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How Are The Bills Not A Lock to Replace the Coach?

The Avenger

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As this morning's NFL firings roll in (Mangini in NY, Marinelli in Detroit, Crennel in Cleveland) I am at a loss to explain why nobody is talking about Dick Jauron being on his way out. Most reports say he may stay or he may go - looks like a 50-50 bet as to what happens.


How in the world does a coach who lost 8 of his last 10 games, went 0-6 in the division, has never beaten New England, has never had even a .500 season in Buffalo and lost multiple games with demonstrably bad coaching decisions (horrific and head scratching play calls, abominable clock management) still have a 50-50 shot at keeping his job? I can't think of any other organization where Jauron's fate would be debatable, extension or not.


The fact that so many other organizations are willing to make quick and forceful decisions in the face of unaccptable coaching is really in sharp contrast to the Bills. The silence coming from the Bills front office speaks volumes in this situation. Do they truly find Jauron's performance acceptable? Are they too meek to do what needs to be done? Is the bar set so low that Jauron's performance is even up for debate?


As a Bills fan the it's the lack of action and the apparent willingness to settle for medicore (at best) performance that really has me hopping mad and pondering when, if ever, this organization will see anything better than what they've produced over the past decade. The silence makes me want to scream...

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