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Well yes I'm sure a lot of people are worried about the tape, however if you're gonna let terror run your life I feel pitty for you. I'm just going to go and enjoy my life as I normally would on any given day, and if something happens well than something happens. Theres nothing I myself can do about it, so theres also no use in disrupting normal activity out of fear. If you wanna run and hide fine be my guest. I'm just gonna go on living, and if god sees fit to have something happen to this country near me or anywhere else, well than thats just the hand we'll be dealt. I'll worry about it WHEN it happens, and always remember to question what my government is doing, and go about living my own life.


Ah fear...its the way to live!


Well, thats what the Bush administration believes in at any rate. Any time Bush has dropped in the polls, sure enough, we go up to code orange or bright fuscia (or whatever the hell Tom Ridge pulls out this week). Oh, and be assured that Cheney can come out and tell us that Bin Laden has been hanging out with Hussein, and they have built a chemical, nuclear, and biological superweapon...


Sigh, sorry, just had to vent out my political opinions. If Bush gets re-elected, Im moving to Canada. Granted, Im already here for university, but still ;)

If Bush gets re-elected, Im moving to Canada.



Pu$$y. I stayed through President Carter's term, and both of President Clinton's. What's with you kids these days? No scrotal fortitude.

Ah fear...its the way to live!


Well, thats what the Bush administration believes in at any rate.  Any time Bush has dropped in the polls, sure enough, we go up to code orange or bright fuscia (or whatever the hell Tom Ridge pulls out this week).  Oh, and be assured that Cheney can come out and tell us that Bin Laden has been hanging out with Hussein, and they have built a chemical, nuclear, and biological superweapon...


Sigh, sorry, just had to vent out my political opinions.  If Bush gets re-elected, Im moving to Canada.  Granted, Im already here for university, but still ;)



It would not shock me at all if come election day, if Bush looked like he was losing, there would be a RED ALERT declared and the election would be delayed indefinitely. I believe Bush and his posse will not give up power quietly.



Sigh, sorry, just had to vent out my political opinions.  If Bush gets re-elected, Im moving to Canada.  Granted, Im already here for university, but still ;)



I'm going to call you out on that...don't chicken out like Alec Baldwin

Well yes  I'm sure a lot of people are worried about the tape, however if you're gonna let terror run your life I feel pitty for you.  I'm just going to go and enjoy my life as I normally would on any given day, and  if something happens well than something happens.  Theres nothing I myself can do about it, so theres also no use in disrupting normal activity out of fear. If you wanna run and hide fine be my guest.  I'm just gonna go on living, and if god sees fit to have something happen to this country near me or anywhere else, well than thats just the hand we'll be dealt.  I'll worry about it WHEN it happens, and always remember to question what my government is doing, and go about living my own life.



LMAO......easy there tough guy. I just asked the question, I didn't say I was digging a cave and stocking up on canned goods!


No fuggin way am I scared by this tape. If you are afraid- that is pure terrorism. You see- words can terrify those that let them. I beleive the terrorist definately want to hit us before the election- that is there MO. I also beleive that our resources are being used to prevent such an attack. It is inevitable that we take a massive hit but that is the risk we have for having such freedoms. The latest tape blames President Bush and says that is why they are attacking. That makes me want to vote for President Bush even more!

LMAO......easy there tough guy.  I just asked the question, I didn't say I was digging a cave and stocking up on canned goods!




You should have stocked canned goods and you should live your life. Whats so funny? We are vulnerable but must realize life is short and precious- enjoy your life and dont let terrorism compromise it. Live your life, hug your kids and have an emergency package at home. Seems obvious to me


I'm more terrified of the hot girl that sits next to me in my programing class. I'm not too worried about what a caveman has to say. He might push me in the back, but I'm going to stomp on him in the end.

I'm more terrified of the hot girl that sits next to me in my programing class.  I'm not too worried about what a caveman has to say.  He might push me in the back, but I'm going to stomp on him in the end.




Got any pics? I love college girls! :lol:

If Bush gets re-elected, Im moving to Canada. :lol:



Gutless and clueless. All the terrorism and dying goes away if Kerry wins, right. BTW, I'm not a supporter of either candidate.


Well, at least the national IQ avg. rises when you bolt .

I'm going to call you out on that...don't chicken out like Alec Baldwin




Don't you know that the Canadians don't like the Baldwins - remember they were the first target the Canadian Air Force bombed.

Ah fear...its the way to live!


Well, thats what the Bush administration believes in at any rate.  Any time Bush has dropped in the polls, sure enough, we go up to code orange or bright fuscia (or whatever the hell Tom Ridge pulls out this week).  Oh, and be assured that Cheney can come out and tell us that Bin Laden has been hanging out with Hussein, and they have built a chemical, nuclear, and biological superweapon...


Sigh, sorry, just had to vent out my political opinions.  If Bush gets re-elected, Im moving to Canada.  Granted, Im already here for university, but still :lol:



Is noone else going to call bullsh!t on this one? What American uses this phrase: "Granted, Im already here for university"??? Thats a British term if I've ever heard one.

If Bush gets re-elected, Im moving to Canada.


The good news is, if Kerry wins, by the time he gets done changing everything, living in the US will be JUST LIKE living in Canada.


"Welcome to St Judes Medical Center. Please take a number."

living in the US will be JUST LIKE living in Canada.


And the problem with that would be? You don't hear about too many terrorist attacks in Canada.


The tape may be Dick Cheney in a disguise, the glasses look familiar. The tag at the end that says, "I'm George Bush and I approve of this message", may also be a clue.

The good news is, if Kerry wins, by the time he gets done changing everything, living in the US will be JUST LIKE living in Canada.


Health care for all?


Almost no gun violence?

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