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Anyone worried.....

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It would not shock me at all if come election day, if Bush looked like he was losing, there would be a RED ALERT declared and the election would be delayed indefinitely.  I believe Bush and his posse will not give up power quietly.





Paranoid much? Get a grip. :lol:

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It would not shock me at all if come election day, if Bush looked like he was losing, there would be a RED ALERT declared and the election would be delayed indefinitely.  I believe Bush and his posse will not give up power quietly.






You may need to up your Med's :lol:

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If those of you in this thread think Canada is Utopia, why don't you move there?


Seriously, I really don't understand the rationale. Of course, comparing a country that has a population smaller than California but is larger than the US in land area must be a valid comparison. :lol:


On the gun thing: Why is it liberals never use Switzerland as a comparison for gun violence? The country is awash in automatic weapons, yet there were 47 homicides in the entire country last year.

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Ah fear...its the way to live!


Well, thats what the Bush administration believes in at any rate.  Any time Bush has dropped in the polls, sure enough, we go up to code orange or bright fuscia (or whatever the hell Tom Ridge pulls out this week).  Oh, and be assured that Cheney can come out and tell us that Bin Laden has been hanging out with Hussein, and they have built a chemical, nuclear, and biological superweapon...


Sigh, sorry, just had to vent out my political opinions.  If Bush gets re-elected, Im moving to Canada.  Granted, Im already here for university, but still :(


Yeah thats why Kerry talks about a draft... trying to scare you college boys.... even though the bill was introduced by a Democrat..Crangle and soundly defeated in congress...


Trying to scare the seniors over Social security.... yet he has never introduced legislation to fix it...


Nope no fear tactics there...

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Yeah thats why Kerry talks about a draft... trying to scare you college boys.... even though the bill was introduced by a Democrat..Crangle and soundly defeated in congres...


Trying to scare the seniors over Social security.... yet he has never introduced legislation to fix it...


Nope no fear tactics there...


But he has a PLAN.....I really hope Americans wake up and re-elect Bush.....Me personallly I hoped Ventura would have run....Even though he supports Kerry for some odd reason but has been really quiet about it.
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But he has a PLAN.....I really hope Americans wake up and re-elect Bush.....Me personallly I hoped Ventura would have run....Even though he supports Kerry for some odd reason but has been really quiet about it.


What was that plan again? oh yeah..


Bush Bad.... Me good.




To sum up Kerry.... Wrong Man, for the Wrong position at the wrong Time

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