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  VOR said:
I can afford to drive a BMW 750Li despite having 2 kids, a house worth a LOT more than a BMW 750Li, maxing-out my 401K, a decent amount of life insurance and saving a wad for emergencies (admittedly the "wad" would be a little less with the car). Can I join the club Skoobs?

Nah, you have to have had your picture taken with a Bills coordinator?


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  bills44 said:
I have a "hot rumor" as well: Jauron will not be the coach of the Bills next year. Or maybe he will.


Either way, my dick is bigger than yours.


.....But Skoob has a nicer car.....

  The Dean said:
I won't say you are full of s#it...why is it so impossible for you to know someone in the Bills organization? And, if you do, I certainly understand why you wouldn't post your source...they aren't supposed to be sharing that information.


But, you have to understand that most posters who claim to have inside info on a message board are full of s#it...right? So, there is no reason for people to believe you, either.


The picture in your avatar is really proof of nothing, you know that, right? And, I would caution you on the condescending tone of your post about how much your car costs, etc. You might be very surprised at the occupations and backgrounds of many here on The Wall.


You always seem to have a calm answer. I appreciated you when I first started on wall.

  Buffalonian-at-Heart said:
You always seem to have a calm answer. I appreciated you when I first started on wall.



I'm still a douche. :lol:


Thanks, BTW.

  BuffaninATL said:
One of the commonly debated questions now is whether the Bills' woes are a result of coaching or talent deficiencies. While waiting at the BUF airport tonight for my return flight to ATL, I overheard a barfly asking a Patriot player (who I ID'd as Rosevelt Colvin) what he thought of Jauron, since that was what the bar conversation was all about. He said he had heard Dick is a super nice guy - when pressed further, Colvin went on to say, without any hesitation, that EVERY NFL team has talent - it is purely a matter of coaching.


This may not sound like an earth-shattering piece of news, but I thought it was interesting to hear it verbatim from a current NFL player. This reinforced my opinion that the Bills do have enough talent - just not on the coaching staff.

Colvin coming bact to atlanta?

  Steve In Atlanta 2008 said:
ok good to know.... does the fact that i have a trophy wife who was miss asia make me straighter?



  Steve In Atlanta 2008 said:
ok good to know.... does the fact that i have a trophy wife who was miss asia make me straighter?



Does it work for Tom Cruise?

  Wiz said:
Nah, you have to have had your picture taken with a Bills coordinator?


Damn. Guess that leaves me out, because I don't normally pose for pictures when I talk to a coach. (The only exceptions have been when our staff photog wanted a shot to run with a story, and I gritted my teeth both times ...)

  SKOOBY said:
My car is worth more than the average home in Buffalo, so as per where I am and who I talk to is really different than who you do.



  SKOOBY said:
BMW -750li.


Just a little quick searching....

Average Home Cost in Buffalo, NY is $101,804 (source)


The MSRP for the BMW 750 series is $76,800 to $79,900 (source)


So much for that argument. Sorry to bust your bubble, but maybe you're not as better than all us lowlife bums as you think.


If you have pertinent information, by all means share - just expect to be called out on it. But, if you come here and say... I have a secret inside source that tells me Jauron may or may not be fired. What do you expect? Everyone to bow to your insight? You posted a rumor that as far as anyone here knows you completely pulled out of your ass. Yet, you want everyone to believe you at face value because you drive a nice car and have met Turk. Sorry, but try again.

  SKOOBY said:
The source is on the Bills payroll. Ralph is really upset about this season, can't even stand to watch the games anymore. He thinks that right after the extension was offered, DJ stopped working. The odd timing of being 5-1 and then totally tanking is being attributed to a lack of effort.


Take the carrot away from the donkey and will it walk but more like in this instance, take the brain away from the zombie.....


In a way I hope you are correct. My fear is the unknown of who the next hire will be. I wonder if Ralph will talk to a real personel guy this offseason.


Skooby- whether or not you're speaking the truth, your message is totally veiled by arrogance. The car comment was completely lame, and the fact that you're using a picture of some dude shaking hands with what appears to be an alarmed and startled TURK SCHONERT (first year OC) who's standing behind caution tape to make your point is also pretty weak.


Did I ever tell you guys that those are my hands covering Janet Jackson's boobs?


Link <---- See! See! That's ME! I'm important!

  Dan said:
Just a little quick searching....

Average Home Cost in Buffalo, NY is $101,804 (source)


The MSRP for the BMW 750 series is $76,800 to $79,900 (source)


So much for that argument. Sorry to bust your bubble, but maybe you're not as better than all us lowlife bums as you think.


If you have pertinent information, by all means share - just expect to be called out on it. But, if you come here and say... I have a secret inside source that tells me Jauron may or may not be fired. What do you expect? Everyone to bow to your insight? You posted a rumor that as far as anyone here knows you completely pulled out of your ass. Yet, you want everyone to believe you at face value because you drive a nice car and have met Turk. Sorry, but try again.

This guy SKOOBY is a complete tool who just wants to be noticed and keeps making senseless moronic posts,In fact he makes about as much sense as Turd Schonert calling plays.

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