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Slumdog Millionaire


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I've seen The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Slumdog Millionaire, and I would have to see that Slumdog is a notch above Benjamin Button. It has great cinematography, a cool story, and top notch acting by even the young actors. Anyone else agree?

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My brother saw Slumdog Millionaire this past weekend and said it was possibly one of the best movies he had ever seen.

It's pretty darn good. Same director as Shallow Grave and Trainspotting, which were both awesome, although he has had his share of clunkers. I havent heard of many people who didn't like Slumdog.

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That does it...I was just debating driving to Asheville tomorrow to see slumdog millionare, and you tipped the scales. I loved Benjamin Button, and Doubt, but this slumdog millionare is getting all the talk. I loved a film called Rachel at the Wedding. Anne Hathaway was a shock as an actor with real chops in that flick.

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Slumdog Millionaire is a great movie. I watched it 2.5 weeks ago without having a clue what it was all about before I entered the theater. My power was out for 38 hours & I went to the movies with a friend who also had no power. We chose Slumdog Millionaire because there weren't many other selections at the time we arrived at the theater. When I saw it was from India, I was concerned it was going to suck. Then I remembered seeing a review where the guy interviewed the star & raved about the movie. It's as good as the reviews say it is.

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I plan on seeing it tomorrow.


I loved two of his other flicks(Trainspotting and Millions)



Trainspotting is in fact one of my all time favorites.



"Brilliant gold taps, virginal white marble, a seat carved from ebony, a cistern full of chanel number five, and a flunky handing me pieces of raw silk toilet roll. But under the circumstances I'll settle for anywhere....


Anyone remember that scene from Trainspotting? LMFAO

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My brother saw Slumdog Millionaire this past weekend and said it was possibly one of the best movies he had ever seen.


I saw it a month ago when it was in just a handful of theaters and no one had ever heard of it. My wife is pretty good at rooting out unusual and new movies off the Hollywood crap grid.


It is one of the most enjoyable movies you will ever see. The settings and scenery are just amazing; acting is excellent and the story itself is one of the most engaging I've seen. Light years better than Benjamin Button, IMO and if the Academy isn't completely corrupt, it should win a boatload of Oscars.


Because it is so different from what you usually see at the movies, it is best to not read too much about it before going it. I was really happy that we saw it with absolutely zero idea what was coming.

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I've seen The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Slumdog Millionaire, and I would have to see that Slumdog is a notch above Benjamin Button. It has great cinematography, a cool story, and top notch acting by even the young actors. Anyone else agree?


You have made my case. I've been dying to see Slumdog, but my wife wants to see Benjamin Button tomorrow.

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You have made my case. I've been dying to see Slumdog, but my wife wants to see Benjamin Button tomorrow.


Whatever I can do to help.


I don't know what your wife is into, but the love story part of Slumdog is better than Button's.

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I've seen The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Slumdog Millionaire, and I would have to see that Slumdog is a notch above Benjamin Button. It has great cinematography, a cool story, and top notch acting by even the young actors. Anyone else agree?

Slumdog millionaire.....TOP NOTCH!!!!!! extraordinary!!!!! saw it this week...BRAVO!!!!!

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I plan on seeing it tomorrow.


I loved two of his other flicks(Trainspotting and Millions)



Trainspotting is in fact one of my all time favorites.



"Brilliant gold taps, virginal white marble, a seat carved from ebony, a cistern full of chanel number five, and a flunky handing me pieces of raw silk toilet roll. But under the circumstances I'll settle for anywhere....


Anyone remember that scene from Trainspotting? LMFAO

OMG--this guy did trainspotting??????????????? loved that flick. and loved Slumdog.

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Whatever I can do to help.


I don't know what your wife is into, but the love story part of Slumdog is better than Button's.


Well, we actually saw them both. She actually liked Slumdog a lot better (as did I).


Both were good movies. But, like you said, Slumdog's story, cinematography, and acting were better. The youngest actors in Slumdog were terrific!


I wonder if Slumdog's limited release will hurt it at Oscar time--strikes me as Oscar-worthy (but what do I know?). I think it was released in some big cities a while ago, only recently made it to us smaller cities, and even then doesn't seem to be at a lot of mainstream theatres.

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It's pretty darn good. Same director as Shallow Grave and Trainspotting, which were both awesome, although he has had his share of clunkers. I havent heard of many people who didn't like Slumdog.



My sister liked in fine, but her husband didn't. His main complaint was the music...horrible and too loud.

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Big sweep at the Golden Globes for Slumdog Millionaire. I'm not surprised -- certainly makes it the favorite at the Oscars if it wasn't already.



I was really happy to see the recognition it received.


It's is such an interesting,unique, beautifully shot movie.


The big studios have been shoving duds like Benjamin Button down peoples throats- this


recognition should get people off their butts to go see this entertaining flick which has been a bit under the radar.


Danny Boyle is a genius IMHO. What an artist.

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Big sweep at the Golden Globes for Slumdog Millionaire. I'm not surprised -- certainly makes it the favorite at the Oscars if it wasn't already.

I have not seen Slumdog Millionaire, but I do have it on my list to see.

While this was a huge win for it at tonight's Globe awards, I still can not say it is the favorite for the Oscars. It is a very wide open field this year. Having said that, films like Benjamin Button, Frost/Nixon, and Doubt went home emptyhanded tonight.

Congratulations to Kate Winslet winning twice tonight. Although it is a bit unfair that her performance in The Reader was as a supporting role. If you have seen The Reader she definitely has a leading role.

Let's also not forget about Gran Torino. I know it was'nt nominated for best picture, but with it's popularity among moviegoers, it could sneak in there and surprise some people.

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The big studios have been shoving duds like Benjamin Button down peoples throats- this


I was shocked when I found out that people have been hyping BB as much as they have. We saw it and it was ok, but nothing special. A Oscar best picture would be insantiy IMO.

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