mangini. I would love an available coach who has a long record of hugely successful winning seasons in the NFL. Unfortunately, that list is pretty much limited to 1 (Cowher), and he might be a little tough to get.


I'm trying to be realistic while at the same time getting a guy with some upside. Mangini is only 37. As we always hear around this time of year, Bill Belichick was fired in Cleveland and Mike Shanahan was fired in Oakland. Between them, I believe they have 5 total Super Bowl rings now?



To be honest, Brett Favre's performance the last four games was worst than any JP four game period.

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Mangini has proven to be a whiner and a baby calling out the mentor for beating his but by stealing plays wah wah.


Mangini cannot get along with his QBs he was so quick to get rid of pennington the AFC EAST CHAMP QB to bring in a falling star that didnt like him eihter. You think Jauron look sbad on the sidlines do you see his moping face on the sidelines it looks like he wants to cry.


Outside of that he has even more issues with game managemnt then Jauron does and maybe you are trying to fool your self but the JEst have better talent than we do so his record is a reflection of that not his ability to coach because if it was based on his coahcing ability the Jets would have won the division and he would still have a job. :censored:



I do not find mangini to be impressive. He pouts on the sidelines and appears to have problems with his players - he rode Bellicheats coattails into the Jets job.

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I wouldn't dismiss the idea out of hand. I doubt that he could be any worse than Jauron. His time with the Jets, while ultimately unsuccessful, was hardly an unmitigated disaster. As others in this thread have pointed out, other coaches have failed early on in their careers and gone on to later success. At 37, he's young enough to learn from his mistakes and do better second time around. Sure, we'd all like to get Cowher, Schottenheimer, (insert name here) but we all know that Ralph is cheap and is unlikely to spend the money to get them. Having just been fired, Mangini may actually be available at a price Wilson is willing to pay.

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